Cold Sores and Canker Sores Now Treated With Lasers from The Gilbert Dentist

Cold Sores and Canker Sores Now Treated With Lasers from The Gilbert Dentist, updated 10/8/22, 7:31 AM

Dr. Robert Brown announces laser treatments for cold sores and canker sores for Gilbert, AZ patients

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Cold Sores and Canker
Sores Now Treated With
Lasers from The Gilbert
Gilbert, Arizona - Oct 6th, 2022 - The Gilbert
Dentist, aka Dr.
Robert Brown, is excited to
announce the launch of laser
cold sore treatments in as little
as 30 minutes.
Brown believes if the cold sore is
caught early enough, it can be
eliminated or dramatically reduce
the usual healing time.
Several of his patients have been treated with the
painless, state-of-the-art laser procedure with very good
There is no cure for the
herpes simplex virus that
causes cold sores.
After being treated with a laser multiple times, there is a good
chance that the cold sore won't appear again in that spot.
As soon as a person feels that
familiar tingling sensation that
warns of an on-coming cold sore,
contact Dr.
Brown's office and schedule an appointment for a
laser treatment.
If a cold sore is in full bloom, the
laser will at least take away the
discomfort, help it to dry up, and
heal much faster.
Lasers also treat canker sores offering much faster healing
times as well.
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