Get The Advanced Corrective Care For Your Child's Misaligned Teeth In Thornton, CO

Get The Advanced Corrective Care For Your Child's Misaligned Teeth In Thornton, CO, updated 9/21/21, 5:51 PM

Corrective orthodontic care specialists Weddle Orthodontics (+1-303-255-3339) have launched updates to their Kids Club Orthodontic Treatment program for children living in Thornton, CO. More details can be found here

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Get The Top Corrective
Care For Your Child's
Misaligned Teeth In
Thornton, CO
Are you worried about your child's teeth? Book an
appointment with Thornton, Colorado's premier child
orthodontic clinic Weddle Orthodontics.
Book a Kids Club
consultation today!
The Kids Club Orthodontic Treatment program provides
professional orthodontic care for early years patients.
Make sure your children's teeth
can grow as nature intended
with Weddle Orthodontics.
While child orthodontic treatment typically begins around ages 9
to 14, earlier assessment of developmental markers ensures that
new teeth will have adequate space to grow.
The newly updated early years program provides
you with a detailed examination of your children's
teeth around the age of 7. This early evaluation does
not necessitate the commencement of treatment but
will give the specialist a clear idea of any potential
issues as adult teeth start to grow.
Led by Dr. Larry T. Weddle, D.M.D., M.S, the clinic is committed to providing
expert orthodontic treatment for patients in Westminster, Thornton,
Broomfield and the wider Denver, Colorado area.
The clinic offers solutions to problems such as severe
backbite in which the upper teeth close inside the lower
teeth. Using palatal expansion techniques, the upper
jaw can be widened gradually, ensuring a pain-free
experience for your child at a time when the jaw is not
yet fully developed.
Severe crowding issues can also be addressed either through
the same palatal expansion treatment or through extraction to
ease congestion in the jaw.
Weddle Orthodontics can treat your
kids for misaligned teeth issues,
addressing both aesthetic concerns
and preventing easy fracturing and
chipping of overly prominent incisors,
canines and premolars.
The Kids Club program offers your little ones fun activities relating to dental education to help
engage them on their visits to the office. These include coloring games which can be downloaded
in advance of an appointment and a reward point system to encourage interaction.
A satisfied client says, “Dr. Weddle and
staff are responsive, kind and explain all
instructions clearly. The rewards program
for my son makes the process more
engaging and fun for him as well.”
Go to for more details.