web design virtual assistant (2)

web design virtual assistant (2), updated 7/12/24, 6:52 PM


web design virtual assistant (VAs) are independent professionals who work remotely to provide support to their clients to help them save time and put their skills to greater use. They can help you with website tasks such as creating content, maintaining your blog, performing regular updates, and monitoring analytics.

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4 Reasons to Offer Web
Design as a Virtual Assistant
Today I’m excited to offer a guest blog post from eAssistantvs.com When she first left
her corporate job to work online as web design virtual assistant, it wasn’t what she
thought it would be. But because she was smart and scrappy, she turned her online VA
business around to offer a high-demand niche service that her clients really needed.
She’s here to share some gold about why you might want to niche down yourself to
become a website designer when working as a virtual assistant.
Here’s Kristen Leigh’s Story as a Virtual
Assistant Who Busted Into the Online Space
with Digital Web Design:
It only took me 6 months of being a full time “virtual assistant” to question why I left my
job in the tech industry. Like, WTF did I do that for?!
For goodness sake, the office I worked in had a foosball table, a couple different gaming
systems, a room to nap in, $20 bi-weekly massages, and summer food trucks!
Health insurance and all that important stuff was pretty good, too but… did I mention the
$20 bi-weekly massages? With those types of perks you’d think I worked in Silicon
Valley rather than the outskirts of Boston!
So why in the world did I quit my job for the uncertainty of entrepreneurship? I left those
amazing perks behind because the work I was doing wasn’t fulfilling to me.
Honestly, I was bored.
I’d worked in eCommerce in some capacity for nearly 6 years, not because I wanted to
but because it’s the career I happened to stumble into immediately after graduating
You can imagine my horror when 6 months after ditching the job and those amazing
perks, I wasn’t sure that being a “virtual assistant” was right for me.
The Bait and Switch: Work and
Travel the World
Back in 2017 I stumbled upon a program that taught women how to start an online
business and travel the world.
Totally baffled by the fact that traveling full time without being a travel influencer was a
thing, I started researching every traveling virtual assistant I could find.
I feel all that research tricked me into thinking that the moment I went full time in my
business I’d be making 6-figures, Airbnb hopping, and living a luxury lifestyle.
You feel that way, too?
That’s why six months into my business – that’s six months of working 40 hours a
week in my business and zero hours a week on my business – I felt really discouraged by
the business I had built.
Going back to corporate wasn’t an option.
I knew the career path I could easily get back into wasn’t right for me so I started
changing up my service offerings instead. I went from identifying as “just” web design
virtual assistant to identifying as a web designer.
So I stopped offering every single thing under the sun and started offering web design
and only the digital services that truly fulfilled me.
That shift was monumental for me. Did it get me to six-figures? No. Did it allow me to
Airbnb hop? Technically, no.
But it did allow me to buy an RV and travel the United States for a year and a half before
the world came to a screeching halt in March of 2020.
So this is where I tell you that you, too, should add web design to your digital service
But don’t just take my word for it. Instead, let me explain 4 specific reasons of exactly
how offering web design as a digital service provider changed my business and life.