How talent acquisition can be invaluable, even in a hiring freeze

How talent acquisition can be invaluable, even in a hiring freeze, updated 11/19/22, 8:01 AM

Often-overlooked parts of the hiring process can determine whether talent acquisition teams meet or miss hiring goals. By revisiting internal processes now, you’re setting yourself up for success after the hiring freeze ends.

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Leverage a hiring freeze to be stronger than
ever when hiring picks back up.
A hiring freeze or slowdown can stall
talent acquisition efforts, which can be
jarring for recruiting teams going flat
out. But a pause is also a chance for
project-based recruiting work and
fine-tune hiring processes.
The inbound recruiting experts at
Datapeople have outlined five projects for
hiring teams looking to add value during a
hiring freeze or slowdown. The company
says these projects will take some work. But
talent pipelines will be much stronger when
hiring picks up again.
One, hiring teams can update
job ad templates and boilerplate
copy. Job ad templates ensure
content and employer brand
consistency across all jobs, says
But they need tending to,
especially when job seeker
attitudes are changing so quickly.
A hiring freeze or slowdown gives
teams time to improve templates
for upcoming recruiting efforts.
Two, every hire counts during a
slowdown, especially if companies
are only hiring for critical roles. It’s
vital to cast as wide a net as possible
to attract qualified candidates,
quickly, says Datapeople.
So once job ad templates are inclusive,
hiring teams should make sure the job
ads themselves are inclusive too.
Inclusive job ads are accessible, clear,
and welcoming to everyone, no matter
how they look, talk, love, or anything
Three, hiring teams can optimize their
workflows for job ads. Every company does
job ad workflow a little differently, says
Datapeople, but most use one of two
approaches. One, job ads sit outside the rest
of the recruiting workflow. Two, job ads sit
inside the recruiting workflow.
The first approach means wild goose
chases for job ads stored in multiple
programs (e.g., Google Docs, Gmail) and
either not finding them or not knowing if
they’re up-to-date. The second approach
means reduced steps in future hiring
efforts via job ad software.
Four, data cleaning isn’t exciting, but
inaccurate data leads to incorrect
assumptions, missed goals for recruiters,
and flawed strategic decisions for talent
acquisition leaders. Data cleaning is the
only way to get clear insights from ATS
data, says Datapeople.
Five, recruiters don’t have time to
connect meaningfully with hiring
managers during all-out recruiting
efforts. But a hiring freeze or
slowdown gives them a chance to do
that and improve processes, says
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