Let This Ergonomic Office Chair Provide The Back Pain Relief That You Need

Let This Ergonomic Office Chair Provide The Back Pain Relief That You Need, updated 8/6/20, 5:35 PM

The new Backstrong ergonomic office chair has been launched by all33. It was built to reduce the occurrence of back pains while contributing to overall spinal health. Visit https://thebackstrongworkchair.com for details!

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Let This Ergonomic Office Chair Provide The Back
Pain Relief That You Need
If you're tired of constant back pain as a result of sitting in your old
office chair for long hours then you should check out all33's newest
Their Backstrong chair is the dream of every person who
leads a sedentary lifestyle! A Beverly Hills-based
company, all33, has launched the new Backstrong Chair.
The office-friendly chair is considered to be a sound
investment in your health and a source of comfort at
The new ergonomic office chair comes with
the Sit-In-Motion technology which is a
patented, one-of-a-kind, seat design. It was
also built in such a way that it is adjustable
but simple while being sustainable.
It is common knowledge that back pain is
one of the most common workplace health
complaints today. The reasons for this vary,
from sitting at an office desk for hours on
end to the way in which you sit.
The latter is referred to as static posture and is the number one cause of musculoskeletal disorders.
Static posture symptoms are often accompanied by other complaints like headaches and migraines,
and excessive muscle tension in the neck, chest, shoulders, arms, and forearms.
Chair designer and chiropractor Dr. Dennis
Colonello fashioned the ergonomic chair. He
designed it in a way that it enables those seated
in it to be still and maintain perfect posture as it
moves and aligns all 33 Vertebrae of your spine.
The new chair comes in both soft high-
grade vegan leather and fabric, making
for a personalized experience.
Aside from its features the chair also has a lot of benefits. Called the Backstrong C1, it is the only
chair in the world that allows natural movement of the pelvis and back stimulating circulation,
improving flexibility, and encouraging an increase of oxygenation and respiration.
Additionally, the foldaway arms allow
you to move much closer to your
desk and help you to work with much
less strain on your eyes.
The ergonomic chair is also designed
to support ideal posture and
increased flexibility, engage your
core, and increase circulation.
Go to
kchair.com to find out