Logo Design and the Impact of Colors, Shapes, Fonts, and Lines

Logo Design and the Impact of Colors, Shapes, Fonts, and Lines, updated 2/14/21, 1:20 PM

While several graphic elements need to be masterfully integrated, colors are by far the most important in conveying your brand's message. Colors are so powerful that they can influence thinking and emotions. Choose the best logo color schemes for your business with the help of an experienced web designer. Learn the psychology behind each color, too! https://advdms.com/blog/logo-design-and-the-impact-of-colors-shapes-fonts-and-lines/

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Logo Design and the
Impact of Colors, Shapes,
Fonts, and Lines
B L O G | A D V A N C E D D I G I T A L M E D I A S E R V I C E S
Logo designers do not get nearly
enough credit for the impact of their
work in the marketing and
advertising industry. However, as
logo designers, one must consider a
number of aspects before ending up
with a final design. The fact remains
that logo design involves a
tremendous amount of thinking,
since the aim is to please the human
senses. You might say that logo
designers are psychologists of a sort
as well.
Understanding How People React
to Certain Designs
Since it is all about psychology,
people will look at a logo design and
naturally insert their own prejudices
with respect to its personal impact.
A designer’s mission is to make sure
his or her design leaves a solid
impression, one that will become
memorable in the consumer’s mind.
Unfortunately, some designers
overlook the psychology behind logo
design. The following can serve as a
refresher for logo designers looking
to stay on top of their game.
The True Psychology of Logo
It is important to understand that
color, shape, design, style, and
fonts all play an important role in a
logo’s ability to make a lasting
impact on consumers. Of course,
no two people in the world will
interpret a logo in exactly the same
Every aspect of a logo’s design
will mean something to
somebody, so spend time mulling
over every aspect to understand
what the logo design will mean to
the world. This understanding
helps a logo designer to impact as
many people as possible.
Understanding the Psychology
of Colors in Business
Many clients looking to create a
logo do not understand the
psychology of colors in business.
Unfortunately, this can lead to
logo design that fails to capture
the imagination of its potential
consumers. Logo color schemes
have always had a special
meaning and effect on people.
With this in mind, choosing logo
color schemes for the pure sake of
what the shades might entail may
not yield the best results. Color
matters, but there must also be
sound psychology behind
choosing the best colors for a
company logo.
1. Blue usually conveys a message of
success and confidence. It brings to
mind positive emotions for most
people. Designers can include this
color without fear of evoking
negative feelings.
2. Black colors indicate strength and
mystery. Brands use black when
they want to convey they are
powerful and influential in their
space. Black also creates feelings of
3. Grey always blends in well with
other colors. It can also evoke a
slightly cold feeling. Many
designers use grey as an alternate
color for black. The color also
indicates feelings of modest
authority. It is also a favorite for a
plethora of business card designs.
4. White tends to convey purity along
with simplicity. The color also
conveys innocence and perfection. It
is always good to use white with other
colors to reflect the right balance of
brand personality.
5. Green brings to mind nature or
health. There are usually a wide
range of emotions that green colors
can evoke. Green also associates
well with companies that provide
safety and financial products and
information. You will usually find
companies focused on sports,
camping gear, food, IT companies,
and health companies with green
colors in their logos.
6. The human mind and eyes tend to
process yellow quicker than any
other color. This is why danger signs
use yellow as a base color. Yellow
also conveys happiness, mirth, and
joyous occasions.
7. Whenever logo designers want
to evoke colors of aggression, red is
usually the choice. Young
customers respond well to red
8. Like green, brown evokes
feelings of earthiness. Brown also
inspires feelings of harmony and
simplicity. Logo designers use
brown when they want a brand to
convey responsible and serious
traits. These colors find their place
in real estate and legal logos.
Shapes can also impact logo design.
Consider ellipses, circles, and ovals.
Circles suggest community, love, and
relationships. Rings tend to implicate
partnerships and relationships as
well. Curves can bring feminine
qualities to mind. Lines can also have
a major impact on logo design as
well. There are vertical, horizontal,
square, and rectangle lines that can
have different impacts.
We know there is a lot to consider in
a logo design. If you are looking to
partner with the best web designers,
contact Advanced Digital Media
Services. From web development to
handling all your digital marketing
needs, we’ve got you covered! With
our help, your company will soon
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your web properties deserve.
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