Get Financial Training Resources From US Federal Retirement Experts: Prepare For FERS/CSRS

Get Financial Training Resources From US Federal Retirement Experts: Prepare For FERS/CSRS, updated 5/6/23, 1:07 PM


Are you five years, one year, or six months to retirement? Public Sector Retirement Educators' retirement training courses will help you plan your pension and enjoy financial security. Go to Retirement Consultation for more details.

Public Sector Retirement Educators (PSRE) 10869 N Scottsdale Rd Suite 103, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254, United States Website Email

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Get Financial Training Resources From Federal
Retirement Experts: Prepare For FERS/CSRS
In the famous words of Winston
Churchill, "He who fails to plan is
planning to fail."
With the steady stream of
guaranteed income paid to
federal employees in retirement,
federal retirees should always
have a fulfilling standard of living!
However, if you
accumulate pre-
retirement debt, and
make other poor
financial decisions,
you can run out of
money in retirement.
Financial illiteracy is a
multifaceted problem in the
US, cutting across
socioeconomic classes. It
even affects pensioned
retirees, causing them to
make poor financial
Fortunately, Public Sector
Retirement Educators (PSRE)
trains federal employees
(retired or active) to build
strong financial foundations
and maximize retirement
PSRE offers several
educational resources and
services for retirement
planning, including
seminars, classroom
training, and a self-paced e-
learning platform.
As a federal employee, you qualify
for a one-on-one meeting with an
advisor to discuss your savings
plans and life insurance benefits.
You'll also learn to minimize risk.
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