Wowzzzer's new "Create your own fresh-water supply" training provides free information for people interested in sustainable living, and others looking to solve the water shortage situation. Go to
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Create your own Renewable Fresh-Water
Supply and Solve Water Scarcity Issues
Our world is going dry. Ground water is
being depleted. Wells are going dry,
Farmers are leaving fields unplanted for
lack of water. Gardeners worry about
having enough water when they need it.
Families are depending on water trucks
and bottled water to live.
What is the solution to the
water scarcity situation?
Water scarcity is now
considered as a major
threat to national security
alongside terrorism!
Lake Powell water level
(second largest resevoir in
United States) is
dangerously low and being
monitored every day.
Chris Burns a farmer close to Fresno
City in California suffered from
drought situations (like his
neighbours) and was close to going
bankrupt because he couldn't plant
his fields due to the water shortage.
The only solutions offered were
1) reducing the water
allocation or 2) raising the price
of water that should be
affordable for all.
Chris was confident that he had
the time to dig a new well since
he had an emergency stockpile
of 600 gallons of fresh water to
meet his family needs
But thieves came that night
to steal, not electonics or
money, but his emergency
water supply!
From that point on, he looked for a way
where families could create water-on-
demand out of thin air. And with a brilliant
engineer, he designed a simple-to-build
device that provided 60 gallons of fresh
uncontaminated water per day even in
drought conditions.
Now 11,000 families no longer dread
the lack of water during inevitable
drought seasons. They also have a
"first response" solution when
hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes
hit. Now they save hundreds of dollars
per year on water bills.
Find out more at
Supply and Solve Water Scarcity Issues
Our world is going dry. Ground water is
being depleted. Wells are going dry,
Farmers are leaving fields unplanted for
lack of water. Gardeners worry about
having enough water when they need it.
Families are depending on water trucks
and bottled water to live.
What is the solution to the
water scarcity situation?
Water scarcity is now
considered as a major
threat to national security
alongside terrorism!
Lake Powell water level
(second largest resevoir in
United States) is
dangerously low and being
monitored every day.
Chris Burns a farmer close to Fresno
City in California suffered from
drought situations (like his
neighbours) and was close to going
bankrupt because he couldn't plant
his fields due to the water shortage.
The only solutions offered were
1) reducing the water
allocation or 2) raising the price
of water that should be
affordable for all.
Chris was confident that he had
the time to dig a new well since
he had an emergency stockpile
of 600 gallons of fresh water to
meet his family needs
But thieves came that night
to steal, not electonics or
money, but his emergency
water supply!
From that point on, he looked for a way
where families could create water-on-
demand out of thin air. And with a brilliant
engineer, he designed a simple-to-build
device that provided 60 gallons of fresh
uncontaminated water per day even in
drought conditions.
Now 11,000 families no longer dread
the lack of water during inevitable
drought seasons. They also have a
"first response" solution when
hurricanes, tornados, and earthquakes
hit. Now they save hundreds of dollars
per year on water bills.
Find out more at