Electric Car Fires: Should You Be Concerned?

Electric Car Fires: Should You Be Concerned?, updated 6/28/21, 12:30 PM

As the number of EV drivers grows in the states, a lot of people become more and more concerned about the safety of electric vehicles. Electrical car fires happen and most people think that all EV drivers and users are at risk of this occurrence.

It is important to know how to be safe and prepared when things like this happen. Here is everything you need to know about EV fire safety, risks, and preparation.



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Electric Car Fires: Should
You Be Concerned?
B L O G | N O R T H W E S T C O L L I S I O N C E N T E R
In the past year, about 100,000 new
electric vehicles have been released
and registered in the US.
As the number of electric vehicle
owners grows day by day, a larger
number of people are more
concerned with their safety when it
comes to battery overheating and
electrical fire.
Although electrical cars have many
benefits to the environment and the
owners themselves, it is also an
undeniable fact that there are some
dangers when it comes to fire safety.
Electric vehicles are powered by
lithium-ion batteries, and we all
know that any item powered by
lithium-ion batteries is prone to
thermal runaway or a process in
which heat builds up and causes the
battery to catch fire.
This combustion has happened with
smartphones and laptops, and it has
also been the major factor for many
EV fires.
Because of this, modern EV
developers have designed a thermal
system that protects the battery from
overheating and combusting.
Here is everything you need to know
about EV car fires and whether or not
you should be concerned about them.
What Causes Electrical Fires in
Many people think that the main
cause of electrical car fires are
overheating batteries related to
thermal runaway.
Other factors include car crashes
where damaged electrical wiring may
lead to a short circuit, as well as flash
floods, and many more.
The difference between EV car fires
and others is that EV fires do not
break out immediately after an
Another safety measure added to
electric vehicles are the warning
lights that send a signal to the driver
that they need to pull over
immediately or evacuate the car.
Although there have been a lot of
reports relating to electrical car fires
very few have recorded any casualties
resulting from the accidents. The
majority of EV fires reported have
also proven that the battery is rarely
the main cause of fire.
Overcharging or over discharging
results in electrical short
Cumulative abuse
Errors in the manufacturing
Other factors that contribute to EV
fire include:
Too much exposure to high
Errors in operation and
Excessive shock or impact caused
by accidents
These factors occur due to
carelessness and under preparedness.
That’s why we are advised to be
mindful and prepared when driving
electric cars to avoid such accidents.
How Often Do EV Car Fires Occur?

EV fires are dangerous and should
always be looked out for, but these
instances happen very rarely.
Data comparison for petrol fires and
electrical car fires states that in 2019,
there were 54 reported EV fires,
whereas petrol and diesel cars had
1,898 fire incidents.


These reports just prove that electrical
vehicles are less likely to catch fire
than petrol cars. Petrol and diesel cars
contain flammable fuel, which makes
them much more dangerous.
Electrical Car Fire Risks
Although electrical car fires are
proven to be very rare, it is still very
dangerous when they occur.
When EV fires occur, many organic
chemicals are produced. Some of
these are toxic gases that are fatal to
the human body when inhaled.
Fire services have knowledge about
this occurrence and are prepared with
full PPE respiratory equipment
whenever they have to go on scenes
that include electric vehicle fires.
Although this may be very effective in
protecting professional rescuers and
fire services, full PPE are not readily
available to the majority. That’s why,
when there are risks of EV fires, we
are expected to leave the vehicle and
go as far away as possible.
As of now, professionals and
manufacturers are still observing the
frequency of EV fires and how we, as
a community, can be prepared to
handle them safely when they occur.
Preparing for EV Fires
With the goal of the majority’s safety
in mind, fire services are working
hard to understand more about EV
fires to be prepared for such accidents
on the road. There are training
programs for fire services and car
manufacturers that teach them the
basic information and how to deal
with car fires safely.
Many manufacturers have been
researching other options to prepare
for and extinguish EV fires. There are
some good examples like battery
submersion, but it is still under
observation and study.
To ensure safety and to avoid
electrical car fires it is important to
have your vehicle checked and
maintained on a regular basis.
Northwest Collision Center is one
of the best auto body repair shops in
St. Petersburg FL.
We offer services such as
maintenance and repair to make sure
that your electric vehicle is always in
good condition and safe to use on the
road. We are always ready for all your
automotive and professional service