Revco Debt Recovery Co. Highlights How To Avoid Collection Scams

Revco Debt Recovery Co. Highlights How To Avoid Collection Scams, updated 8/24/21, 1:46 AM

Revco Solutions (855-202-0113), a debt collection agency headquartered in Durham, NC, has released an article that brings to light useful information for those interested in avoiding debt collection scams. You can read the complete article at

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Revco Solutions Debt Recovery Co. Reveals How
To Spot A Debt Collection Scam
Here are a few of the signs that may indicate you're being
targeted by a scammer.
The Caller Is Making Threats  -  Most commonly
scammers will try to threaten unsuspecting victims with
jail time to encourage them to pay.
Whether they work directly for the company to whom you
owe money or for a third-party collector, the person
calling is NOT allowed to threaten you in any way.
They Won't Answer Questions  - If you
owe a company money, the caller should
be able to answer questions about the
debt, the company, and more as well as
fully explain who they are.
In the U.S. you also have the right
to receive notice by mail to
confirm a debt you owe.
If you’re unsure about the debt be sure to ask for that
confirmation. If they refuse, it’s not the real deal.
If you don’t remember a debt, the caller
might be making it up. Of course, it’s
also possible you forgot, but in that
case, it’s OK to hang up and verify it.
If They Apply Pressure - The caller
pressures you to make a decision
Scammers race against time; the longer they run a scam, the higher
their chances of getting caught or shutting it down before they get
Their goal is to get money from
you as quickly as possible -
especially during that first call.
A legitimate debt collector will give
you time to consider your options
and not pressure you.
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