Ministry of Security Act 2014

Ministry of Security Act 2014, updated 1/5/19, 11:44 PM


This parliamentary Act, by the short title “Ministry of Security Act”, is the authorizing legislation for the Ministry of Security, establishing its ranks of officers based upon military spheres of expertise. While the Act prohibits forming any standing army, it defines various other official governmental functions of cooperation with foreign military agencies which justify and warrant a military Ministry with ranking officers. The Act also authorizes a Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps of lawyers supporting national sovereignty, human rights and international law for geopolitical international security. An official legislative or regulatory Act or Law, enacted by the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, as the nation-state subject of international law embodying the original Knights Templar from 1118 AD.

About Knights Templar Order

The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, the direct continuation of the original historical institution of the legendary Knights Templar, founded in 1118 AD, fully restored as a sovereign subject of international law in 2013 AD, embodying the authentic Templar heritage.

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Ministry of Security
Authorization Act
Ordo Regius Magistralis Templi Solomonis
Enacted by the Government and Ratified by the Grand Master
(Act of 2014, as Amended in 2016)
The text of this Act is the complete amended version, with all previous Acts, amendments,
sovereign orders and administrative regulations fully incorporated, as consolidated from all
traditional, customary and enacted sovereign protocols and laws of the Sovereign Magistral
Order of the Temple of Solomon since 1118 AD.
2013, 2016 Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon.
All International Rights Reserved.
Whereas, the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon is a sovereign subject of
international law, exercising governmental rights and authorities as a non-territorial
principality of statehood, with legal and jurisdictional independence;
Whereas, the proven historical purpose and established tradition of the Order is to defend the
disadvantaged, protect the defenseless, preserve sovereignty under international law,
promote human rights and justice under the Rule of Law, and uphold the principles of good
over evil for the advancement of civilization;
Whereas, in the modern era those primary interests and functions of the Order are
pervasively under offensive attack by state-sponsored terror organizations, state-supported
criminal organizations, and corrupted state agencies and foreign governments, both overtly
and covertly;
Whereas, such systemic violations against peace and social justice both warrant and require
the strongest possible legal protections for the defense of the sovereignty, security, rights and
operations of the Order and its associated or cooperating nation states;
Whereas, the true "weapons" of supremacy in modern warfare are the mechanisms to invoke
and enforce the rule of law, and the natural "ammunition" for such weapons of law is the facts
which expose genuine Truth;
Whereas, the power of the written word is the greatest weapon in the arsenal to defend and
enforce the rule of law, and the pen is a symbolic representation of the power of the sword, to
defend against oppression by the enemies of humanity, armed with the ultimate force of
strategy and expertise;
The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon has enacted the present juridical
law as a parliamentary Act, to provide for the national security and common defense of those
whose protection and welfare depend upon the official activities of our sovereign principality.
Article 1 Title & Enactment
The full title of this law shall be the "Ministry of Security Authorization Act of 2014" (as
amended in 2016). The short title shall be the "Ministry of Security Act" (hereinafter "Act").
This public law is duly officially enacted by the Government of the Order of the Temple
of Solomon (hereinafter "the Order") as a sovereign subject of international law, by approval
of its titled officials of the Grand Mastery, and by ratification by His Most Eminent Highness
the Prince Grand Master as Head of State.
The present Act comprises a fundamental body of public law defining the named
sphere of sovereign rights and authorities of the principality of statehood, and thus
constitutes a binding multilateral contract and covenant between the Order, its Crown
Officers and other Subjects, and all third parties of the general public and the international
The present Act also serves as public law providing benefits supporting the sovereign
rights and authorities of the Ancient Catholic Church, possessing its own autonomous
statehood as a sovereign subject of international law in its own right, as a Sister State under
Ecclesiastical and Sovereign Patronage of the Order, under Constitution Article 12. For the
purposes of this Act, wherever applicable in context, all references to the Order, its
departments and governmental officials fully incorporate simultaneous or alternative
reference to the Ancient Catholic Church, and its analogous departments and pontifical
Article 2 Authorization & Administration of Ministry
Authorization of Ministry The present Act constitutes the sovereign and official
authorizing law and regulation establishing the Ministry of Security (hereinafter "Ministry"),
as a state agency under the secular executive branch of the constitutional government.
Commander in Chief The Head of State shall be the Commander in Chief of the
professional Officers of the Ministry of Security, as a General of State having supremacy of
command control over operations of the Minister of Security and all ranking Officers.
Minister of Security The Minister of Security shall be appointed by the Head of State
under Constitution Article 15.1, and shall thereby be a Member of Parliament serving on the
Sovereign Council, pursuant to Constitution Article 15.12. The Minister of Security is
primarily responsible for providing administrative management and coordination of the
missions and functions of the Ministry and its personnel, and shall have command authority
over all ranking Officers. The Minister, if not a ranking career Officer, may be an executive
non-military professional, who may exercise the option to be granted service status as a
Warrant Officer if deemed practical or desirable.
Ministerial Succession In the event of abeyance of the Minister of Security position,
this office shall be temporarily performed by the Grand Commander from the Grand Mastery,
or if not then by the Grand Justicar, or if not then by the Head of State as Commander in
Chief, until such time as a new ministerial executive can be appointed.
Article 3 Scope & Purpose of Ministry
Basic Limitation on Scope The Order shall not raise any standing armies, nor
maintain a body of armed personnel for the purpose of any tactical operations nor
engagement in any conventional warfare.
Core Purpose of Ministry The essential purpose and central mission of the Ministry
shall be to uphold, strengthen, defend and support the principles of national sovereignty,
legal security of the rights and interests of the peoples of nations, regional and national
stability for the health, safety, welfare and prosperity of peoples, and geopolitical security for
peace and freedom of independent sovereign nations in the inclusive and diverse totality of
the international community.
Means for Core Purpose The fundamental means of accomplishing the core purpose
of the Ministry shall be to continually develop, manage and as necessary deploy a disciplined
corps of highly qualified experts and specialists in various fields related to military security,
national defense, law enforcement, critical infrastructure, legal security, economic security,
and operational security.
Primary Operations for Defense Primary operations of the Ministry shall be those for
defense. The scope of the defense sphere of activities of the Ministry shall be primarily
special operations, for the purpose of defense against unlawful acts of aggression by
information warfare, psychological warfare, covert operations or state-sponsored terrorism in
violation of international law, in defense of the subjects and nationals of the Order as well as
of friendly cooperating nation states.
Secondary Operations for Security Secondary operations of the Ministry shall be
those for military security. The scope of the military sphere of activities of the Ministry shall
be primarily to provide expert support, strategic and operational assistance for the defensive
military security and sovereignty of friendly nation states, or for the geopolitical security of
blocks or consortiums of friendly nation states in the international community, under lawful
formal or informal cooperation arrangements with officially authorized militia, branches of
armed services, ranking Officers and government officials of such foreign nation states.
Article 4 Ranks & Duties of Security Officers
Character of Officers Security Officers of the Ministry shall operate according to a
traditional system of military ranks, for reinforcement of the solemn and sober nature of their
responsibilities for the Order and leadership role in advancing human civilization, and for
facilitation of effectively structured cooperation with the military defense, uniformed justice,
law enforcement and armed services of foreign nation states. Ranking Officers may be
secular professional Crown Officers, and thus are not required to participate in the chivalric
or ecclesiastical aspects of the Order (Constitution Article 16.1), but must respect and uphold
the chivalric moral principles of the Order as a historical institution.
Sworn Oath of Officers All ranking Officers of the Ministry shall be bound by sworn
Oath to uphold the missions of the Order as a sovereign state, pledging as follows:
"I, (name), do solemnly swear, that I will support and defend the Constitution of the Order
of the Temple of Solomon, and the founding principles of human rights under international
law, against all enemies, wherever and whoever they may be; That I will give faithful
allegiance to the sovereign Acts and Laws of the Order, and its chivalric ethics and values;
That I will obey the orders of the Head of State and the Officers appointed over me,
according to law and regulations. So help me God."
(While the phrase "So help me God" is not optional, the word "God" may be replaced by
"Allah" or "Universal Spirit", but may not be replaced by any other concept which is contrary
to authentic traditional humanitarian spirituality.)
No Conflict of Obligations The Oath of service under the Ministry shall not be
interpreted nor applied to conflict with any obligations of citizenship in or allegiance to a
foreign country, as provided by Constitution Article 9.4, as all other nations are strictly bound
by their own constitution and treaties to also uphold human rights under international law.
Context & Significance of Ranks Ranks of service under the Ministry primarily
function as an essential indication of the level of professional career experience, training,
education, skills and expertise, and the degree of official governmental authority and
operational responsibility, of each Officer. Highly qualified Officers in key strategic positions
may thus hold high-level ranks, irrespective and regardless of the number of subordinate
officers who may or may not be assigned to the command of such Officer.
Ranks & Duties of Officers Sworn Officers of the Ministry shall be appointed and
may in due course be promoted in succession of the following official ranks of disciplined
General of State Generals of State are designated by insignia of Four Stars. They are
assigned to matters of high policy and national security, and hold full diplomatic status,
inherently possessing Above Top Secret security clearance for cooperation with foreign states.
A General of State shall be qualified by 20 years of professional military, national security or
law enforcement experience, but may be otherwise appointed based upon extraordinary skills
or accomplishments upon the approval of the Grand Master.
Colonel General Colonel Generals are designated by insignia of Three Stars. They
are assigned to matters of high policy, national security, and international cooperation,
inherently possessing Top Secret security clearance for cooperation with foreign states. A
Colonel General shall be qualified by 17 years of professional military, national security or law
enforcement experience, but may be otherwise appointed based upon extraordinary skills or
accomplishments upon the approval of the Grand Master.
Lieutenant General Lieutenant Generals are designated by insignia of Two Stars.
They are assigned to matters of high policy, national security, and international cooperation,
inherently possessing Top Secret security clearance for cooperation with foreign states. A
Lieutenant General shall be qualified by 14 years of professional military, national security or
law enforcement experience, but may be otherwise appointed based upon extraordinary skills
or accomplishments upon the approval of the Grand Master.
Major General Major Generals are designated by insignia of One Star. They are
assigned to matters of high policy, national security, and international cooperation,
inherently possessing Top Secret security clearance for cooperation with foreign states. A
Major General shall be qualified by 11 years of professional military, national security or law
enforcement experience, but may be otherwise appointed based upon extraordinary skills or
accomplishments upon the approval of the Grand Master.
Colonel Colonels are designated by insignia of a Silver Leaf. These are assigned to
national security, and special operations, inherently possessing Secret security clearance for
cooperation with foreign states. A Colonel shall be qualified by 8 years of professional
military, national security or law enforcement experience, but may be otherwise appointed
based upon extraordinary skills or accomplishments upon the approval of the Grand Master.
Major Majors are designated by insignia of a Gold Leaf. These are assigned to
national security, and special operations, inherently possessing Secret security clearance for
cooperation with foreign states. A Major shall be qualified by 5 years of professional military,
national security or law enforcement experience, but may be otherwise appointed based upon
extraordinary skills or accomplishments upon the approval of the Grand Master.
Captain Captains are designated by insignia of Silver Double Bars. These are
assigned to national security, and special operations, inherently possessing Secret security
clearance for cooperation with foreign states.
Warrant Officer Warrant Officers are designated by insignia of a Gold Bar. These are
assigned to general operations, as a non-commissioned officer (NCO). Commander Knights
of the chivalric aspect of the Order are authorized to wear insignia of a Warrant Officer.
Qualification & Promotion Veterans of foreign military, armed forces, national
security or law enforcement services entering militarized service as an Officer under the
Ministry of Security shall automatically be appointed to a rank no less than their last officially
held rank from a sovereign national branch of service of a country or nation state. From that
starting rank, the rank of an Officer shall be upgraded by promotion in accordance with the
years of service and other criteria established by the present Act for each rank.
Ranking Officers as Crown Officers All ranking security Officers of the Ministry shall
hold and enjoy sovereign protection of full status as Crown Officers of the Order within the
meaning of and subject to the provisions of the Crown Office Act.
Officers in Diplomatic Status All Officers may be additionally appointed to the
consular post of Military Attach, assigned to support Diplomatic Crown Officers of the Order
or as an autonomous special envoy to cooperate with the military agencies of foreign nation
states, acting in additional official capacity with Diplomatic Status under the Crown Office
Article 5 Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps
JAG Corps of Ministry The Judge Advocate General (JAG) Corps shall be maintained
and operated by the Ministry of Security, and shall function as the legal department and
Judiciary for the defense and military operations of the Ministry, and also as a specialized
legal department supporting the Ministry of Justice, Magistral Courts of Justice or other
Judiciary authorities of the Order under Constitution Article 23.
JAG Corps Lawyers Ranking Officers of the Order under the Ministry, who possess
sufficient legal education and experience in law, may serve as JAG Lawyers.
JAG Corps Investigators Ranking Officers of the Order under the Ministry, who
possess sufficient background and experience in research and investigations, may serve as
JAG Investigators.
External JAG Assignment Officers who are Lawyers or Investigators for the JAG
Corps of the Ministry may be assigned to any external Court of Law in connection with
delegation of sovereign Judiciary authority to such Court of Record under Constitution Article
24. JAG Officers may also be assigned to any other external civilian or military Court,
uniformed justice service or Ministry of Justice of a foreign nation state under
intergovernmental cooperation arrangements, as a staff contribution by the Order in
furtherance of joint legal security, national security, defense or peacekeeping operations with
such foreign state.
Article 6 Uniforms Insignia & Medals
Officers of the Ministry of Security, as well as Lawyers and Investigators for its Judge
Advocate General Corps, may be authorized to wear official uniforms, for which they shall be
issued official insignia, for use in working from official premises of the Order, for public or
governmental meetings in an official capacity, or for ceremonial use at appropriate social,
community or public events.
The parameters of official uniforms of the Order, the various types of branch of service
insignia relevant to specialties, nation state insignia, commendation and service medals, or
other decorations, as well as the specifications and protocols of their proper use, shall be
determined by supplemental internal rules or public regulations enacted by the Government.
Enactment & Ratification
The present Ministry of Security Authorization Act of 2014, as Amended in 2016, is hereby
fully enacted and ratified, in accordance with Article 20 of the Constitution, by the following
legal acts of the Government and Grand Mastery:
Enacted by the Government:
____________________________________ 03 March 2016
His Excellency Viscount Michael Henry Dunn
Grand Commander as Chairman of the Government
Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon
Ratified by Magistral Assent of the Grand Master:
____________________________________ 03 March 2016
His Most Eminent Highness Prince Matthew of Thebes
Sovereign Grand Master as Head of State
Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon