Electric Vehicle Maintenance Tips: How to Beat the Heat in Your EV During Summer

Electric Vehicle Maintenance Tips: How to Beat the Heat in Your EV During Summer, updated 6/22/21, 4:46 PM

The summer season can be rough for all of us, the heat of the sun makes it harder to go outside. However, the hot weather also negatively impacts our electric vehicles because they tend to overheat and malfunction during this time. That’s why you have to know how to keep your electric vehicle cool at all times.

Here are six electric vehicle maintenance tips every EV owner needs to know and get ready for this summer season.



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Electric Vehicle Maintenance
Tips: How to Beat the Heat in
Your E.V. During Summer
B L O G | N O R T H W E S T C O L L I S I O N C E N T E R
As much as we hate the heat during
the summer, it also has a huge effect
on our vehicles. Summer heat can
negatively impact all types of vehicles,
but electric vehicles are the most
sensitive when it comes to extreme
weather conditions.
The reason why E.V.s are sensitive to
heat is because E.V. batteries do not
have the same driving range of gas
Although the cold weather has more
effect on electric vehicles, hot weather
has an effect on the range of E.V.s as
If it makes your E.V. stress its battery
more than usual, expect it to lose
power faster than usual.
That’s why you have to know the
basics of electric vehicle maintenance
during extreme weather.
Here are 6 tips to beat the heat in your
electric vehicle during the summer:
1. Limit Air Condition Use
During the hot weather, keeping your
electric vehicle cool should be your
top priority.
However, since it can also drain your
battery fast, be mindful of how long
you run the air conditioning. If you
cannot use it on a fan setting, keep
your air conditioning at a reasonable
temperature at all times.
Another way to keep the heat outside
without having to use too much
battery power is to run your air
conditioning before unplugging from
the charger.
That way, you can keep the inside cool
before your trip, and then maintain it
on a lower setting while on the road,
maximizing your battery life and
keeping it for a longer period.
2. Always Precondition

Preconditioning is one of the simplest
and most important things you can do
to maintain your electric vehicle.
You can cool off your electric vehicle
in order to reach the right
temperature before taking off. You
can also use sun shades or tint your
windows to keep the car from
Always remember that charging your
E.V. in the hot weather should be
closely monitored because this may
cause overheating.
Avoid charging it to 100% as it may
cause the battery to overheat, try to
maintain the battery to 80% when
3. Ease Up on the Accelerator and
If you want to maintain your E.V.
battery and avoid overheating, the
best thing you can do is maintain
smooth acceleration and braking.
Tone down and drive at the
appropriate speed while easing up on
the accelerator on every stop.
Keeping your feet off the brake and
accelerator will add life to your
Not only can you conserve battery life
and power by taking it easy while
driving, you can also improve it by
not letting the electric vehicle
4. Leave Excess Weight at Home
Summer season is when all the trips
and outdoor activities take place. Your
family will surely go on picnics, beach
outings, hiking, surfing, and other
As much as you want to bring all the
stuff you think will be needed during
the trip, avoid excess baggage and
leave some of your gear at home.
Plan ahead and write a list of all the
things that you will need on the road
during your getaway.
Excess weight can affect the range of
your E.V. battery and may cause it to
overheat. If you plan to bring extra
baskets of fruit or some outdoor
activity gear during the trip, you can
load it to another vehicle or ask your
family members to bring it for you.
5. Always Park in the Shade
Summer season is the most important
time to level up your electric vehicle
If you are used to parking in any open
parking spot, you have to stop doing
that and make sure you look for a
better parking spot under shade.
To keep your E.V. battery from
overheating, which could lead your
vehicle to malfunction, buy a sun
shade for your windows or even
invest in a good tinted window to
block out the sun during a hot day.
6. Avoid High Speeds
Driving at high-speeds may seem fun
and easy for your electric vehicle, but
driving over 50 miles per hour can
drain and overheat your battery faster
than anything. Going at a high speed
for a long time also has a negative
impact on the range of E.V.s.
Do yourself and your electric vehicle a
favor and maintain your speed under
the maximum limit to conserve your
battery and avoid overheating. If you
want to go to your destination faster,
expect your battery to drain faster and
plan ahead.
If you find your electric vehicle
malfunctioning and overheating in
high temperatures, you can visit
Northwest Collision Center.
We offer the best Tesla auto body
repair in Clearwater, FL. Expect your
electric vehicle to be in better shape in
no time.