Manufacturer Offers Bulk Supply Of Honeywell MERV 11 16x25x5 Filters For Distributors & Home Owners

Manufacturer Offers Bulk Supply Of Honeywell MERV 11 16x25x5 Filters For Distributors & Home Owners, updated 1/10/23, 9:51 AM

If you’re a supplier or distributor of furnace filters, United Filter Company provides bulk supply agreements for high-quality Honeywell 16x25x5 pleated filter products. Go to for more information.

United Filter Company Ltd. #6-2624 Royal Windsor Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L5J 1K7, Canada Website Phone +1-416-786-6777 Email

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Manufacturer Offers Bulk Deliveries Of Honeywell
16x25x5 HVAC Filters For Distributors.
United Filter Company keeps manufacturers and
distributors stocked this winter with bulk supply
agreements for Honeywell 16x25x5 pleated gas
furnace filters.
Keep your clients coming back
with well-priced and high-quality
Merv-8, Merv-11, and Merv-13
Honeywell furnace filters.
They also offer bulk supply for
their commercial range, including
pocket bag, rigid box, and HEPA
As a result of the recent winter
storms, you will probably have
seen a spike in demand for quality
filtration products.
United Filter Company’s bulk supplies are
ideal if you’re a gas furnace manufacturer,
distributor, or if you’re a landlord
maintaining multiple properties.
The company manufacturers
residential furnace filters to
suit a wide variety of
standard and non-standard
sizes, ranging from 1”
through to 5”.
The firm’s HEPA filters are available in
standard and high-capacity variants, and
they can even produce custom sizes if
Check out so
you can learn more.