Let This Site's New Report Motivate You To Get A Doggie Lawn For Your Pet

Let This Site's New Report Motivate You To Get A Doggie Lawn For Your Pet, updated 11/2/20, 3:27 AM

An indoor lawn "toilet" for dogs has been launched and The Pooch Lover has launched a report on it. Called Doggie Lawn, the product is made of natural grass and is accessed via subscription. Visit https://thepoochlover.com/doggie-lawn-review-indoor-grass-for-dogs for details!

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Let This Site's New Report Motivate You To
Get A Doggie Lawn For Your Pet
Living with your canine in a
cramped apartment far from the
ground? No problem! With the
Doggie Lawn your pet can go at any
time without you having to deal with
a smelly, messy cleanup routine.
Also called the Doggie Potty, the
product was designed to solve the
problems of dog owners who live
in apartments and other confined
places with no outdoor "Dog
toilets" in sight.
Compiled by Paul Elphick, it
begins by recounting the
misfortune of his friend, Lucy who
was laid off from her job and was
forced to downsize to a small
apartment with her dogs.
Since they lived on the third
floor, making it difficult for her
to take her dogs outside in time
for their nature calls, Lucy
needed a solution.
Elphick's friend tried different
means of alleviating the problem,
including doggy pads and low-
budget fake grass, which proved
to be messy and smelly failures.
Lucy eventually found the
solution in the Doggy
According to the article, the
natural grass from this
product helps to eliminate
odors and dogs are attracted
to it.
The Doggie Toilet can be
delivered to your door on a
subscription basis, it comes with a
free training kit and poo bags upon
the first order, and you have easy
access to the product experts.
Despite many products having
cons in their uses and
reviews, Elphick in his article
points out that the Doggie
Lawn has no negatives.
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concerning dogs as well as to
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