Increase Practice Revenue With This Telemedicine Early Detection System

Increase Practice Revenue With This Telemedicine Early Detection System, updated 8/12/20, 6:50 AM

MojoGlobal recently launched The Certified EDMMD Program, a new virtual medicine system that allows doctors to provide patient treatment remotely while increasing their practice revenue. Go to for more info.

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Increase Practice Revenue With This
Telemedicine Early Detection System
If you're looking for an efficient way to
attract more patients to your medical
practice, this new telemedicine program is
the solution for you! MojoGlobal
announced the launch of The Certified
EDMMD Program, a new early detection
monitoring technology.
This new program allows you
to accommodate the needs
of diverse patients seeking
acute and ongoing care.
Ongoing safety precautions due
to the current pandemic have
forced medical practices to
adopt new teleworking
technologies that facilitate direct
patient treatment.
The newly launched Certified
EDMMD Program at
MojoGlobal provides a safe
and secure way to evaluate,
diagnose and treat your
patients at a distance.
During this global pandemic,
telemedicine is helping
healthcare provider
organizations and caregivers
better respond to the needs of
their patients.
A telemedicine technology like The
Certified EDMMD Program allows
patients to consult with doctors over the
phone, video, or direct messaging,
instead of going to a clinic and risking
spreading the virus to others, including
the medical professionals.
For practices, The Certified
EDMMD Program is an
excellent way to increase
revenue and improve office
The Certified EDMMD Program
can increase efficiency of care
delivery, reduce expenses of caring
for patients or transporting them to
another location, and can even
keep patients out of the hospital.
You can further use the data
generated to better care for
the patient or regularly
monitor certain conditions.
By using the Certified EDMMD
Program, you will be able to
save more lives while
increasing your practice
revenues by as much as 300%
or more.
Go to
www.compensatoryhe for more info!