How our journey starting a Minnesota urban mushroom farm turned into so much more

How our journey starting a Minnesota urban mushroom farm turned into so much more, updated 11/17/21, 3:01 PM


Minnesota power couple starts small organic urban farm growing mushrooms. Their dream to inspire and teach others to start urban farms using mushrooms to create biodiversity, build soil fertility, and a closer connection to their community.

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How our journey starting a
Minnesota urban
mushroom farm turned
into so much mor
After being laid off from a St.
Paul engineering firm three
years ago, I took out several
loans and launched a mini
mushroom farm.
Danielle, the compact workhorse and graphic designer behind our
urban farm Tiny Tinks Farm, didn't really care for mushrooms.
Now an ardent advocate for the
versatility of mushrooms, she
cooks them frequently.
"I've grown to really like mushrooms in each dish.
I'm kind of bummed when
we sell out.
Then I'm like, how are we going to make our pasta sauce?" Tiny
Tinks farm offerings include a range of unique vegetables for the
local community.
Our micro farm, is also very
small compared to a
commercial farm.
That's why we came up with the name "Tiny Tinks
Another richness of their micro
farming lifestyle is the communities
we've found: mushroom guilds,
farmers' markets, CSA members,
and our own employees.
Looking back I remember saying "We didn't see that
We thought we were just going to start a mushroom farm
and try to sell the stuff at markets." Danielle especially
enjoys the farmers' market community, "My favorite part
is being able to be outside and socialize with other
people besides my toddler! I also love to cook so it's fun
to tell people rec
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