Choosing An Amazon PPC Tool: Top Five Things To Look For

Choosing An Amazon PPC Tool: Top Five Things To Look For, updated 3/13/21, 7:19 PM

The 'Top Five Things Amazon Sellers Should Look For When Choosing An Amazon PPC Tool' is a critical evaluation of how sellers should be measuring Amazon PPC software platforms. See the full article at

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Top Five Things To
Look For When
Choosing An
Amazon PPC Tool
The article outlines the various ways Amazon sellers should
be evaluating Amazon PPC tools for their growing Amazon
advertising investment.
For Amazon sellers who don't know,
Amazon PPC or pay-per-click is the Amazon
advertising model where sellers place
advertising inside of the Amazon platform
and pay per click generated by customers
shopping and clicking on their advertising.
PPC is offered in various forms and differs depending on the
type of placement inside Amazon.
While PPC is essential to an Amazon
business, it is often misunderstood and
sellers often struggle to evaluate tools
that are meant to help them with
building their Amazon business.
The top five things are:
1. Make sure your Amazon
PPC tool offers full advertising
2. Evaluate tools and make sure that it is an effective means to lowering
your advertising spend by lowering your ACoS or increasing your ability
to find targeted keywords.
3. Ensure your tool has the ability to
automate ad placement options
potentially even using AI to
maximize bid optimization and
4. Makes sure your tool has a robust set of analytics and reporting
that allows you to understand your business from an advertising
standpoint as well as your organic impact at a high-level.
5. #5. And last, sellers should be looking
for a tool that does not charge them
based on a percentage of ad sales or ad
spend and instead find a tool that has
transparent up-front flat-fee pricing like
Sellozo CEO Nic Delorme says
there are many sellers looking for insights and
answers when it comes to choosing an Amazon
PPC tool and this article is meant to help people in
their decision process since this article reveals in a
practical way what's possible with the right
information and guidance.
The article is available at