DeLand Assisted Living Amenities & Communities: Independent Senior Homes Guide

DeLand Assisted Living Amenities & Communities: Independent Senior Homes Guide, updated 4/23/24, 5:40 AM

There are tons of Assisted Living options in your area - how can you choose? This guide from Alliance Community (800.334.4133) can help: it explains how to set your priorities, what to look for in a home, and how to book a tour. Visit

Alliance Community City: DeLand Address: 644 S Woodland Blvd Website: Email:

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DeLand Assisted Living Amenities & Communities:
Independent Senior Homes Guide
Did you know that with Assisted Living,
you can choose exactly how much help
you want, and keep your
The trick is finding the right
community, where you can
relax in comfort with friends -
this free guide can help.
Alliance Community explores
everything you need to know, like
what to look for in amenities and
services, and how to estimate the
Don't just choose based on a
website - the full guide
explains which questions to
ask, and how to book a tour.
Whether you're looking for a
socially active, buzzing
community, or a tranquil place to
relax - there's something for
Find the right home,
whatever your needs,
so you can live
independently, and
surrounded by friends.
facilities-in-deland-fl/ to read the full
Alliance Community can help you to find the
perfect solution, for you.