Yazidi Declaration Referendum (English)

Yazidi Declaration Referendum (English), updated 8/28/19, 11:41 PM


Yazidi "Declaration of Self-Representation" (English copy) ratified by democratic referendum in June 2019, certified by an international Court, declaring ancient Yazidi sovereignty and indigenous ethnic identity independent from modern Kurds.

About Ignita Veritas United

Ignita Veritas United (IVU) is an inter-governmental organization (IGO) advancing human rights.  It features Ignita Veritas University (IV University) - among only 5 universities in the world with diplomatic status, Magna Carta Bar Chambers (MCBC) - an international law firm of Barristers as the university law center, and Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ) - operated by the independent Judiciary profession.

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Article 1 – The indigenous
nation of Yazidi People the
original most ancient native
Mesopotamia since 10,600 BC
who ruled the region by our
sovereign Kingdom of Ezidkhan
for 4,000 years from ca. 2,450
BC to 1534 AD recognized as an
indigenous nation by League of
Nations in 1925 AD

Represented by our traditional ethnic cultural and religious
tribal leaders assembled in Sinjar as the heart of our native
ancestral lands where We stood and fought over many
centuries to defend our Yazidi People and Christians and
other minorities against persecution: Including the Yazidi
Tribal Leadership Council and Yazidi
Supreme Council representing the Yazidi People of Iraq
and worldwide

Declare our right as an ancient indigenous nation to Self-
Representation by our own ethnic Yazidi Sovereign Chief
Prince qualified and elected under Yazidi Law as customary
international law for Self-Representation in our own name
with our own voice with our own seat at the table in
governmental relations in Iraq and the international
community under conventional international law and
human rights and under the Constitution of the modern
Republic of Iraq

Article 2 – We declare the following Truth of our unique and
exclusive Yazidi national identity proven by the historical record
universities and encyclopedias:

Our Yazidi language emerged in 500 BC thus 10,100 years after the
Yazidi nation and 1,950 years after the Ezidkhan Kingdom and was
not called “Kurmanji” nor considered “Kurdish” until as late as 1787
AD thus 2,287 years after it was our own native Yazidi language

The modern Kurdish identity of non-Yazidi ethnic Arabs was not
established until Kurdish Nationalism first emerged in 1880 AD by
Sheikh Ubeydullah leading defense against the Ottoman Empire
demanding an independent Kurdistan thus 12,480 years after the
Yazidi nation 4,330 years after the Ezidkhan Kingdom 2,380 years
after the Yazidi language and 93 years after our language was called

The League of Nations in 1925 AD recognized our Yazidi People as an
indigenous nation separate from the Kurds

The United Nations Refugee Agency in 2007 recognized Yazidis as
the original indigenous people different from the Kurds

The Human Rights Watch field inspections in 2009 documented that
Yazidis are not Kurds but rather are the independent indigenous
people unified in alliance with Christians and other minority groups
who are also not Kurds

The United Nations Human Rights Council in 2016 recognized the
Yazidi ethnic identity as separate from Kurds and declared the need
for proper legal identification of ethnic Yazidis

Article 3 – We therefore declare as a matter of fact and matter of law
that We the Yazidi People are not Kurds and that the modern Kurds
are not Yazidis and thus Kurds cannot represent our ancient Yazidi

 Any and all statements by ethnic Yazidis past present or future
anywhere in the world identifying as “Kurds” are declared as factually
and legally false and mistaken

 Any and all statements by groups which have their own non-Yazidi
identity claiming to be “Yazidis” are declared as false and would
constitute unlawful suppression and misappropriation of the ancient
Yazidi indigenous ethnic identity contributing to Genocide in
violation of international law and human rights

 Any and all statements by non-Yazidi groups claiming to
“represent” the Yazidi People are declared as legally false and would
constitute international crimes of deprivation of the right of self-
determination and interference in the sovereign affairs of the
indigenous Yazidi People in violation of international law and human

 Any and all statements by non-Yazidi groups claiming to “protect”
the Yazidi People if used to prevent or replace Yazidi independent
self-defense would constitute international crimes of deprivation of
the rights of safety and security of our Yazidi People in violation of
international law and human rights

 Any and all humanitarian or military aid or support given to non-
Yazidi groups claimed to benefit “Yazidis” are declared misdirected
only for political ambitions of non-Yazidi regions giving no benefit to
our ethnic Yazidi People

Article 4 – We declare that We the Yazidi People as the original
indigenous ethnic religious nation of Iraq will engage in peaceful
cooperation and mutual support with non-Yazidi regions only insofar
as they respect our own separate ancient Yazidi identity and uphold
all of our human rights and indigenous rights under international law

Towards this goal the Yazidi nation shall cooperate with non-Yazidi
regions only from the legal standing of our own sovereignty acting
through our own Self-Representation by our own Self-Determination
under our own Self-Governance

The Yazidi nation shall engage with non-Yazidi autonomous regions
only as separate but equal governments by sovereign diplomatic
protocols only through their leaders who most respect our ethnic
identity and legal rights

Article 5 – We declare our rights as an indigenous people and
demand Equal Protection of Law by enforcement of international law
and human rights by the modern State of Iraq and the international
community under the framework of United Nations conventions

 The right of Self-Representation of our own ethnic identity in our
own name with our own voice by our own freely chosen
representatives under UN Declaration of Human Rights (Articles 6,
21.1) UN Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Articles 18-19, 27, 36-37) and
UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Articles 16, 25)

 The right of Self-Determination and Self-Governance of our own
indigenous political and local affairs under UN Rights of Indigenous
Peoples (Articles 3-5) UN Covenant on Social and Cultural Rights
(Article 1) and UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 1)

 The right Against Forced Assimilation in any non-Yazidi
autonomous region under UN Declaration of Human Rights (Article
20.2) and UN Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Articles 8, 33)

 The right of Direct Humanitarian Aid from the Iraqi government
and the international community to our own Yazidi People not
misdirected only to non-Yazidi groups under UN Rights of
Indigenous Peoples (Article 39)

 The right of Equal Protection of Law to independently and directly
receive the same rights as granted to non-Yazidi groups under UN
Declaration of Human Rights (Articles 2, 7) UN Covenant on Social
and Cultural Rights (Article 2.2) and UN Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights (Articles 2.1, 26)

 The right of Safety and Security including our own independent
self-defense against Genocide under UN Declaration of Human
Rights (Articles 3, 12) UN Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Articles 7,
30) and UN Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Articles 6.3, 9.1,

 The right to freely use our Ancestral Territories under UN
Declaration of Human Rights (Article 12) UN Rights of Indigenous
Peoples (Articles 10, 12.1, 25-26, 32) and UN Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights (Article 12)

 The right to Restore Ezidkhan Kingdom as the historical sovereign
nation state to exercise our rights of Self-Representation and Self-
Determination under UN Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Articles 5, 9,
18, 20, 34)

 Furthermore All of These Rights are binding upon all countries
even non-signatory countries as universal principles of customary law
regardless of recognition under UN Convention on the Law of
Treaties (Article 38)

Article 6 – We therefore exercise our rights of Self-Representation
and Self-Determination to declare the following Truth of Yazidi Law
on Succession of our Yazidi Sovereign Chief Prince proven by the
historical record universities and encyclopedias:

Royal Succession for the Sovereign Chief Prince of our Yazidi People
as an indigenous nation is determined by ancient Yazidi Law,
established by the Rule of Succession (Qanuna Sarortie) and Rule of
Coronation (Qanuna Khalatkrin) from Sheikh Adi ca. 1120 AD, as
confirmed by the Proclamation of Sharaf ad-Din (Qesida Serfedin) of
1246 AD:

 The rules of Succession and Coronation require that a candidate
“must have both parents from one of the six Yazidi Royal Houses”

 These Rules require that a candidate “must not be associated with
political parties” and specifically must be “associated with non-
Kurdish companions” thus prohibited from and disqualified by being
controlled or managed by non-Yazidi political leaders

 The Proclamation of Sharaf ad-Din requires that the Chief Prince
of the Yazidi nation must be a “Prince of Justice” defending Yazidi
rights (3.3), who must actively “Refresh the Crown by right and
merit” meaning accomplishments restoring our historical Kingdom of
Ezidkhan (6.2, 7.2)

Article 7 – We the Yazidi People therefore uphold our ancient Yazidi
Law to freely exercise our right of Self-Determination under modern
international law by independent election of our own Sovereign Chief
Prince to represent our collective right of Self-Representation in local
and in international affairs:

 The Sovereign Chief Prince of our indigenous nation of Yazidi
People shall be qualified and elected by and for our Yazidi People
under Yazidi Law

 The Mandate of our Sovereign Chief Prince shall be the sacred
right and obligation to serve as Head of State and Chief Diplomat of
the indigenous Yazidi nation to fully and exclusively exercise our
right of Self-Representation

 That Mandate shall include fulfilling the Will of the People to
restore our Ezidkhan Kingdom as the most official institution of
diplomatic status for effective Self-Representation and to establish a
Constitutional Elective Monarchy with a democratic Government by
and for our Yazidi People

By Decree of We the Yazidi People by the Yazidi Tribal Leadership
Council and Yazidi Independent Supreme Council representing the
Yazidi People of Iraq and worldwide for Us Our heirs and successors

In Witness whereof We have
caused these Our Letters to be made Patent

Witnessed this 22nd day of June
in modern year 2019

Ratified and Issued by Our official signatures
on the following pages

Judiciary Certification of Referendum Monitoring

Yazidi Sovereign Declaration of Self-Representation

25 July 2019

Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ) is an Official Body of an inter-governmental organization (IGO), thus an
autonomous “subject of international law” (UN Law of Treaties, 2.1(i), 3) with independent sovereignty (§3(c)),
established by Charter of its host IGO (§5). SCIJ is an official Court of Law, with universal jurisdiction over all matters
involving international law (UN Declaration of Human Rights, 10, 28; UN Remedy for Human Rights, 3(c), 4, 5, 12, 14;
UN Right to Protect Human Rights, 1, 3, 5, 9.1-9.2, 9.3(c), 9.4; UN Justice for Abuse of Power, 5, 7; UN Rights of
Indigenous Peoples, 17.1, 37, 40). Its official powers and authorities are supra-governmental, fully binding upon all
countries (UN Independence of Judiciary, Pre: ¶1, ¶10, Art. 3, 4), regardless of recognition (UN Law of Treaties, 38). All
States have “obligations” to “assist” and “enforce foreign judgments” of “international judicial organs” (UN Remedy,
Pre: ¶8, Art. 4, 5, 17). Any “failure to act” is criminal “abuse of power” (UN Right to Protect, 10; UN Prosecutors, 15).

The SCIJ High Court hereby certifies the following legal facts under international law:

Duly appointed Protocol Officers and Compliance Judges of the Court have monitored
the sovereign declaration and democratic referendum process by the indigenous
nation of the Yazidi People, represented by the Yazidi Tribal Leadership Council and
Yazidi Independent Supreme Council in Sinjar, Iraq, during April – June 2019.

The Court thereby verified and thus witnesses the valid legal signatures of the relevant
competent tribal and cultural leaders, including some duly authorized proxy
signatories, officially ratifying the Declaration of Self-Representation (developed by
Prince Naif bin Dawud bin Sulaiman), issued as a Constitutional Charter under
customary international law, legally enacted on 22 June 2019.

Legalized Signatures – This historic legal instrument, legally reasserting the Yazidi
ethnic identity, and reestablishing the Ezidkhan Kingdom as a sovereign subject of
international law, was signed by the following qualified electorates:

250 representative Yazidi leaders, including: 40 Princes of the ruling Royal House of
Dawud Bak of the Qatani Sheikhs, 61 Religious leaders, 30 Tribal leaders, 49 Political &
Government leaders, 42 Army and Police officers, and 28 Cultural leaders (all shown
with the declarations);

5,000 representative Yazidi professionals, entrepreneurs, journalists, students,
activists and volunteers (preserved in archive);

30,000 representative Yazidi civilians of the Nineveh Governorate, concentrated in the
Sinjar, Sheikhan, Al-Hamdaniya and Akre Districts of Iraq (preserved in archive).

This represents a total of 35,250 signatures of all Yazidis who were accessible to the
authorized Sinjar tribal leaders for verification of indigenous status, proportionally
representative of the general population of the Yazidi People worldwide.

Judiciary Recognition – The Court hereby establishes Judiciary Recognition that this
Declaration by referendum is a valid, binding and enforceable sovereign legal
instrument under conventional international law, exercising the rights of Self-
Representation, Self-Determination and Self-Governance, under the UN Declaration of
Human Rights (Articles 6, 21.1), Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Articles 3-5, 18-19, 27,
36-37), and Civil and Political Rights (Articles 1, 16, 25).

Therefore, the Court officially recognizes the Yazidi Declaration of Self-Representation,
having equal status among the national declarations of independence of countries,
enacted by the indigenous nation state of the Yazidi People worldwide, as a sovereign
subject of international law.

Signature Pages Classified – The Court has ordered the signature pages Classified
under Judicial Secrecy, to protect the physical security of all Yazidi leaders who are
signatories, against witnessed criminal threats and interference by the leading Barzani
faction of Kurdistan. Signatures are thus provided only to Presidential Administrations
and Foreign Ministries through Diplomatic channels on a “need to know” basis.

Any unauthorized disclosures of the Classified Signatures shall be subject to Contempt
of Court Orders and prosecution for the international crimes of victim retaliation
(UN Responsibility to Protect Human Rights, Article 12.2), violation of privacy rights
inciting or causing threats to personal security (UN Declaration of Human Rights,
Articles 12, 3; UN Civil & Political Rights, Articles 17, 9), and violation against the Court
authority to enforce Judiciary Secrecy (UN Independence of Judiciary, Articles 4, 15).

Officially Issued with Judiciary Authority under International Law:

Princess Judge Kunda of Bemba, LL.M., J.S.D.
Chief Justice of the High Court
Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ)