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Last updated 4/11/22
Global Studies Semester 1 Fall Pre/Post Test Overview:
Topics covered/ Number of questions per topic:
● Egypt / 10
● Mesopotamia / 11
● China / 10
● Indus Valley Civilization /10
● Mesoamerica / 7
● Neolithic Revolution /10
● Geography/ 7
Total number of questions: 65
State Standards included: HS H1.5. HSG1.1. HSG2.2. HSG 2.3. HSH4.3 HS.H 4.3 HS.HS.SP3.6
[Start of Test]
1) Different than the Mesopotamians, the ancient Egyptians believed ___________ as is evident
in the creation of the book of the dead, mummification and grand tombs royal tombs that held all
the dead's worldly possessions. [HS H1.5]
A) That the afterlife was a dark and scary place to be avoided at all costs
B) That the afterlife was a continuation for their current life
C) That people would be reborn into new bodies after death
D) That people could be resurrected after death if the right procedures were
performed at the time of death.
2) Ancient Egypt was divided geographically into what two regions? [HS.G1.1]
A) Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt
B) Eastern Egypt and Western Egypt
C) Northern Egypt and Southern Egypt
D) The River Valley regions and the Desert region
3) From the Hyksos the Egyptians learned to make weapons and tools out of what material?
A. Stone
B. Bronze
C. Iron
D. Wood
4) Most famous for commissioning the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Pharaoh Khufu ruled as the
second pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty, which time time frame in Egpytion history? [HS.G2.3]
A. Old Kingdom
B. New Kingdom
C. Ancient Kingdom
D. Middle Kingdom
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5) Amenemhat I was the first ruler of the twelfth dynasty, the dynasty considered to be the
golden-age of which time time frame in Egpytion history? [HS.G2.2]
A. Upper Kingdom
B. Lower Kingdom
C. Old Kingdom
D. Middle Kingdom
6) Hatshepsut was the second historically confirmed female pharaoh. She was known for
creating infrastructure through trade and work projects instead of conquest like most of the
pharaohs during which time time frame in Egpytion history? [HS.H1.1]
A. The ancient Kingdom
B. The New Kingdom
C. The Middle Kingdom
D. The Old Kingdom
7) Which river is the longest river in the world, that allowed for stable agriculture through the
use of basin irrigation and annual flooding in ancient Egypt? [HS.G1.2]
A Tigris
B. Nile
C. Euphrates
D. Amazon
8) Ancient Egyptians had two forms of writing, _________ was used for formal sacred writing
while _________was a simplified version that was used for business transactions and everyday
writing. [HS.H4.3, HS.G2.2]
A. Cuneiform / Pictographs
B. Hieroglyphics / Pictographs
C. Hieroglyphics / Hieratic Script
D. Ideographs/ Pictographs.
9) Unlike most other monarchs of the ancient world, the pharaohs of ancient Egypt had a unique
relationship to their religion. Held to a high standard of conduct and wisdom, most Egyptian
pharaohs were considered to be____________. [HS.H1.5]
A. in direct communication with the god, which eliminated the need for the priest
B. gods themselves, immortal, all powerful and all knowing.
C. well studied in the sacred texts and working closely with the priest hood to
achieve balance and harmony.
D. separate from religions, running the government outside of the realm of religion
concerned only with law and order.
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10) What slab of rock has inscriptions in both the Greek and Egyptian language, making it
possible to translate ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics? [HS.G2.2]
A. Blarney Stone
B. Stonehenge
C. Rosetta Stone
D. Adena Tablets
11) Geographers use the Grid System to __________. [HS.G1.2]
A. provide information for historians
B. determine the number of people living in a given area
C. identify the absolute location of any place on Earth
D. calculate the elevation of mountains.
(image 1.1)
12) The map above (image 1.1) shows where the mountains and rivers are in the United States
of America. What kind of Map is this? [HS.G1.2]
A. Physical Map
B. Political Map
C. Thematic Map
D. Mountain Map
(image 1.2)
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13) The map above (image 1.2) shows the countries and capital cities of Europe. What kind of
map is this? [HS.G1.2]
A. Physical Map
B. Political Map
C. Thematic Map
D. Capital Map
(image 1.3)
14) The map above(image 1.3) shows the population density of Japan. What kind of map is this?
A. Physical Map
B. Political Map
C. Thematic Map
D. Topographical Map
15) What was the important Sumerian building that served as the political and economic center
as well as storage for surplus food and wealth? [HS.G2.1]
A. City Hall
B. Ziggurat
C. Cuneiform
D. Irrigation Ditch
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(image 1.4)
16) In the image above (image 1.4), what is the correct term for this “wedge-shaped” system of
writing created by Sumerians around 3000 BCE? [HS.H4.3]
A. Cuneiform
B. Hieroglyphics
C. Arabic
D. Calligraphy
17) The Epic of Gilgamesh allowed Mesopatamians to communicate the idea that:[HS.H4.2]
A. humans can access immortality through the correct series of choices.
B. humans are mortals, “everlasting life” is only for the gods
C. it is simple to avoid being robbed
D. Jesus died for our sins
18) Geographically, Mesopotamia had little stone or wood for building purposes, so instead they
built with what kind of material? [HS.G2.1]
A. Theocratic government
B. The city-state political structure
C. Cuneiform
D. Mud-bricks
19) Mesopotamia is a Greek word describing Mesopotamia’s geography. What does it translate
to? [HS.G2.3].
A. “Land on a hill”
B. “Land between the rivers”
C. “Land of Mesopos”
D. “Land down under”
20) Mesopotamians believed ________________, making them polytheistic. [HS.H1.5]
A. jesus, the son of God, died for our sins,
B. Only women of the upper-class could hold office and lead,
C. a single leader shall rule all aspects of social life,
D. many different gods controlled life and all aspects of the universe,
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(image 1.5)
21) On the map above (image 1.5), which letter best represents Mesopotamia? [HS.G1.1]
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
22) On the map above(image 1.5), which letter best represents Egypt? [HS.G1.1]
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
23) On the map above(image 1.5), What does the ares in shaded in white represent? [HS.G1.1]
A. The Fertile Crescent
B. The Fertile valley
C. The River Valley
D. The Indus River Valley
(image 1.6)
Last updated 4/11/22
24) According to the map above (image 1.6), which continents does the Prime Meridian run
through? [HS.G1.1]
A. Antarctica, Africa, Europe
B. Europe, Asia, North America
C. Antarctica, Asia
D. South America, Africa , Oceania
25) According to the map above(image 1.6), which continents does the equator run through?
A. Antarctica, Africa, Europe
B. Europe, Asia, North America
C. Antarctica, Asia
D. South America, Africa, Asia
26) According to the map above(image 1.6), which continent is located at the coordinates 60 N
120 E? [HS.G1.1]
A. Asia
B. North America
C. Asia
D. Oceania
27) Which pair of words listed below is a direct comparison? [HS.SP3.6]
A. Ziggurat and cuneiform
B. Ziggurat and pyramid
C. Ziggurat and hieroglyphics
D. Ziggurat and Priest
28) What early Indian writings reveal that India was an area of many small kingdoms between
1500 B.C.E. and 400 B.C.E.? [HS H1.]
A. The Koran
B. The Suttee
C. The Citadel
D. The Vedas
29) Which of the following is a proposed theory regarding the decline of the Indus Valley
Civilization? [HS G3.3]
A. Falling sea levels and increased glaciation
B. Climate change and drought
C. European imperialism
D. Invasion by the Egyptian army
30) Why is little known about the Indus River Valley civilization’s institutions and systems of
governance? [HS H1.2]
A. They had no government.
B. They had a script (written language) that is still undeciphered / untranslated.
C. They had no written language.
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D. They were invaded and destroyed by the Greeks.
31) Because statues of different gods were discovered by archelogists, it is believed that people
living in the Indus River Valley were ____________. [HS H1.5]
A. Monotheistic
B. Henotheistic
C. Polytheistic
D. Atheistic
32) What Hindu social class system determined a person’s occupation, social class, and future
opportunities? [HS H 3.2]
A. Feudal System
B. Caste System
C. Manor System
D. Class System
33) What name was given to members of the Indo-European people who crossed into and settled
in the Indus River Valley between 2,500 BCE and 1,500 BCE? [HS G3.1]
B. Mesopotamians
C. Aryans
D. Persians
(image 1.7)
34) Examine the image above (image 1.7) to answer the following question. Which fact shows
the city of Mohenjo-daro (Indus River Valley) was carefully planned? [HS G2.3]
A. Wheeled carts were pulled by animals
B. City laid out and designed in a grid system.
C. The workshops were made of individual shaped and unique sized mud bricks
D. Some of the houses were larger than others
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(image 1.8)
35) Use the image above (image 1.8) to answer the following question. At Mohenjo-Daro,
archaeologists found a structure that was 39 feet long and 8 feet deep, with a well nearby and a
drain along one side. [HS G 3.3]
How was it most likely used?
A. Cooking
B. Grinding grain
C. Making wine
D. Bathing
36) Part of Mohenjo Daro was raised and surrounded by a wall. What does this suggest? [HS
A. It had religious leaders who lived separately
B. It had traders who stayed near the road
C. It had rich people who owned the best homes
D. It had enemies who might attack the residents.
37) The city of Harappa is distinguished from the other contemporary civilizations by its [HS
A. town planning
B. underground drainage/sewage system
C. uniformity of weights and measures
D. large agricultural surplus
38) One of the greatest contributions to civilization from Mesoamerica history is,[HS.E4.4]
A. The development of a 365 day calendar
B. The invention of gunpowder
C. The development of basin irrigation
D. The establishment of a continental empire
39) Which of the following ancient meseamerican civilizations was the first? [HS.H1.3]
A. Inca
B. Aztec
C. Maya
D. Olmecs
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40) The Maya developed a sophisticated ____ system that ensured a regular water supply
A. Aqueduct,
B. Dam
C. Pump
D. Distiller
41) What ball based game was extremely popular throughout Mesoamerica?[HS.H1.4]
A. Soccer
B. Baseball
C. Pokatoka
D. Football
(image 1.9)
42) Use image 1.9 to answer the following question: What letter represents the Mayan region of
Mesoamerica? [HS.G1.1]
A. A
B. E
C. D
D. B
43) This group created massive monuments across Mesoamerica including colossal stone heads
to define their territory [HS.E4.4]
a. The Aztecs
b. The Incans
c. The Olmecs
d. The Paleo
44) Kukulkan the Mayan _____ God descends on the pyramid Chichen Itza twice every year.
A. Monkey
B. Elephant
C. Snake
D. Eagle
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45) The study of past societies from analyzing what objects or artifacts people have left behind is
called [HS.G3.1]
A. Anthropology
B. Humanism
C. Scientific Method
D. Archaeology
46) During the most recent Ice Age that covered parts of Europe, Asia, and North America
people migrated across what kind of geographic occurrence? [HS.G2.]
A. Tributaries
B. Glaciers
C. Land Bridges
D. Oceans
47) The major shift from Paleolithic to the Neolithic Age was the domestication of animals for
food and growing food on a regular basis. What is this shift called? [HS G2.1]
A. Gathering
B. Systematic Agriculture
C. Hunting
D. Nomads
48) A skilled worker who makes products such as weapons and jewelry is called [HS.G2.1]
A. Artisan
B. Metalworker
C. Crafter
D. Priest
49) The majority of Neolithic permanent settlements were located in what geographical feature?
A. Plains
B. Steppe
C. River Valleys
D. Plateaus
50) Neolithic settlements were in areas that could sustain large populations with very fertile soil
where two rivers or streams combine into one. What is the geography term for this occurrence?
[HS, G1]
A. Plateau
B. Confluence
C. Tributary
D. Flood Plain
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51) What is a complex way of life where large numbers of people share (6) common
characteristics? [HS. G3.2]
A. City State
B. Empire
C. Dynasty
D. Civilization
52) The combining of copper and tin to create a stronger metal signaled a new age, that followed
the Neolithic Age. What was this age called? [HS.G2.2]
A. Bronze Age
B. Iron Age
C. Paleolithic Age
D. Old Stone Age
53) The use of bronze tools and the beginning of the Bronze Age marked [HS.G3.1]
A. The beginning of the Iron Age
B. Movement away from agriculture
C. Complete abandonment of all other tools
D. New level of human control over the environment and its resources
54) Early urban civilizations all developed religions primarily, [HS.H1.5]
A. To make laws and regulate lives
B. To explain the forces of nature and their roles in the world
C. To keep accurate records
D. To preserve stories of nature and of gods and goddesses.
55) The Qin and Han dynasties both [HS.H1.1]
A. Had strong central governments.
B. Established religions.
C. Started civil wars.
D. Choose officials by birth.
56) How was the central bureaucracy of the Qin dynasty organized?
A. There were 4 divisions: judicial, military, religious, and agricultural.
B. There were 3 divisions: civil, military, and censorate.
C. There were 2 divisions: one for the urban areas and one for the rural areas.
D. There were 5 divisions: one for each of the five provinces.
57) On their northern and western frontiers, the Chinese people were isolated from people in
other parts of Asia by [HS.G2.1]
A. Lakes and rivers.
B. The South China Sea.
C. Mountains and deserts.
D. The Bay of Bengal.
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58) Qin Shi Huangdi unified the Chinese world in part by [HS.H1.7]
A. Conquering Russia.
B. Negotiating a peace with Syria.
C. Creating a single monetary system and ordering the building of a system of roads.
D. Expanding China’s borders.
59) Who could take a civil service exam during China’s Han dynasty? [HS.H3.5]
A. Any citizen
B. Any landowner
C. Any man
D. Any adult
60) In China, the belief in the Mandate of Heaven included the idea that [HS.H3.2]
A. Kings could not be held accountable for the well-fare of the state.
B. Kings were considered responsible for the well-being of the dynasty.
C. The choices made by kings had little influence on the rise and fall of the dynasty.
D. The dynastic cycle was inevitable, and largely out of the king’s hands.
61) The longest lasting Chinese dynasty, the _________ dynasty, eventually collapsed and gave
way to a period known as the _____________________. [HS.H1.1]
A. Zhou, Age of Assembled States.
B. Qin, Period of Dynastic Rule.
C. Zhou, Period of the Warring States.
D. Shang, Age of Shihuangdi.
62) What are the the two major rivers of ancient China? were the. [HS.G1.1]
A. Yellow River and the Yangtze River
B. Indus River and the Yangtze River
C. Anyang River and the Yellow River
D. Yellow River and Luoyang River.
63) During the Shang dynasty, priests made ____________ in order to communicate with the
A. Terra-cotta soldiers
B. Artisanal wells
C. Silk fragments
D. Oracle bones
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64) What is the term for a concept of family loyalty prominent in ancient Chinese society?
A. The Golden Rule
B. Filial piety
C. Non-hierarchy
D. Individualism
(image 2.0)
65) The image above (image 2.0) best represents which ancient mesoamerican society?
A. Inca
B. Maya
C. Indus
D. Olmec
[end of test]
Last updated 4/11/22