Considering a lifestyle change by moving to Puerto Rico? We do the heavy lifting

Considering a lifestyle change by moving to Puerto Rico? We do the heavy lifting, updated 12/22/20, 4:47 AM


While business/tax incentives are undoubtedly impressive, one compelling reason to move to Puerto Rico is to bring up a family ....great beaches, watersports, baseball, basketball and horse racing

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Considering a lifestyle change by moving to
Puerto Rico? We do the heavy lifting
Relocating Your Family and Ducati,
Audi, Forest River RV or Bertram
Yacht from LA to a New Life in
Puerto Rico? Dependable and
experienced door-to-door carrier
simplifies the entire task.
Whatever the reason you're
relocating from California to
Puerto Rico, that tropical marine
gem in the Caribbean, you're
going to need help with the
You already know that Puerto
Rico is a US territory, so
traveling here is no different
than flying from New York to
In fact the flight from New
York City to San Juan is
less than four hours.
The currency in Puerto Rico is
the US Dollar! You don't need
a passport, special permission
to visit, live, or work in Puerto
It's really no different than
moving to another US
Federal law states that US
citizens with bona fide residency
in Puerto Rico are NOT required
to pay federal income tax, if your
income is derived from Puerto
Rican sources.
With the US economy teetering on the
edge of calamity, this alone may be
sufficient reason to safeguard your
family from what may or may not lie
ahead, especially as a number of
politicians and candidates have voiced
their need to raise US taxes.
With several cities and
states having already done
it, including California.
Puerto Rico has not been
shy about showering new
residents with incredibly
lucrative tax incentives.