Urinary tract infection means that there are bacteria within your urine that are causing harm.

Urinary tract infection means that there are bacteria within your urine that are causing harm., updated 4/30/20, 5:06 PM

Several risk factors are in association with an increase in urinary tract infection diagnosis such as sexual activity, female patient, vaginal infections, placement of a urinary catheter, other diseases (as diabetes), and recurrent urinary tract infections. Originally Published in Symptoms.Care

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Urinary tract infection
means that there are
bacteria within your urine
that are
First, we must define what a urinary tract infection is? Urinary
tract infection or just painful urination is the term patients utilize
for describing this condition.
Given the closeness of the urinary,
gynecological and intestinal tracts for
women, it has way more bacteria than
in men; therefore, a tendency to
produce more urinary tract infection.
What causes urinary tract infections, and are men at risk for getting
them? It is an infection of the urinary system, most causing bladder
infection or kidney infection.
Yes, several risk factors are in association with an
increase in urinary tract infection diagnosis such as
sexual activity, female patients, not having a full empty
of the bladder while urination, vaginal infections,
placement of a urinary catheter, having surgery, older
age, other diseases, and rec
Even though most cases of urinary tract infection are from
females, when the male gets, it is a complicated UTI.
Why do women get urinary tract
infections more often than men? If
you are a female, it is highly
probable to get throughout your life
at least one a UTI.
By the age of 32 years, half of the women report at least
having one UTI.
Also, among young, healthy women
with UTI, the infection recurs in
30% of the cases within six months
of the first presentation.
How severe can this urinary infection be? Depending on
the location of the infection, the name and impact would
The former is an infection of the
lower urinary tract, including the
urethra, and bladder, while
pyelonephritis involves a higher
urinary tract as kidneys.
Male urinary tract infection, regardless of the ubication, severe UTI symptoms,
another risk factor presenting with the disease as an indwelling catheter, and
more, are considered complicated infections.
In terms of the frequency, recurrent
infection of the urinary tract is also
named differently as a recurrent
urinary infection.
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