Entrepreneur Online Business Classes Teach You How to Start a Business

Entrepreneur Online Business Classes Teach You How to Start a Business , updated 7/26/21, 7:10 PM

Spartan Academy announces its updated list of free business training courses. The online community offers relevant skills development courses so that students can start their own businesses. Learn more at https://academy.fijehaadum.com

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Entrepreneur Online Business Classes Teach
You How to Start a Business
Are you equipped with the right tools to start your own business?
We're not just talking about capital, but the necessary know-how to be
a GREAT entrepreneur!
Spartan Academy, an online educational community
for professionals, announces its updated list of free
courses for aspiring entrepreneurs.
The newly updated list includes such topics as how to
market a channel on YouTube, success brain training, and
how to turn passion into a profitable business, among
The founder of the academy, Fijeh Roseline
Aadum, says that it has become more
important for you to constantly be trained in
new skills, especially if you have the
intention of becoming an entrepreneur.
Still, there is a need in the market for
an online business school that offers
specific courses to cater to the
individual needs of each student.
Aadum was inspired to create a community where like-minded
professionals could learn the necessary skills they would need to start
their own business.
This is why she designed the
distinctive three-pronged educational
approach of Spartan Academy:
education, mentoring, and practice.
The silver membership is free and
gives access to majority of the
available courses.
Gold membership is a paid subscription and includes one-on-one
coaching and a 50% discount on all products and services at the
Aadum writes, "We equip you with
the necessary skills that people
are willing to pay for."
"At our academy, we help you
experience the transformation you crave
and run a successful business, all while
making a difference in your respective
Go to
dum.com to learn more!