Questions for a NEW year

Questions for a NEW year, updated 12/30/16, 6:25 PM


Resolutions, goals, pursuits, dreams... Whatever you want to call them, new year’s resolutions are often made and then broken by the end of January. Why not spend some time refl ecting on what you REALLY need and want to accomplish this year? Use these goal-setting questions however you like.

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Questions for a NEW year
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Resolutions, goals, pursuits, dreams... Whatever you want to call them, new year’s resolutions are
often made and then broken by the end of January. Why not spend some time refl ecting on what you
REALLY need and want to accomplish this year? Use these goal-setting questions however you like.
Use this worksheet to generate thoughts and discussion among your family, or just in contemplatve
solitude. Th ere’s no right or wrong way to use this... Simply refl ect, brainstorm, and discover what
you’re dreaming.
1. What healthy character traits would you like to see developed in your life this year? What are some
specifi c steps will can take to develop these?
2. What is your plan for maintaining accountability for progressing in personal growth?
3. What are some your learning goals for this year?
4. What books would you like to read this year?
5. Do you enjoy your job or jobs? If so, what are your favorite things about your work? If not, what are
some ways you can change this?
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Feel free to distribute and copy this PDF free of charge. If you paid for it, you paid too much.
Questions for a NEW year
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1. What is one area of progress you’d like to see this year for maintaining or improving
your physical health?
2. What are some tangible, daily choices you can add to your life that will improve your health?
3. In what way would you like to be physically healthier by December of this year?
4. What is your plan this month for starting this progress towards a healthier you?
Questions for a NEW year
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1. What are some goals you have as a couple to strengthen your marriage?
2. In what ways can you grow in intimacy with your spouse this year?
3. What are your plans for having regular date nights? How will you handle childcare?
4. What books would you like to read together this year?
5. What will deliberate, regular family time look like this year?
6. Do you have specifi c planned vacation time in mind for this year? What needs to happen to make this
vacation a reality?
7. How is your current physical living space working for your family? Do you need to make changes to
If you’re single, feel free to skip these (or answer some other creative way!).
Questions for a NEW year
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1. What are ways you’d like each of your children to grow in the following areas?

a. Physically:

b. Emotionally:

c. Relationally:

d. Spiritually:

e. Educationally:

f. Other:
2. How will your children learn this year? What are some resources you’d like to explore to help your
children develop intellectually and academically?
3. What are your children’s strengths? How will you help them use these well?
4. What are your children’s weaknesses? How will you help them overcome these?
Questions for a NEW year
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1. What is one specifi c area of progress you’d like to see this year in your fi nancial health?
2. How is your current income? In what ways can you make this increase?
3. How much debt do you have? In what ways can you eliminate a sizeable portion of it (or all of it) this year?
4. How is your savings account? In what ways can you save more money this year?
5. What are some of your long-term fi nancial goals? In what ways can you make progress on them this year?
6. Are you giving regularly? If not, in what way can you give fi nancially this year?
7. What is your plan this month for starting progress towards better fi nancial health?
Questions for a NEW year
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1. In what ways would you like to grow in your relationships outside the family?
2. What are some ways you can be of service to your immediate community?
3. Who are some specifi c people in your life that can use some encouragement? What will you do to
encourage them this year?
4. Who are some people in your life that you admire? What are some practical ways you can positively
use their infl uence in your life?
5. Are there any damaging relationships in your life? What will you do this year to make these
relationships better?
Questions for a NEW year
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Take a moment to reflect on your answers to all these questions. If you’re inclined, apply these answers
by setting a few goals for this year. Call them resolutions if you feel like it.





GOALS, dreams, resolutions