Spiritual Grief Healing Podcast: Learn Manifestation Techniques To Overcome Loss

Spiritual Grief Healing Podcast: Learn Manifestation Techniques To Overcome Loss, updated 6/10/22, 12:10 PM

Donnalynn Riley is the host of Finding Your Spark Again - a spiritual grief healing podcast series that asks you to defy convention and find healing through empathy and new age truths. Learn more at http://findingyoursparkagain.com

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Spiritual Grief Healing Podcast: Learn Manifestation
Techniques To Overcome Loss
One of the greatest lessons you will learn in your life is found in
the poem, “Splittings” by Adrienne Rich. 
She writes, “I choose to love this time for once with all
my intelligence” which any person who has been in love
would say is impossible. 
Still, it is a hard-earned truth that we can love
with intelligence. 
We can choose to love
ourselves knowing that we have
We can choose to love, instead of
grieve, because we can manifest
our healing. 
Through compassionate grief coaching advice, you can choose to love
and learn how to face your inner demons through Finding your Spark
Again by Donnalynn Riley. 
Expanding from the "traditional" teachings
of Neville Goddard and the law of
attraction, the concept empowers you to
embrace your own power despite, and
perhaps because, of your grief.
Unlike traditional grief acceptance programs that
mostly talk about you working through your pain
over time, spiritual grief healing speeds the
process by stating that you can manifest your own
After having lost her husband, she began exploring ways to
overcome her grief in a different way.
Riley writes, "Each week you may find
guidance and inspiration to walk
through your own grief or trauma and
take back the reins of your own life."
"Identifying and achieving your desired
emotional state is a skill you can learn
even though you might feel like you can't
control anything after a loss or trauma." 
Learn more at