2016-08-27 Yazidi Declaration WCRR (Evidence)

2016-08-27 Yazidi Declaration WCRR (Evidence), updated 1/5/19, 7:14 PM


World Coalition of Refugee Rights (WCRR), Declaration of Sovereign Support issued to the Yazidi Emirate, engaging in diplomatic relations, to address genocide of Christians and Yazidis as the driving force underlying the international refugee crisis.

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2016 World Coalition of Refugee Rights (WCRR). All International Rights Reserved.
Declaration of Sovereign Support of Yazidi Nation
HRH Prince Naif bin Dawood bin Numb
Yazidi Emirate of the Amiri Royal House of David
The World Coalition of Refugee Rights (WCRR) is an Inter-Governmental Organization (IGO) implementing United
Nations mandates for consular support of refugees (UN Status of Refugees, Articles 26-28; UN Human Rights, Articles
6, 9), reunification of families (UN Human Rights, Article 16.3; UN Rights of the Child, Article 22.2), protecting human
rights (UN Right to Protect, Article 5; UN Human Rights, Article 22), access to justice (UN Refugees, Articles 16, 32.2),
access to education (UN Refugees, Article 22; UN-HRC Right to Education 2008, Article 7(b); UN Human Rights, Article
26.1; UN Economic & Cultural, Article 6.2), access to employment (UN Refugees, Articles 17, 24; UN Human Rights,
Article 23), and cultural support (UN Economic & Cultural, Articles 13.1, 15; UN Human Rights, Article 26.2). Its official
consular powers and authorities for refugees are fully binding upon all countries (UN Refugees, Articles 12.1, 25.1,
25.3), even non-signatory countries (UN Law of Treaties, Article 38).
The World Coalition of Refugee Rights (WCRR), as an inter-governmental organization
(IGO), issues the present declaration in support of the Yazidi people (Al-Ayazdi), in
connection with our joint work against the atrocities fueling the international refugee
We condemn the ongoing religious persecution of the Yazidis in the Middle East since
August 2014, including the escalating massacres and slavery of women and children by
rogue militants, as a systemic genocide of an indigenous people.
We also condemn the foreign policies of state-sponsored destabilization, in violation
of the UN Charter and conventional international law, which have only served as the
proximate cause enabling and perpetuating such genocide.
We recognize the protected status of the Yazidi people, and their indigenous rights
and religious rights, as fundamental human rights.
Moreover, we declare the heightened need for special support of the Yazidis, as an
essential focus within the overall humanitarian missions of WCRR to resolve the
refugee crisis.
Therefore, we hereby establish our focused support of the Yazidi people, as part of our
sovereign protection of Assyrians, Coptic and other Christians, together with all
refugees of Arab, Muslim and other ethnic cultures.
Yazidi as a Subject of World Heritage
The Yazidi people are an ancient religious culture which dates back to ca. 4,750 BC.
Yazidis are widely recognized by scholars and the UN Refugee Agency as a distinct
ethnic and religious group with their own indigenous culture [1] [2].
The indigenous Yazidi religion combines the most ancient Persian Magi Priesthood
with both early Assyrian Christianity and Sufi Islam. Yazidism thus respects and
includes both the Bible and the Quran, while giving precedence to its own Persian
scriptures [3].
Therefore, the Yazidi tradition is a subject of major world heritage, embodying the
most ancient foundations underlying many religions, which also provides a bridge
between Christianity and Islam, for promoting the humanitarian unity of peoples
internationally. The Yazidi people and heritage thus require special protection as part
of the overall efforts necessary for relief of all refugees.
Nations of the world have declared that "all peoples contribute to the diversity and
richness of civilizations and cultures, which constitute the common heritage of
humankind" (UN Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Preamble). Thus, the destruction of
the indigenous Yazidi nation would be a tragic loss of an important part of the
collective heritage of humanity.
Yazidis are sometimes described as cultural "Kurds", because they predominantly
speak the Kurdish language. However, the Kurds are actually a segment of the original
Yazidis who later converted to classical Islam, and Yazidi theology describes a unique
ancestry as an indigenous people. Unfortunately, the Yazidis have been mostly
abandoned and also persecuted even by the Kurdistan Regional Government [4] [5].
During the Armenian Genocide of Christians (1914-1918 AD) by the Ottoman Empire,
the Yazidi people took in many refugees [6]. It is now time for the international
community to reciprocate that kindness, by meaningful and effective humanitarian
intervention protecting the Yazidis.
Establishing Sovereign Diplomatic Relations
On the basis of our parity of status as sovereign subjects of international law, the
World Coalition of Refugee Rights (WCRR) is in a position to declare official recognition
of representatives of the Yazidi people (Al-Ayazdi) in customary international law, for
the purposes of diplomatic relations.
We recognize Prince Naif bin Dawood bin Numb, from the native Yazidi Province of
Sinjar, as the hereditary descendant and Emir of the sovereign Yazidi Royal House of
David (Dawood), supported by his sacrifices in Iraq for the Yazidi people and official
asylum in Germany as an indigenous leader in exile.
We thus recognize the Yazidi Independent Supreme Council of the Amiri Royal House
of David bin Sulaiman as the official government of the sovereign Emirate of the Yazidi
indigenous people and religion internationally, independent as a non-territorial
principality, independent of other cultural leaders from various branches of Yazidi
society, and independent from ethnic Kurds.
Therefore, we establish official inter-governmental diplomatic relations with the
Emirate of the Yazidi Amiri Royal House of David bin Sulaiman, and its Yazidi
Independent Supreme Council, supported by its effective diplomatic representation
throughout the Middle East, Russia and the European Union.
Accordingly, the World Coalition of Refugee Rights (WCRR) hereby declares our
political and sovereign support of our diplomatic counterpart, for the benefit of the
Yazidi people (Al-Ayazdi) internationally.
Officially Issued with Inter-Governmental Authority under International Law:
H.E. Ambassador Judge Doctor Percy Tamayo
General Secretary of the Directional Secratariat
World Coalition of Refugee Rights (WCRR)
Inter-Governmental Organization (IGO)
27 August 2016
Source References for this Declaration
[1] Babak Rezvani, Ethno-Territorial Conflict and Coexistence in the Caucasus,
Amsterdam University Press (2014).
[2] United Nations, UNCHR Eligibility Guidelines for Assessing the International
Protection Needs of Iraqi Asylum-Seekers, UN High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR), Geneva (August 2007), p.11.
[3] Nur Ali Ostad Elahi, Burhan al-Haqq, "Demonstration of the Truth" (Persian) (1963),
Teheran (1975), 1143.
[4] Erbil-Hewler, Kurdistan President: No Independent Yazidi Unit Nor Flag Will Be
Accepted, Ekurd Daily, 09 April 2015.
[5] Samer Muscati & Peter Bouckaert, On Vulnerable Ground: Violence Against
Minority Communities, Human Rights Watch (10 November 2009).
[6] Michael Murphy, Just Who Are the Yazidi People, and What is Happening to
Them?, Madisons Constitution Protection Corp, Texas, 18 June 2016.