Get Top Kid-Friendly Dentistry In Longmont, CO: Corrective & Restorative Care

Get Top Kid-Friendly Dentistry In Longmont, CO: Corrective & Restorative Care, updated 4/12/22, 11:46 AM

Want your child to have a smile that can light up a room? These Longmont, Colorado-based dental professionals provide corrective and restorative pediatric services. Visit or call +1-303-684-9777 to schedule your first appointment.

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Get Top Kid-Friendly
Dentistry In Longmont,
CO: Corrective &
Restorative Care
If you're concerned about your kid's smile, worry no more;
Longmont's dental care specialists are here for you.
Hover Dental Group, family-friendly
dentistry, provides quality oral care
services to help children in Longmont
and its surrounding environments
rejuvenate their oral health.
The practice enlists only professional and compassionate dentists skilled in
childcare to ensure your child gets optimum attention. Furthermore, their expertise
goes above and beyond to guarantee your 100% satisfaction.
Tooth decay is one of the long-standing
health conditions for children in the United
States. A CDC report indicates that about
20% of kids aged five and 11 suffer from
an untreated decaying tooth. 
The good news is their patient-friendly, curative and
preventive oral procedures keep your child’s teeth healthy.
Hover Dental Group approaches
pediatric tooth problems with
modern dental technologies
resulting in quick, painless
The practice has nearly 20 years of experience providing oral solutions in
Longmont, Colorado. It boasts a generation of family dentists with
extensive knowledge in the pediatric field.
Their attention to a child's
problem is top-notch, and they
can also handle every procedure
with precision.
You can count on them for the highest level of support. The local
dental professionals operate from a state-of-the-art facility in
Hover Street, Longmont, Colorado.
Its ambient atmosphere and warm
smiles from the friendly frontline staff
greet you and your child the moment
you step through the doors, making
your kid feel at ease. 
The session often starts with a friendly discussion about a patient’s dental
history. They also conduct pediatric dental examinations, enabling them to
provide the best possible oral care.
Besides kids-friendly family dentistry, Hover
Dental Group offers curative and preventive
oral care for adults. Their services are
affordably priced, and you can reach them
through email, phone calls, or office visits.
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