Pot Stills and Column Stills: What’s Best For Distillation

Pot Stills and Column Stills: What’s Best For Distillation, updated 6/3/21, 5:01 PM

Modernized line of traditional pot stills and continuous column stills launched by Victoria BC based Specific Mechanical Systems for efficient distilling systems around the world.

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Pot Stills and Column Stills: What’s
Best For Distillation
What type of spirit are you making?
What ABV do you want the spirit to
achieve? Are you producing it
batch-by-batch or on a larger
scale? Do you want to consider
yourself a "Craft" distillery?
Once you've answered these
questions, you can better
determine if a traditional pot
still or a continuous column still
is best for you.
Some distillers hold the difference
between the type of distillation still used
to a high standard - claiming that the only
difference in a spirit comes down to those
that come off a traditional pot still and
those that come off a continuous column
In what mechanism are you choosing to
complete the process of distillation - a pot still
or a column still? Pot stills are often
romanticized, and for good reason! These
copper-crafted kettles date back to the 15th
century and are typically seen when a
distillery is crafting batch spirits.
Pot stills are used to make
more flavorful spirits,
including cognac, whiskey,
rum, and scotch.
The ABV of pot still spirits is
lower than column stills due to
the flavorful organic
compounds found in the spirit.
Continuous column stills are
used much more regularly
than pot stills, and are more
efficient than their
romanticized counterpart.
So making a decision is easiest
when headed directly to the source -
a manufacturer who specializes in
both pot stills and column stills, so
the bias that exists in the spirit
industry is muted as you make a
If you're dabbling in the idea of starting a
distillery or adding on to your already
established one, you want to be able to
see the benefits of both pot stills and
continuous column stills - and
preferably, by someone who knows
distilling equipment.
Whether you decide to use a pot still
or a continuous column still, Specific
Mechanical has the skill, experience,
and passion for helping future
distillers and expanding distillers pick
the equipment that best suits their
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