Five Effective Ways to Stop Bleeding Gums

Five Effective Ways to Stop Bleeding Gums, updated 4/8/21, 1:59 PM

There are many reasons your gums might bleed. It is common, but in most cases, not serious. The most common cause is gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease. It can also be caused by vigorously brushing or flossing your teeth.

Luckily, good oral hygiene and some natural remedies at home can make all the difference in stopping gum bleeding.

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Five Effective Ways to Stop
Bleeding Gums
B L O G | S U N R I S E D E N T I S T R Y
If your gums bleed when you
floss or brush your teeth, you
may not think much of it.
However, bleeding gums,
especially if this happens, could
be a sign of a health problem.
There are several things that can
cause your gums to bleed. If you
brush your teeth too aggressively or
have suffered a mouth injury, you
may notice that your gums are
bleeding. Pregnancy, as well as
inflammation, can cause bleeding
gums as well. If your gums are
swollen, you may experience redness
and tenderness when brushing and
This could be an indication of
periodontal disease, like
periodontitis or gingivitis. These
diseases can develop when you have
too much plaque on your teeth that
have not been properly removed.
Finding out why your gums are
bleeding is important since this will
help you determine the best
treatment. When you know the cause
of your bleeding gums, you can select
one of these five ways to solve the
Practice Oral Hygiene Regularly
Bleeding gums can be a sign of poor
oral hygiene. If there’s too much
plaque along your gum line, you
could be at risk for gum disease.
Plaque is a sticky substance that
contains bacteria and can cover your
gums and teeth. If you don’t floss or
brush enough, the bacteria will
spread and lead to gum disease or
tooth decay.
You can improve your oral hygiene
by brushing your teeth twice a day
and flossing once a day. Regular oral
hygiene is very important for
pregnant women as well. During
pregnancy, hormones fluctuate and
can lead to bleeding gums and gum
Rinsing With Diluted Hydrogen
Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a
disinfectant and is used to whiten
teeth. You can also rinse with
hydrogen peroxide to keep your
gums healthy, remove plaque and
stop gum bleeding. To stop bleeding
gums, rinse your mouth with diluted
hydrogen peroxide after you brush
your teeth, but remember not to
swallow it.
Gingivitis is a condition that is
characterized by inflammation of the
gums, which can lead to receding
gums, bleeding and swelling. In a
study that involved 99 people, some
of the individuals were given a
hydrogen peroxide mouth rinse to
test its effectiveness in treating
gingivitis and whitening teeth. The
study revealed that the group who
used the hydrogen peroxide
experienced less gum inflammation
than the group who did not.
Stop Smoking
Smoking not only increases the risk
of heart disease, stroke, and lung
cancer but is also connected to lung
disease. Smoking is one of the major
causes of gum disease in the U.S.,
according to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. Smoking
can also weaken your body’s immune
system, which makes it more difficult
for you to fight plaque bacteria
buildup and leads to gum disease.
If you quit smoking, you can heal
your gums and stop them from
bleeding. Speak to your dentist or
doctor about the best methods for
kicking the habit.
Reduce Your Stress
One study suggests a connection
between periodontal disease and
emotional stress. Research indicates
that stress has an unhealthy impact
on the immune system. This makes it
more difficult for your body to fight
off a gum infection. However,
additional research is needed to
determine how much stress can
trigger gum disease.
Emotional stress can also cause some
individuals to pay less attention to
their oral health, which can lead to
plaque buildup. Finding ways to
relieve stress, such as yoga and
meditation, can lead to improved
mental and emotional health.
Increase Your Vitamin C Intake
Eating foods that are high in vitamin
C makes your immune system
stronger and helps you fight off gum
diseases that can lead to bleeding
However, when you don’t get enough
vitamin C, gum bleeding could
worsen, especially if you have gum
disease. Even if you have good oral
hygiene, you could experience
bleeding gums if you’re not getting
enough vitamin C.
Foods that are great sources of
vitamin C include carrots, orange, red
peppers, and sweet potatoes.
You may also want to talk to your
dentist about the best vitamin C
supplements to take. Since this
vitamin is a powerful antioxidant, it
will make your connective tissue
stronger and shield your gum lining.
You should get between 65 and 90
milligrams of vitamin C each day.
To ensure your teeth and gums remain
healthy, you can visit our holistic
dental center. We’ll provide you with
the procedures and care necessary to
treat dental conditions and protect
your teeth and gums from infection
and decay. Call us today to make your
appointment and receive the quality
services you need to protect your smile.
(970) 247-3303