Installation and User Guide for EDconnect 8

Installation and User Guide for EDconnect 8, updated 3/6/17, 2:17 PM

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Installation and User Guide for
EDconnect 8.3
Version 1.3

U.S. Department of Education

EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide

EDconnect 8.3 Installation and User Guide
Issue Date:

Summary of Change
Created for EDconnect 8.1 release
Updated for 8.2 release
Updated for 8.3 release
Updated to include instructions on how to access the SAIG test

EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
Table of Contents
1 STUDENT AID INTERNET GATEWAY (SAIG) OVERVIEW ................................... 1
1.1 SYSTEMS OVERVIEW ............................................................................................ 1
1.2 STORE AND FORWARD DATA TRANSMISSIONS ......................................................... 3
1.3 DESTINATION POINT ADMINISTRATION .................................................................... 4
Destination Point Administrator ............................................................................................. 4
SAIG User Statement ............................................................................................................ 5
INSTALLING EDCONNECT..................................................................................... 6
2.1 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS .......................................................... 6
Estimating Hard Disk Space Needs ...................................................................................... 7
Supported Operating Systems .............................................................................................. 8
IMPORTANT INSTALLATION NOTES .......................................................................... 9
2.3 DOWNLOADING SOFTWARE/PAPER DOCUMENTATION ............................................ 10
Downloading the Software .................................................................................................. 12
INSTALLING EDCONNECT ..................................................................................... 13
2.5 SETTING UP EDCONNECT ................................................................................... 16
Setting Up EDconnect With Imported Security Settings ..................................................... 16
Setting up EDconnect without Imported Security Settings.................................................. 23
Setting up a Test Security Group ........................................................................................ 27
Selecting a Connection ....................................................................................................... 28
3 USING EDCONNECT ............................................................................................ 34
3.1 DESTINATION POINT ADMINISTRATION .................................................................. 34
3.2 SECURITY AUTHENTICATION FOR USER LOGONS ................................................... 35
3.3 SECURITY VIEW .................................................................................................. 37
3.4 SECURITY GROUPS ............................................................................................. 40
To add a “Production” Security Group ................................................................................ 40
To add a “Test” Security Group ........................................................................................... 44
To delete a Security Group ................................................................................................. 45
To Modify a Security Group ................................................................................................ 46
3.5 USERS ............................................................................................................... 48
To add an FSA User ID ....................................................................................................... 48
To delete an FSA User ID ................................................................................................... 50
To Modify an FSA User ID .................................................................................................. 51
3.6 SAIG CONNECTIONS .......................................................................................... 53
Selecting a Connection ....................................................................................................... 53
Firewalls .............................................................................................................................. 58
3.7 WIZARDS ........................................................................................................... 59
4 PASSWORDS ........................................................................................................ 60
4.1 TYPES OF PASSWORDS ....................................................................................... 60
FSA User Password ........................................................................................................................... 60
SAIG Password .................................................................................................................................. 61
4.2 FSA USER PASSWORD ....................................................................................... 62
Changing Your FSA User Password ................................................................................... 63
4.3 SAIG PASSWORD ............................................................................................... 64
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EDconnect Installation and User Guide
Changing Your SAIG Password .......................................................................................... 67
Performing a “Local Only” SAIG Password Change ........................................................... 68
Performing a “Network and Local” SAIG Password ............................................................ 70
Changing your SAIG Password After Help Desk Resets It ................................................. 72
Changing Your SAIG Password After It Has Expired ......................................................... 74
5 DATA TRANSMISSION ......................................................................................... 76
5.1 SENDING AND RECEIVING DATA ........................................................................... 76
Sending Data ....................................................................................................................... 76
Receiving Data .................................................................................................................... 77
Data Transmission Menu .................................................................................................... 78
Transmission Queue (TQ) ................................................................................................... 79
TQ Templates ...................................................................................................................... 81
Activity Log .......................................................................................................................... 82
5.1.7 Mailbox Query ..................................................................................................................... 84
Received File View .............................................................................................................. 85
5.1.9 Message Class Manager View ............................................................................................ 86
5.1.10 Views ................................................................................................................................... 87
Import (.imp) files................................................................................................................. 88
5.1.12 Unattended Transfer User ID and .imp files ........................................................................ 92
6 USING THE EDCONNECT TEST ENVIRONMENT .............................................. 99
7 EDCONNECT ERROR CODES ........................................................................... 102
7.1 NUMERICAL ERRORS ........................................................................................ 104
Error -1 .............................................................................................................................. 104
Special Requirements for Specific Firewalls ..................................................................... 106
Error 2 ............................................................................................................................... 106
Error 4.xx ........................................................................................................................... 107
Error 5.xx ........................................................................................................................... 108
Error 10 ............................................................................................................................. 110
Error 13 ............................................................................................................................. 110
Error 31 ............................................................................................................................. 110
Error 48 ............................................................................................................................. 111
7.1.10 Error 70 ............................................................................................................................. 111
7.1.11 Error 103 ........................................................................................................................... 111
7.1.12 Error 107 ........................................................................................................................... 111
7.1.13 Error 118 ........................................................................................................................... 111
7.1.14 Error 203 ........................................................................................................................... 111
7.2 NON-NUMERICAL ERRORS ................................................................................ 112
8 SECURITY AUTHENTICATION ERRORS .......................................................... 114
9 MISCELLANEOUS ............................................................................................... 116
9.1 SORTING RECORDS .......................................................................................... 116
Filtering Records ............................................................................................................... 116
Changing File Paths .......................................................................................................... 117
9.2 GETTING HELP ................................................................................................. 119
Online Help ........................................................................................................................ 119
The SAIG Help Desk ......................................................................................................... 121
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .............................................................. 122
EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
10.1 HOW DO I IMPORT FILES? ............................................................................... 122
10.2 HOW DO I PRINT PMESSAGES? ....................................................................... 123
10.3 WHAT FILES DO I NEED TO MOVE WHEN CHANGING PCS? .................................. 124
10.4 WHY AM I GETTING AN “INVALID VALUE” ERROR MESSAGE? ............................... 125
10.5 HOW DO I COMBINE FILES? ............................................................................. 126
NUMERICAL ERROR? .................................................................................................. 128
I CHANGED MY SAIG PASSWORD AND NOW I CAN’T TRANSMIT. .......................... 129
APPENDIX A – SAIG USER STATEMENT ..................................................................... 1
FDCC SECURITY SETTINGS ........................................................................................ 2
EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
1 Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG) Overview
1.1 Systems Overview
Welcome to the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED’s) Student Aid Internet Gateway
Through the SAIG, you can send, receive, and manage Federal student aid information
electronically. By linking your computer to the resources of various Title IV Application
System databases and processing services, the SAIG helps you manage Title IV
Federal Student Aid (FSA) information efficiently.
 TDNgine (TDN) — TDN is a bTrade Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS)
product that is the “engine” of the SAIG application. This application is
used as the mailbox application for sending, storing, retrieving, and
archiving data. TDN resides on FSA’s servers located at the Virtual Data
Center (VDC).
 TDClient — TDClient is a client-side bTrade COTS product used to send
and receive FTP data transmissions securely over the Internet. This
software is command-line based and does not have a user interface.
TDClient resides on the end user’s computer or server.
 TDCommunity Manager (TDCM) — TDCM, also known as SAIG Portal, is
a web-based bTrade COTS product that allows users to manage their
mailboxes and to view data transmissions history to and from mailboxes.
This product does not send or receive data.
 EDconnect — EDconnect is a custom client-side software product used to
send and receive data transmissions securely over the Internet. This
software presents a user interface for users to send and receive data. The
EDconnect is coded in the C++ language and utilizes the TDClient
Windows API. The software is installed on the client’s standalone PC or in a
workstation/network server environment.
Using software provided for the SAIG, you collect data on your personal computer (PC)
or computer system and transmit the collected data in batches over the SAIG. The
appropriate Title IV Application System receives the data, processes the data, performs
any required database cross-referencing, and returns the processed data to your
mailbox. In addition to providing a summary of the services available through the SAIG,
this guide gives detailed instructions on the installation of EDconnect.
A Help component is available within the EDconnect software. To see a list of available
topics, select Help Topics from the EDconnect Help menu. Both the installation guide
and EDconnect online Help are designed to address the needs of non-technical users,
although a working knowledge of Windows and the ability to perform basic PC
operations are assumed.
By enrolling in the SAIG, you have become a “destination point.” FSA provides the
EDconnect software to make it possible for you to send and receive data through the
EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
SAIG. In addition, FSA makes other programs and documentation available for
additional Title IV Application Systems in which you may have enrolled.
EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
1.2 Store and Forward Data Transmissions
As a destination point, you have been assigned a SAIG electronic mailbox. Using
EDconnect or TDClient software, you can retrieve information, sent to you by the Title
IV Application Systems, from your mailbox. Using the same software, you can send
information to the mailboxes of the Title IV Application Systems. EDconnect, or your
mainframe software, will send data to the correct mailbox according to the type of data
you are sending. The figure below illustrates the flow of data between a destination
point and a Title IV Application System using electronic SAIG mailboxes:

Destination Point
Destination Point
sends formatted data
to mailbox
Point Mailbox
Title IV Application
Destination Point
retrieves data from
Application System
retrieves data from
Application System
sends processed data
to mailbox

EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
1.3 Destination Point Administration
Destination Point Administrator
The Destination Point Administrator is the term applied to the “owner” of the destination
point. The administrator is responsible for the security of data obtained through the
SAIG. The administrator controls access to the SAIG through a particular destination
point by setting the levels of access to EDconnect and the SAIG for each user. The
administrator also maintains SAIG User Statements (see Appendix) for all users of the
SAIG at a particular destination point.
For Security Groups
Security Groups share a common TG number, a common Connection Type
(“Production” or “Test”), a common SAIG password, common access to EDconnect
features, and common access to the SAIG. Security Groups can be especially useful for
institutions that have separate TG numbers for services such as COD (Pell and/or
Direct Loan), CPS, and NSLDS. You can also create more than one Security Group for
the same TG number. Changing the password for one Security Group changes the
password for all other Security Groups accessing the same TG number and using the
same Connection Type.
When a user within a Security Group connects to the SAIG, the user connects with the
TG number and SAIG password for that group. The individual user’s name will appear
in the Activity Log for each Send or Receive record.
The Destination Point Administrator is responsible for controlling the varying levels of
access among the Security Groups set up in EDconnect by managing SAIG passwords,
SAIG access, and SAIG connections at the group level.
For Users
Users represent individuals within Security Groups sharing common access to
EDconnect and the SAIG. The Destination Point Administrator is responsible for
controlling each user’s level of access to EDconnect and the SAIG at the group level.
User IDs are issued by FSA.
When a user connects to the SAIG and sends or receives data, the user’s name will
appear in any Send or Receive record in the User Name column of the Activity Log.
Startup options, color preferences, and file folder locations are established at the user
level. User passwords are issued by FSA.
EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
SAIG User Statement
A copy of the SAIG User Statement is shown in Appendix A. This statement may be
copied. The Destination Point Administrator should have signed copies of this statement
on file for each EDconnect user.

EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
2 Installing EDconnect
This section contains detailed instructions for downloading and installing EDconnect.
Instructions are provided for both stand-alone and network installations.
2.1 Hardware and Software Requirements
EDconnect 8.3 requires a connection to the Internet. You must have either a direct
connection to the Internet or a dial-up connection through an Internet Service Provider
(ISP). Direct connections include local area networks (LANs), digital subscriber line
(DSL), T1, and cable modems. If you use a standard modem to connect to the Internet,
you have a dial-up connection. This connection must be active (i.e., you must be
connected to the Internet) in order to use EDconnect.
To comply with ED requirements, your personal computer must meet or exceed the
following minimum configuration:
 IBM or fully IBM-compatible PC with a 1.2 GHz processor.
 512 MB RAM memory.
 60 GB hard drive.
 48X CD-ROM drive (CD-RW recommended).
 Windows compatible keyboard and mouse.
 SVGA graphics adapter capable of 800 X 600 screen resolution or higher.
 56 kbps analog modem using V.90 and an Internet Service Provider (ISP)
or a direct connection to the Internet.
 Laser printer capable of printing on standard paper.
 Windows XP Home or Professional, Windows Vista or Windows 7.
EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
Estimating Hard Disk Space Needs
The software takes up the following space on your hard disk:

15 MB
16 MB
SSCR with 300 records
6 MB

Each set of 5,000 records requires the following space:
Direct Loan
49 MB
16 MB
7 MB
3 MB

EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
Supported Operating Systems
EDconnect can be used as stand-alone or as multi-user software and can be installed
on the following Operating Systems:
 Windows XP
 Windows Vista
 Windows 7

In multi-user mode, the EDconnect database (edconn.mdb) can also reside on the
following supported network operating systems:
 Windows Server 2003

Users should not run the software on peer-to-peer networks, such as Artisoft LANtastic
or Novell’s Personal NetWare.
According to the Microsoft Knowledge Base, some anomalies have been known to
occur when using Microsoft Access with the following networks: DEC Pathworks, IBM
LAN Server, Lantastic, Novell’s Personal Netware and Sun PC-NFS. Since EDconnect
makes extensive use of Microsoft Access as a database engine, do not use these
network operating systems with EDconnect.
EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
2.2 Important Installation Notes
Before you start the installation, be sure to close all Windows applications, including
screensavers, e-mail notification programs, and antivirus software.
Installing EDconnect creates default folders and subfolders to manage the transfer of
files between different Title IV financial aid software packages and to simplify file
management. ED recommends that you use these default folders. If you change the
default folders in one software package, you must remember to change the file paths in
all the other software packages. Otherwise, EDconnect will not be able to locate the
files because the file paths will not match. It is not recommended to change the default
folders with installation.
You must be an Administrator on your workstation in order to install EDconnect 8.3. If
you are not an Administrator, you will receive a warning when you try to install
EDconnect. Once an Administrator has installed EDconnect, you can run it as a
member of the Power Users group (Windows XP only). If your EDconnect database is
on a network server, you must be a Power User or higher on the network (or “domain”)
as well as on your workstation. There are no workarounds for these Windows rights
issues. Please consult with your organization’s technical department if you receive a
warning that an Administrator must install the EDconnect software.
Note: Department of Education users with Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC)
security settings applied to their computers will need to follow an additional step after
installing EDconnect 8.3 in order to enable transmissions to the SAIG mailbox server.
For step-by-step instructions please see Appendix B at the end of this guide.
EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
2.3 Downloading Software/Paper Documentation
You can download both software and paper documentation from the FSA Download
website ( The amount of time it takes to download a file
depends on the file size and the speed of your Internet connection. If you do not have a
direct connection to the Internet, we recommend a 56 kbps modem.

The table below shows the minimum possible download time for various file sizes and
modem speeds. The actual times will vary, depending on the quality of the telephone
line and Internet traffic.

1 Megabyte
5 Megabytes
56 kbps (53
3 min.
16 min.
32 min.
768 kbps or
higher (typical
for cable
modems and
15 sec. or
1 min., 15 sec.
or less
2 min., 30
sec. or less
1.5 mbps or
higher (typical
for T1 lines)
7.5 sec. or
37 sec. or less 1 min., 15
sec. or less
Some organizations block their employees from downloading programs from Internet
sites. If you have problems downloading from the FSA Download website, try again
later. If you continue to experience problems, contact your technical support staff to
ensure that you have full download rights.
Paper documentation is available to download from the Internet in Adobe PDF format.
The following types of paper documentation are available for you to download:
 Installation and User Guides
 Cover letters
 Other instructions
Each link to the above paper documents is accompanied by a description that includes
the date the document was posted, the size of the file, and the approximate download
1. Type the FSA Download Web address, “”, into the address
box at the top of your browser window.
EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
2. Click the “Software and Associated Documents” link to access the page
containing descriptions of available Student Aid Internet Gateway Software and
3. Click the EDconnect link for the “SAIG Mailbox Software & Manuals: EDconnect,
TDClient,TDCM”. This will take you to the download page for EDconnect,
TDClient and TDCM.
4. Right-click on the document or Software you want to download under the section
“Full Version EDconnect 8.3.0”.
5. Select “Save As”… from the File menu, choose a location on your hard drive,
then click the “Save” button to save the file.
6. Once you have downloaded the file, go to the location on your hard drive where
you saved it. Double-click the file to open the document.

EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
Downloading the Software
The installation package for EDconnect 8.3 is available on the FSA Download website
( Follow the steps below to download the EDconnect 8.3

1. Type the FSA Download web address, “”, into the address
box at the top of your browser window.
2. Click the Full Download link to download EDconnect 8.3. A Save As… dialog
box will appear.
Note: If clicking the Full Download link takes you to a new Web page rather
than starting the download process, click the Back button on your browser and
right-click the Full Download link. Choose Save Target As… from the pop-up
menu in order to start the download process.
3. Select a location on your hard drive in which to save the file, or accept the default
location. The Windows Desktop is a convenient place to save the file and locate
it later. Click the Save button. The length of time it will take the file to download
depends on the speed of your Internet connection. See the table of download
times in this section.
Note: We recommend that you download the installation file to a folder other than the
one in which you will install EDconnect. You may want to create a folder called “FSA
Download,” for example, specifically for the installation files you download from the FSA
Download website.
Once you have downloaded the installation file to your hard drive, go to the folder
containing the EDconn830.exe file and double-click it to start the installation. Go to the

 Downloading the software does not install it.
 You should have no other programs running while you are installing
EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

February 2013
EDconnect Installation and User Guide
2.4 Installing EDconnect
Follow the steps below to install EDconnect 8.3.
1. Close any programs that are running, including antivirus software.
2. Locate the EDconn830.exe file you downloaded and double-click it to start the
Note: The installation process begins and a Welcome screen appears.
3. Select the Next button and the Installation Type dialog box will open.
4. You will be prompted to select the type of installation: Local Install, Local Install -
Custom, Network Install, or Workstation Install. During installation, you can click
once on an option to highlight it, and view its description at the bottom of the
dialog box. Please read the explanation of each installation option below:
 Select Local Install if you are installing EDconnect, including the database,
on a single PC for the first time. By selecting Local Install, you will install
all EDconnect components, including the database, to your local hard drive.
 Select Local Install - Custom if you already have an EDconnect 8.3
database to your local hard drive. By selecting Local Install - Custom, you
will install all EDconnect components except the database to your local
hard drive

Note: The EDconnect software defaults to Local Install – Custom when
prompted to select a install option

 Select Network Install if you do not have an existing EDconnect 8.3
database in a network location and want a number of PCs to have common
access to a single EDconnect database. Performing a Network Install
places the EDconnect database (EDconn8.mdb) on your Local Area
Network (LAN). The EDconnect database contains the information users
will share, such as the Activity Log and Security View information. A
Network Install does not install the program itself. After a Network Install,
you must perform a Workstation Install on each PC to install the program

Note: Record the location of the EDconnect database when performing a
Network Install. You will need this information when performing the
Workstation Install.

 Select Workstation Install if you already have an EDconnect 8.3 database
on your network. Perform a Workstation Install on each PC that you want
to access the EDconnect database. Note: You must perform a Network
Install before performing a Workstation Install if you do not already have
an EDconnect 8.3 database on your network. The Workstation Install
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EDconnect Installation and User Guide
checks for a valid EDconnect database in the selected network location
before proceeding.
5. Select the type of installation by clicking once on the option and then on the Next
button. The Destination Folder dialog box will appear on your screen.
Depending on your operating system, the default destination folder is
C:\Program Files\EDconnect8 for a local installation. Make note of where the
destination folder is.
Note: For a network installation, you will need to select the appropriate LAN drive
as the database location. You can accept the default folder or change the
destination folder by using the Browse button.
6. Select Next and the Select Program Folder dialog box will appear on your
screen. This dialog box enables you to enter a new folder name, select an
existing folder, or accept the default folder name of EDconnect8.
7. Select Next and the System Information dialog box will appear on your screen.
This dialog box provides information about your computer system. You can
ignore this information or verify it against the minimum system requirements in
the Hardware and Software Requirements section of this guide.
8. Select Next and the Install Settings dialog box will appear, confirming that setup
has enough information to begin copying files to your PC. If you want to review or
change any of the settings, click on the Back button to return to the appropriate
dialog box.
9. Select Next. A progress bar appears, showing you the progress of files being
copied to your hard drive. When the installation is finished, EDconnect will open
a window containing icons for the program and for Transmission Queue
Note: If you want to create a shortcut to EDconnect on your Desktop, right-click
on the EDconnect icon and select Send To from the menu, then select Desktop
(create shortcut).
10. Click Finish. The installation program will ask you to restart your computer.

Note: Department of Education FSA users with FDCC security settings on their
computer will need to follow an additional step after installing EDconnect 8.3 in
order to enable transmissions to the SAIG mailbox server. For step-by-step
instructions please see Appendix B at the end of this guide.

Helpful Hints
 The EDconnect database contains a record of data transfers but does not
physically contain any of the files you have sent or received. All files you
have sent or received are stored in a separate location and are unaffected
by the EDconnect database. Other databases you may have on your
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EDconnect Installation and User Guide
computer, such as the EDExpress, or SSCR databases, are also unaffected
by the EDconnect database.
 During the installation, EDconnect creates several Transmission Queue
(TQ) template icons in the EDconnect Program Group. These icons enable
quick access to commonly used default TQ template files. If you select one
of these icons, EDconnect will start and will automatically fill in the
Transmission Queue with the appropriate data requests. For example,
selecting the all.tqt icon starts EDconnect and places a request in the
Transmission Queue for all data and all messages currently in your
 You can drag or copy these TQ icons, along with the EDconnect icon, to
your desktop from the icon window that appears at the end of the
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EDconnect Installation and User Guide
2.5 Setting Up EDconnect
The following instructions will lead you through the steps necessary to setup EDconnect
8.3. These instructions assume that you have installed EDconnect 8.3 for the first time.
Remember this version is not an upgrade from EDconnect 7.X.
EDconnect users will also need to obtain an FSA User ID, FSA User Password and
Security Token from FSA prior to beginning set up. The Security Token is a physical
token that you will use to generate a One-Time Password to enter into the Security
Code field.
Note! You must be connected to the Internet before you start EDconnect.
Security Settings can be imported from EDconnect 7.X; however, any imported users
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EDconnect Installation and User Guide

 You will immediately see the “Tip of the Day” dialog box.

3. Import Security Settings. Next, EDconnect will prompt you to import your
security settings (Security Groups and Security Users) from the EDconnect 7.X
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EDconnect Installation and User Guide

 If you do not have EDconnect 7.X installed or choose “No”, skip to section
2.5.2 “Setting up EDconnect without Imported Security Settings”. If you
have EDconnect 7.X installed and set up on your system and would like to
import your security settings, click “Yes”. You will receive a prompt with the
default location of the EDconnect 7.X database – if it is installed in that

Note – If the EDconnect 7.X database was installed in a non-default area, you will need
to use the browse feature to locate it.

 If you choose OK, you will receive the confirmation dialog box.

Note: You cannot import security settings from EDconnect 6.X.
 After you click OK, you will see the Security Settings Import Report
displayed behind it.

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EDconnect Installation and User Guide

4. Create an FSA User ID. After you import the security settings, EDconnect will
prompt you to create the profile of the FSA User ID you logged in with. The User
Wizard will guide you through this. It is important to make sure that imported
users are updated from their former ID to an FSA User ID before they attempt to
login. If they are not updated, they will not be allowed access to EDconnect.

 After you create your profile, you will see the Security Setup Import Report
5. Create a Security Group. Only an FSA User ID belonging to the FSA
Administration Group can create other security groups. To create a security
group, right click on the EDconnect folder in the Security View and choose
EDconnect 8.3 User Guide

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EDconnect Installation and User Guide
Insert. The Group Wizard will lead you through the tabs of the Group
Properties dialog box. The Group Properties settings control your access to the
SAIG, as well as each user’s access within a group. The FSA Administration
Group cannot conduct transmissions and therefore does not have a password
field in the Network tab. Once your FSA Administration Group is created, you
will need to create the required security groups for your institution in order to
6. Perform a Local Only password change. During the initial setup of your non-
Administration security group, EDconnect will prompt you for a new SAIG
password. The first step in establishing your SAIG password is to perform a
Local Only password change.
 If you are installing EDconnect to access a new SAIG mailbox, the initial
password is set as follows: “ccyynnnn” where “ccyy” is your birth year and
“nnnn” represents the last four digits of your social security number. Enter
your initial password as the Local Only password. Go to Step 7.
 If you are installing EDconnect in order to access an existing SAIG mailbox
you have been accessing with an earlier version of EDconnect, enter the
SAIG password you used in the previous version as the Local Only
password. Under these circumstances, you do not need to perform a
Network and Local password change. Skip to Step 8.
 If you have already performed a Local Install of EDconnect on another
computer in your office and have transmitted a SAIG password from that
computer, enter that SAIG password as a Local Only password change.
Under these circumstances, you do not need to perform a Network and
Local password change. Skip to Step 8.
7. Change your SAIG password. After you perform a Local Only password
change, you must perform a Network and Local password change to establish
your password on the SAIG. When you change your SAIG password, be sure to
select Network and Local. This adds a password change record to the
Transmission Queue. EDconnect will transmit the password change the next
time you connect to the SAIG.
8. Set up a personal FSA User ID. After you set up your FSA Administration
Group profile, you will need to set up your FSA User ID. To create a new user,
select the group name, right click and select Insert. The User Wizard will lead
you through the tabs of the User Properties dialog box.

Note - While an FSA Administration Group member cannot transmit, the FSA User ID is
associated with a TG Number, which is why a TG Number is required for
authentication with the FSA Administration Group. All users in this group must belong
to the same TG Number.
After you have accessed EDconnect, you will have to set up your user profile. When
you have finished, you will be allowed access into EDconnect. At this point, you can
create other group IDs and FSA User IDs for each person who will be using EDconnect
at your institution. All user IDs and passwords are issued by FSA.
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EDconnect Installation and User Guide
When you set up a FSA User ID, you will notice a small box on the User Profile box
labeled “Unattended Transfer User ID?” If you will be sending .imp files with this user
ID, you will need to check this box to allow the user this permission.
Note: Unattended users will not display in the dropdown list of the Security
Authentication screen and will not be able to log in. It is not recommended that you
make an FSA User ID into an unattended user. See Section 5.1.12 Unattended
Transfer User ID and .imp Files for more detailed information about setting up
unattended users.

9. Download the message class table. Message class tables “teach”
EDconnect what kinds of files it can send and receive. These tables are placed
periodically into your SAIG mailbox. Your mailbox will contain the latest
message class table. When you connect to the SAIG, it will automatically
download to your PC and import into EDconnect.
10. Coordinate global file paths for sending and receiving files. EDconnect
does not automatically create paths for sending and receiving data. If you do
not specify Send and Receive paths, EDconnect will use the paths listed in
the Filename field of the Message Class Manager.
 Once you have gained access to EDconnect, you can change the paths on
the Directories tab of the User Properties dialog box. Right-click the FSA
User ID you wish to edit and select Properties from the pop-up menu. Click
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the Directories tab. At the top of the tab, a drop-down list will enable you to
select Database, Send, or Receive.
 The Database path will reflect the current location of the EDconnect
database, but the Send and Receive paths will be blank. Select Send or
Receive, then type in the full path, including drive letter, or use the Browse
button to find the correct folder.
 Be sure to enter a location for both the Send and Receive folders. If you
would like to use the same setting for all existing users in a specific group,
place a check in the box marked “Set all users of this group to the specified
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Setting up EDconnect without Imported Security Settings
1. Start EDconnect. When you run EDconnect for the first time, a startup
information dialog box will appear. This contains warnings about using
EDconnect and both critical and non-critical issues.

2. Log in to EDconnect. After you accept the warnings, a Security Authentication
dialog box will appear with the default group name of “FSA Administration
Group” already selected. Enter your TG Number, FSA User ID, FSA User
Password and One-Time Password, if applicable, and click OK.

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 You will immediately see the “Tip of the Day” dialog box.

3. Import Security Settings. Next, EDconnect will prompt you to import your
security settings (Security Groups and Security Users) from the EDconnect 7.X
database. If you do not have EDconnect 7.X installed or do not want to import
those setting, choose No. If you choose Yes, go back to section 2.5.1 Setting Up
EDconnect with Imported Security Settings.
4. Create an FSA Administration Group Profile. After you decline to import the
security settings, EDconnect will prompt you to create the profile of the FSA User
ID you logged in with. The User Wizard will guide you through this.

5. Create a Security Group. Only an FSA User ID in the FSA Administration
Group can create other security groups. To create a security group, right click on
the EDconnect folder in the Security View and choose Insert. The Group
Wizard will lead you through the tabs of the Group Properties dialog box. The
Group Properties settings control your access to the SAIG, as well as each
user’s access within a group. The FSA Administration Group cannot conduct
transmissions and therefore does not have a password field in the Network tab.
Once your FSA Administration Group is created, you will need to create the
required security groups for your institution in order to transmit.
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6. Perform a Local Only password change. During the initial setup of your non-
Administration security group, EDconnect will prompt you for a new SAIG
password. The first step in establishing your SAIG password is to perform a
Local Only password change.
 If you are installing EDconnect to access a new SAIG mailbox, the initial
password is set as follows: “ccyynnnn” where “ccyy” is your birth year and
“nnnn” represents the last four digits of your social security number. Enter
your initial password as the Local Only password. Go to Step 7.
 If you are installing EDconnect in order to access an existing SAIG mailbox
you have been accessing with an earlier version of EDconnect, enter the
SAIG password you used in the previous version as the Local Only
password. Under these circumstances, you do not need to perform a
Network and Local password change. Skip to Step 8.
 If you have already performed a Local Install of EDconnect on another
computer in your office and have transmitted a SAIG password from that
computer, enter that SAIG password as a Local Only password change.
Under these circumstances, you do not need to perform a Network and
Local password change. Skip to Step 8.
7. Change your SAIG password. After you perform a Local Only password
change, you must perform a Network and Local password change to establish
your password on the SAIG. When you change your SAIG password, be sure to
select Network and Local. This adds a password change record to the
Transmission Queue. EDconnect will transmit the password change the next
time you connect to the SAIG.
8. Set up a personal FSA User ID. After you set up your FSA Administration
Group profile, you will need to set up your FSA User ID. To create a new user,
select the group name, right click and select Insert. The User Wizard will lead
you through the tabs of the User Properties dialog box.

 When you set up a FSA User ID, you will notice a small box on the User
Profile box labeled “Unattended Transfer User ID?”. If you will be sending
.imp files with this user ID, you will need to check this box to allow the user
this permission.
 Note: Unattended users will not display in the dropdown list of the Security
Authentication screen and will not be able to log in. It is not recommended
that you make an FSA User ID into an unattended user. See Section
5.1.12 Unattended Transfer User ID and .imp Files for more detailed
information about setting up unattended users.
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8. Download the message class table. Message class tables “teach” EDconnect
what kinds of files it can send and receive. These tables are placed periodically
into your SAIG mailbox. Your mailbox will contain the latest message class table.
When you connect to the SAIG, it will automatically download to your PC and
import into EDconnect.
9. Coordinate global file paths for sending and receiving files. EDconnect does
not automatically create paths for sending and receiving data. If you do not
specify Send and Receive paths, EDconnect will use the paths listed in the
Filename field of the Message Class Manager.
 You can change the paths on the Directories tab of the User Properties
dialog box. Right-click the FSA User ID you wish to edit and select
Properties from the pop-up menu. Click the Directories tab. At the top of
the tab, a drop-down list will enable you to select Database, Send, or
 The Database path will reflect the current location of the EDconnect
database, but the Send and Receive paths will be blank. Select Send or
Receive, then type in the full path, including drive letter, or use the Browse
button to find the correct folder.
 Be sure to enter a location for both the Send and Receive folders. If you
would like to use the same setting for all existing users in a specific group,
place a check in the box marked “Set all users of this group to the specified
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EDconnect Installation and User Guide
Setting up a Test Security Group
If you have been advised to do so, EDconnect 8.3 enables you to set up a test Security
Group to send and receive files from the SAIG test system without interfering with your
production Security Group(s). See Section 3.4 Security Groups for further information
about setting up a test Security Group.
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Selecting a Connection
EDconnect 8.3 uses the Internet to access the SAIG. You will need to be connected to
the Internet before you can login to EDconnect. Your Internet connection to the SAIG
has no relationship to the dial-up connection used by earlier versions of EDconnect.
The first FSA User ID to login after setup that is not in the FSA Administration Group
will be prompted to set a connection. This only needs to be done once.
Setting up the Connection When Prompted

1. Start EDconnect and login via the Security Authentication screen as a new
first time FSA User. You will then receive the set-up connection prompt.

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2. If you select No, skip to 3.6.1 Selecting a Connection for details on how to
setup the connection later. Note that you cannot transmit until this connection
is set up. If you choose yes, you will get the Connection Properties dialog box.

 The drop-down list in the Connection to use selection box displays a list of
Internet connections available on your computer. If you have a direct
connection to the Internet, such as DSL, T1, or cable, “Direct Connection”
may be the only option listed. If you connect to the Internet using a modem
and an Internet Service Provider (ISP), in most cases your ISP’s dial-up
connection will appear on the list.

3. After selecting your connection, click the Test button. You will receive a
confirmation message.

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4. This will be followed by the Transmission Wizard.

 It is a good idea to run the transmission test to verify that your connection is
good and you have the ability to transmit successfully.
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EDconnect Installation and User Guide
Setting up the Connection Without Prompts
If you opted No at the prompt, or want to set the connection later, follow these steps.
Remember that if you do this while logged in under FSA Administration Group, you will
not be able to access the Transmission Wizard or run a transmission test.

1. Select Tools from the EDconnect main bar menu, then Customize. You should
see the Connection Properties dialog box.

 The drop-down list in the Connection to use selection box displays a list of
Internet connections available on your computer. If you have a direct
connection to the Internet, such as DSL, T1, or cable, “Direct Connection”
may be the only option listed. If you connect to the Internet using a modem
and an Internet Service Provider (ISP), in most cases your ISP’s dial-up
connection will appear on the list.
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2. After selecting your connection, click the Test button. You will receive a
confirmation message.

3. You will not receive the Transmisson Wizard at this point. You can however,
test the transmission connection at any time by choosing Test under the
Transmission menu in the main EDconnect menu bar.

Helpful Hints
 Some ISPs use proprietary connections that are created when you install
their communications software. Although EDconnect may be able to dial
your ISP and connect to the Internet through a proprietary dial-up
connection, the connection may use protocols that will prevent EDconnect
from sending and receiving data over the SAIG. Some ISP-provided
communications programs do not create standard dial-up connections at all,
so your Internet connection may not appear on the Connection to use
drop-down list.
 You can select “Direct Connection” even if you connect to the Internet using
a modem and an ISP. Once you connect to the Internet through your ISP,
the open Internet connection becomes a “Direct Connection” that will
enable EDconnect to communicate with the SAIG. You must be connected
to the Internet before using EDconnect.
 If you select “Direct Connection,” you will need to connect to the Internet
through your ISP the way you normally connect before using EDconnect.
 If you select your ISP’s dial-up connection and are unable to send and
receive data using EDconnect, select Customize from the Tools menu and
choose “Direct Connection” from the Connection to use drop-down list.
You will need to connect to the Internet through your ISP the way you
normally connect before using EDconnect if you select “Direct Connection.”
 Do not select any dial-up connections associated with previous versions of
EDconnect, such as “SAIG-0” or “T4WAN-0.” EDconnect 8.3 cannot use
these connections.
A firewall is a barrier between your computer or your Local Area Network (LAN) and an
external source, such as the Internet. The barrier can be software, hardware, or a
combination of the two. A firewall examines each packet of information coming into and
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going out of your computer and prevents unauthorized packets from being sent or
A port is a pre-defined “channel,” numbered from 0 to 65535, used by your computer to
send and receive specific kinds of data. Your computer usually sends and receives e-
mail through port number 25 and makes standard Internet connections through port
number 80.
A firewall can prevent EDconnect from communicating with the SAIG by blocking the
packets of information your computer is trying to send to and receive from the SAIG. If
you have trouble connecting to the SAIG after installing EDconnect 8.3, contact your
technical support staff to see if you are behind a firewall. “Error -1” usually means that
the port used by EDconnect to send and receive data is blocked. Your technical support
staff will need to open port number 26581 for inbound and outbound TCP/IP traffic and
give your computer access to ( for the
test system) to enable EDconnect to communicate through the firewall.
In order to use the Transaction Delivery Community Manager (TDCM), you need to
be able to connect to and will need standard internet port number 80
(HTTP) and port number 443 (SSL) open. Information about using the TDCM is
available in the SAIG Mailbox Software & Manuals: EDconnect, TDClient and TDCM
section on the FSA Download website (
Getting Help
For help installing or using EDconnect, contact the SAIG Help Desk at 800-330-5947 or
by e-mail at

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EDconnect Installation and User Guide
3 Using EDconnect
3.1 Destination Point Administration
The Destination Point Administrator (DPA) is the “owner” of the Student Aid Internet
Gateway (SAIG) mailbox and is responsible for security within EDconnect. The DPA
creates and controls Security Groups and the users within those groups through the
Security View.
Security Groups share a common TG number, a common Connection Type
(“Production” or “Test”), a common SAIG Password, and common access to the SAIG.
The main purpose of separating users into groups is to regulate user access within
EDconnect. Groups can also be useful for dividing functions among users. Folder icons
represent Security Groups in the Security View.
Users are individuals within Security Groups who share a common access to
EDconnect and the SAIG.
 Each FSA User ID has its own FSA User Password. The DPA should
have a signed SAIG User Statement on file for each user.
 When you enroll through the SAIG Enrollment Site
(, you are required to print the SAIG User Statement
as part of the online enrollment process.
 You should retain the statements at your institution for auditing purposes.

Helpful Hints
 You control SAIG Passwords at the group level.
 FSA controls and issues access to EDconnect.
 You control startup options, color preferences, and file directory locations at
the user level.
 FSA User IDs can belong to multiple groups in the Security View.
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3.2 Security Authentication for User Logons
An FSA User ID can belong to several different Security Groups within EDconnect.
This method enables a single user to send and receive data using different TG
numbers and Connection Types (“Production” or “Test”).
EDconnect utilizes Two-Factor Authentication (TFA) to authenticate a user. User IDs
and passwords are issued by FSA. Access to EDconnect requires a Group ID, TG
Number, FSA User ID, FSA User Password, and a One-Time Password (when
applicable). After the initial rollout of TFA tokens, all FSA Users IDs will be required to
enter a One-Time Password.
 FSA will issue your institution a Security Token. This is a physical token that
will generate a One-Time Password that is required to log into EDconnect.
 Each group can be associated with a different TG number.
 If a user belongs to more than one group, the EDconnect Security
Authentication dialog box enables the user to select the group to log in
under for that session.
In the illustrations below, the FSA User ID “peter.pdpa.fsa” belongs to both the “FSA
Administration Group” and the “FISAP” group. He can login to the software under either

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The Security Code field is where a user will enter the One-Time Password generated
by a physical token that is issued by FSA. This token must be registered through FSA.
To register a token select the Register/Maintain Token button on the Security
Authentication screen. Users will then be routed to the Login - AIMS TFA Portal.
If you have forgotten your token and cannot generate the One-Time Password, you
can reset it by selecting the Forgot Token button on the Security Authentication screen.
Users will then be routed to the Login - AIMS TFA Portal.
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by selecting the Forgot Password
button on the Security Authentication screen. Users will then be routed to the Change
Password website.
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3.3 Security View
The Security View controls user access to EDconnect. This view enables you to set up
Security Groups as well as to create individual users within those groups.
 You control SAIG Passwords at the group level.
 FSA controls and issues access to EDconnect.
 You control startup options, color preferences, and file directory locations at
the user level.
 FSA User IDs can belong to different groups in the Security View.
 An illustration of an EDconnect Security View is shown below:

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In the example below, “FSA Administration Group”, “FISAP” and “COD” represent
Security Groups, while the individual names below the group names signify users
within those groups.

There are three methods to move a user to another group.
Only a user belonging to the FSA Administration Group can move a user to another
group by dragging and dropping the FSA User ID.
To drag and drop a FSA User ID
1. Select the FSA User ID by pressing your left mouse button to highlight it.
2. Move your cursor over the group into which you want to drop the FSA User ID.
3. Release the mouse button.
Any FSA Administrator or Group user has the functionality to copy one user from one
group to another group.
To copy a FSA User ID
1. Click on the FSA User ID you want to copy.
2. Select Copy from the Edit menu.
3. Click on the group to which you want to copy the FSA User ID.
4. Select Paste from the Edit menu.
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Any FSA user can delete another user and re-insert that user into another group, unless
the deleted and re-inserted user is a member of the FSA Administration Group.
Delete and Re-Insert
1. Click on the FSA User ID you want to copy. The FSA User ID will appear
2. Click with the right mouse button and select Delete from the pop-up menu and
click yes to the “Delete User?” message.
3. Click with the right mouse button on the Group you want to add the FSA User ID
to and select Insert from the pop-up menu
4. Use the User Wizard to recreate the deleted FSA User ID.
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3.4 Security Groups
Within EDconnect, a Security Group represents a collection of users who connect to
the SAIG using the same TG number, the same Connection Type (“Production” or
“Test”), and the same SAIG Password.
An institution can have one or more Security Groups with varying levels of access to
EDconnect functions.
Security Group names often correlate to the group’s function, i.e. FISAP, COD, CPS,
Connection type can be set either by the current user or will be prompted to the first
non-Administration user to login. See section 3.6.1 Selecting a Connection for more
Only an FSA Administration Group user can create or delete groups, as well as
modify group TG Numbers. The FSA Administration Group is a permanent group and
cannot be deleted.
To add a “Production” Security Group
1. Open the Security View by selecting New from the File menu and selecting
Security View from the list of