If your battle with paralyzing anxiety led to a drug or alcohol dependency, now you can get the help you need with intensive outpatient group therapy covered by BlueCross BlueShield insurance at Relevance Behavioral Health in New Jersey, (866-245-1497.) Get in touch at https://relevancerecovery.com/treatment-services/dual-diagnosis
Relevance Behavioral Health City: Freehold Township Address: 61 W Main Street Website: https://relevancerecovery.com/ Phone: +1 866 245 1497 Email: info@hucenters.com
Overcome Anxiety: BlueCross BlueShield
Approved Intensive Outpatient Group
Therapy In NJ
If you're struggling with a mental health issue like
anxiety, you're probably suffering in silence.
What's incredibly powerful
though, is recognition and
empathy from others who
understand what you're
going through.
This is the basis of the
intensive outpatient group
therapy program offered at
Relevance Recovery, a
prominent dual diagnosis
Relevance Recovery uses talk
therapy within a group setting
to identify the root causes
anxiety, helping you free
yourself of its paralyzing grip.
If you're a BlueCross
BlueShield policyholder,
you can use your BCBS
health benefits to pay for
your outpatient group
With support from a peer group that empathizes with
your struggles, you can make powerful friendship
Under the guidance of a trained and experienced addictions and
mental wellness counsellor, you and your group can work
toward sobriety and mental wellness.
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Approved Intensive Outpatient Group
Therapy In NJ
If you're struggling with a mental health issue like
anxiety, you're probably suffering in silence.
What's incredibly powerful
though, is recognition and
empathy from others who
understand what you're
going through.
This is the basis of the
intensive outpatient group
therapy program offered at
Relevance Recovery, a
prominent dual diagnosis
Relevance Recovery uses talk
therapy within a group setting
to identify the root causes
anxiety, helping you free
yourself of its paralyzing grip.
If you're a BlueCross
BlueShield policyholder,
you can use your BCBS
health benefits to pay for
your outpatient group
With support from a peer group that empathizes with
your struggles, you can make powerful friendship
Under the guidance of a trained and experienced addictions and
mental wellness counsellor, you and your group can work
toward sobriety and mental wellness.
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