edocr is a site designed for improving your content’s search engine optimization. Publishing documents on edocr is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing (brochures, data sheets, press releases, white papers and case studies), sales (slides, price lists and pro-forma agreements), operations (specifications, operating manuals, installation guides), customer service (user manuals) and financial (annual reports and financial statements) documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions. #SEO #leadgen #content #analytics
About edocr
I am an accomplished content marketing professional helping you to build your brand and business. In my current role, I fulfill a multi-faceted solution marketplace including: publishing and sharing your content, embedding a document viewer on your website, improving your content’s search engine optimization, generating leads with gated content and earning money by selling your documents. I gobble up documents, storing them for safekeeping and releasing the text for excellent search engine optimization, lead generation and earned income.
Publishing documents on edocr.com is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing, sales, operations, customer service and financial documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions.
Get publishing now!
Collaborative (many to one) Collections
edocr is a site designed for improving your content’s search engine
optimization. Let’s read about one of the many great edocr features
below, called Collaborative Collections.
edocr collections act like file folders, where edocr account owners
can group documents as they please, and even set various security
and privacy levels & gating settings for the collection as a whole.
More information on edocr collections is found on our Collection blog
However, edocr has now come up with a new, unique, reverse way to
use collections, which we call the Collaborative (or submittal)
Collection, because it allows outside users to submit documents and
forms to your collection through a gated submission process. This
should really benefit teachers (we hope!) and others that have
documents submitted for review. Instead of the account owner
publishing documents for the world or a designated group to see, in
this new Collection Type the Account owner will allow others to share
documents with only him or her self.
You must have a Premium Account to enjoy and use the features
included with this collection type. (Currently free!)
An example would be a college English Professor allowing a list of
students, say in Freshman Lit 101, to upload documents to a
particular collection called 'Freshman Lit 101' or '101 Spring 2019' or
whatever makes sense, and the documents uploaded are only
viewable by the Account Owner and of course the creator of the
document. Further, with our new mark-up tools, only the Account
Owner will be able to annotate, comment and mark-up the submitted
Another use case is the acceptance of Applications Forms of some
type. For instance, if you are part of an educational or charity
organization and desire a free Premium edocr account, click on this
form and submit it to us. That submittal process uses a Submittal
Collection we set up to collect these Application Forms.
So, you create a Collaboration Collection the same way you would
any collection. Click 'Add a Collection', then select the Collaborative
Access option at the bottom of the collection types, as shown here:
Once you create the Collaboration Collection, you may also add an
email list of who you want submitting to this collection. Add
individually by typing and hitting 'enter', or comma and type the next
email, or just paste an email list that is separated by commas. If you
need to allow unknown people to submit, that can be handled also,
by way of setting up an intermediate proxy, as we have done with our
Philanthropy Form submission. Contact us for more information on
You may now upload to this collection just like any other, but this is
not the intended purpose for this unique collection folder. The point
of having this collection is to have others submit documents TO YOU,
that only you would then have access to. Once a submission is made,
say from a student or gathered form, the submitter loses control of
that document. They may still see their own, but they cannot modify
or delete, or see other documents submitted from others. The owner
of the Collection may modify or delete as he or she sees fit.
Another way to submit to a Collaboration Collection is from the
profile page of the owner. Once you are added to the collection
member list, you will see the collection on the profile, and it is not
visible to people not included. Just click on the '3 dots' on the right
side opposite the collection name, and then click 'upload here'.
There are documents in both of the folders above, but as the user
that took this screen grab is not the collection owner or the submitter
of the document, while being a member of this collection, sees them
as empty folders.
We look forward to hearing of what uses you come up for our various
Collection types, so do message us with your questions, comments,
suggestions and certainly your successful use of our document
sharing service!