edocr Fill and Sign

edocr Fill and Sign, updated 8/23/24, 10:59 AM

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Publishing documents on edocr is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing (brochures, data sheets, press releases, white papers and case studies), sales (slides, price lists and pro-forma agreements), operations (specifications, operating manuals, installation guides), customer service (user manuals) and financial (annual reports and financial statements) documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions. #SEO #leadgen #content #analytics


About edocr

I am an accomplished content marketing professional helping you to build your brand and business. In my current role, I fulfill a multi-faceted solution marketplace including: publishing and sharing your content, embedding a document viewer on your website, improving your content’s search engine optimization, generating leads with gated content and earning money by selling your documents. I gobble up documents, storing them for safekeeping and releasing the text for excellent search engine optimization, lead generation and earned income. 

Publishing documents on edocr.com is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing, sales, operations, customer service and financial documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions.

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Fill & Sign edocr forms
(updated July 2024)
Since launching our connection with our Accusoft e-fill / e-sign
cousin company Docubee (formerly OnTask) in 2018, both Docubee
and edocr have changed vastly in capabilities, especially around our
API capabilities. edocr has vastly changed its functionality to allow
our users a great deal more usefulness out of their documents,
especially around forms and e-signing documents.
Now with your edocr account you may set up a form or contract on
edocr, post on your website or share via email, social media,
barcode, or text, and have it filled out by one or two, then privately
returned to you in a secure manner.
Premium edocr customers have e-fill / e-sign Docubee limits based
on their level of service, starting at five transactions a month.
(non-Premium users are limited to five free trials in total for testing.
If you want to set up your own and provide your own forms - sign up
& message edocr.)
Here are the Docubee use limits based on edocr account type:
1. Free edocr user gets 5 total uses
2. edocr Premium / Philanthropy Customers: 5 / month.
3. edocr DMS Customers: 10+ / month.
4. Additional usage available by contacting edocr.
Edocr provides a quick way to create reusable forms, which allows
users to fill out fields you have pre-setup, such as signatures,
checkboxes, dates & text fields. Then place the document on your
edocr account and use it over and over, either on edocr, or as a
posted or shared link. If the form is Docubee ready you will see
a on the thumbnail image and if no check mark, you have to


create the form template (just once) in order to have an efillable /
esignable form to use online.
To place form fields/create a reusable form:
1. You must login to your edocr account.
2. Use the ‘esign document” in the drop down menu in the upper right,
or navigate directly to https://www.edocr.com/esign to upload the
document you wish to use as a form.
3. Drag and drop the file from your computer’s folder, or click the
upload button to use your browser’s file chooser. The
document title will match the filename of your upload (without
the file extension).
4. After your document uploads, you will be presented with a page
that allows you to place your form fields. Depending on your
document, you may be able to use the “Scan For Fields” button
to automatically detect existing fillable fields. Or you can
manually place fields using the various options provided, by
dragging the appropriate field type to the desired location on
the document.
5. Once you have the fillable fields placed the way you want them,
choose the orange “Save As New Edocr Form” button. This will
save the document along with the field placement you have
chosen in a new edocr collection called “Docubee Forms”
(which will be automatically created for you if it doesn’t yet
6. A green checkmark will be shown on the document thumbnail.
This indicates it’s a ready to sign form! If you don’t need to save
it as a reusable form and only want to sign this form a single
time, you can skip the “Save to New Edocr Form” step and go
directly to the signing step by clicking “Continue to Sign”
7. At this point you can click the green “Continue to Sign” button if
you wish to sign the document right away (more details below),
or you can use the drop down menu to return to your profile.
Signing a document
1. There are a number of ways to initiate signing a document
a. In the regular document viewer, for a document that has
not already had form fields placed, choose the “e-sign
document” option in the drop down menu on the upper
right. This will take you to the field placement page (see
above info on placing form fields)
b. In the regular document viewer, for a document that has
already had form fields placed, choose the “e-sign form”
option. The green highlighting and use of the word “form”
instead of “document” is a visual cue that this document
has already had form fields placed and is ready to sign.
c. You can also initiate signing of a document using the menu
on the document thumbnail. Activate this menu by
clicking the menu icon in the lower right of the thumbnail.
Choose the esign option. If there’s a green checkmark in
the thumbnail, it’s a ready to sign form and you’ll go
directly to the signing page (see below). If not, you’ll be
prompted for field placement first (see placing form
fields/creating reusable forms section above)
2. The next page is the actual signing screen. Fill in the fields that
were previously designated and once you’re done, click the
“Submit Document” button in the lower right corner.
3. You’ll see a progress indicator and the message “saving to your
edocr signed documents collection” while the document is
being signed. Once it’s finished, the viewer screen will be
launched where you can view the signed document and/or
download it. For signed documents, the toolbar is
automatically shown in the viewer; hit the download button on
the top right of toolbar (little circle below) to save locally.
4. Note that the signed document will be saved in your “Docubee
Signed Documents” collection (which will be automatically
created for you if it doesn’t yet exist)
Modifying an existing form
If you’ve already created a form document, but need to add or
remove form fields or change the placement of existing fields, you
can edit the form. This can be accessed either by clicking “Edit
Form” on the form document thumbnail menu, or in the drop down
menu on the upper right of the viewer.




This will take you to the field placement page and you will follow the
same steps as creating a new form, except your existing form fields
will already be placed, and when you are ready to save the form, the
button will say “Save Form Field Placement” instead of “Save As New
Edocr Form”. Note that the updated form document will remain in
whatever document collection it was in before you edited the form.
Also editing the form will not affect any documents that were
previously signed with an earlier version of the form.
Example at: https://www.edocr.com/category/forms
So, give it a try & let us know (edocr help center) your suggestions
and questions - and share those forms with us and the world.
Tell us about your use case and we will provide you with free use for
six months.







Or, don't hesitate to send your forms to us for processing, or just ask
questions if you need a little assistance or guidance.
Here are some tests you can try (does not count against your usage):
Here are some of the Forms' libraries found on edocr:
Coming soon…
Embed a form on your blog or website, 2 party signing….