Marketing for Non-Marketers: 4 Ways You Can Promote Your Business

Marketing for Non-Marketers: 4 Ways You Can Promote Your Business, updated 10/2/24, 2:55 PM

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Running a business is hard enough. It can be especially challenging if you have a smaller company and have to fill additional roles like sales, marketing, and customer service.

Our latest blog post, Marketing for Non-Marketers: 4 Ways You Can Promote Your Business, aims to take some of the mystery out of marketing and gives you four ways you can create buzz and attract customers to your company.

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Small and Medium-sized Businesses are major players in the economy.

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I am an accomplished content marketing professional helping you to build your brand and business. In my current role, I fulfill a multi-faceted solution marketplace including: publishing and sharing your content, embedding a document viewer on your website, improving your content’s search engine optimization, generating leads with gated content and earning money by selling your documents. I gobble up documents, storing them for safekeeping and releasing the text for excellent search engine optimization, lead generation and earned income. 

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Marketing for non-marketers
As some of the major drivers of innovation and competition, small and
medium-sized businesses are major players in the economy. Even so, it can be
tough to know how to keep pushing forward and promote your business
throughout its inception and growth. Although you may not have your own fully
staffed marketing department, there are many ways you can create buzz and
attract customers to your company.
Build a face-to-face network
Although everything has an online component these days, it's important to make
an impression face-to-face. This is especially true because statistics show that
word of mouth drives sales. According to the Word of Mouth Marketing
Association, one offline word of mouth impression drives sales five times more
than one paid impression.
So how do you go about this? Attend networking events and see if you can
connect with a few key players to exchange new and old ideas and get your
company's name and mission further out in the field. Your network doesn't have
to consist only of established professionals, either. Getting together with a group
of like-minded business owners can foster discussion about your shared challenges
and help you brainstorm new ways to market your businesses on a budget. As
these other individuals and their businesses continue to grow, you'll have built a
natural network of like-minded entrepreneurs that will stay with you for life.
As you do all of the following, make sure to promote and distribute by creating a
QR Code, providing mobile followers a quick link to what you wish to share.
Host or sponsor an event
Having an event can boost your company’s visibility and attract new customers.
But it can be difficult to get the right people to attend if all they’re expecting is a
sales pitch. Instead, try to align your event with a local cause, group, or
By hosting a fun public community or charity event, you and your employees can
have the satisfaction of being part of something fulfilling that gives back to the
community. Not only will this highlight your company as a strong pillar of
community support, but it will give you a natural opportunity to share what you
do, offer some company-branded freebies, and network with potential new
Become active on social media
It's been said a thousand times, but it still rings true: social media is incredibly
important for businesses. Not only is it a free, easy way to broadcast content and
get exposure to thousands of people online, but it also sends a message to
potential clients that you're a progressive, technologically friendly company that’s
willing to engage in a two-way dialogue. Whether you use it to increase your
network, drive website traffic, or promote big sales and new products, social
media is a quick and efficient way to reach new audiences.
Nowadays, there’s a social media site for every topic and interest. So before you
create accounts on every site out there, consider a few things:
1. How many different accounts are you willing to maintain?
2. Who are your target customers and which social media sites are they more
likely to be active in?
3. How often will you make updates and interact?
4. What types of content do you plan to share?
The good news is that you can start small, dipping a toe into the social media
waters, and go from there. There’s a lot of trial and error before you learn what
works and what doesn’t for your audience. If you’re just starting out, Forbes has a
good article highlighting social media mistakes you can avoid.
Sharpen your web marketing skills
Even if you're already on social media and running a fabulous website, there's
always more to learn. Challenge yourself to keep up with things like search engine
optimization (SEO) standards, metadata, usability, and content marketing trends. If
you keep an open mind toward continuous education, you'll likely pick up some
new skills and find that it's not as tough to keep up your marketing activities as
time goes on.
Looking to build your brand and business? Check out edocr.
Our blog posts full of edocr tips are HERE.