Top Dental Implants-Cosmetic Dentistry In Telfair TX

Top Dental Implants-Cosmetic Dentistry In Telfair TX, updated 8/17/20, 5:21 PM

A to Z Dental located is Sugar Land Texas offer its patients cosmetic dentistry procedures they realize that having a healthy, bright, beautiful smile enhances appearance and allows people to smile with confidence. Go to

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Best Dental Implants In Telfair TX Sugar
Land Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment
Looking for the best dental
implant procedure in Sugar
Land area? A to Z Dental has
more than a decade helping
patients to reach the perfect
A dental implant is a
restorative option to replace
non-functional, missing, or
intensely decayed teeth.
Dental implants are
biocompatible screws that act
as roots of the tooth and a
crown is then placed on the top
of it that performs the functions
of the tooth.
Dental implants are fixed into the jawbone in
such a way that it provides a solid stable
base for the crowns similar to the natural
tooth roots. A single implant screw is
required in place of the single tooth root and
multiple screws are required if several tooth
roots are missing.
Dental implant placement is a surgical
procedure that involves cutting and
drilling of the jawbone under local or
general anesthesia. This systematic
process requires multiple visits and
thorough patient-centered planning.
The dental professional will first take a
complete and thorough dental and
medical history. The dental and
medical history will guide the dental
professional to check the dental and
general health status of the client.
Certain clinical and radio-
graphical assessments to
figure out the status of the
oral cavity, teeth, bone, and
The dental professional will then make a
diagnosis, prepare the treatment plan
based on the clinical, and radio
graphical findings. Throughout the
assessment phase, the team of dental
professionals will guide the patient and
his/her caretakers.
The dental implant surgery
is done either in a single
visit or in dual visits.
There are many
advantages to having
implants in place of missing
or non-functional teeth.
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