Calgary Support Group For Prostate Cancer Warriors & Caregivers Meets Monthly

Calgary Support Group For Prostate Cancer Warriors & Caregivers Meets Monthly, updated 3/2/25, 2:40 PM

Need some extra support during your battle with cancer? You'll get it at the monthly meetings hosted by PROSTAID Calgary (403-455-1916) open to prostate cancer warriors, survivors, and their loved ones. Visit for details.

Prostaid Calgary City: Calgary Address: 1600 90 Avenue Southwest Website:

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Calgary Support Group For Prostate Cancer
Warriors & Caregivers Meets Monthly
A prostate cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming,
impacting both the patient and their loved ones.
PROSTAID Calgary offers vital
support, resources, and
community for individuals
navigating prostate cancer.
Monthly meetings provide a platform for men to explore treatment options and connect
with those who understand their journey.
Top medical professionals and researchers share
cutting-edge information on treatment
advancements and life after cancer.
Attendees also get updates on critical topics like
testosterone therapy, treatment breakthroughs, and
new screening technologies for early detection.
PROSTAID Calgary recognizes the profound impact of cancer on families and caregivers - reach out

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