A Christian Faith Book Filled with Jesus' Messages of Divine Revelation

A Christian Faith Book Filled with Jesus' Messages of Divine Revelation, updated 5/25/23, 1:59 PM


If you feel lost, alone, or unsure about your faith, Albert J. Fike’s “Finding Our Way Home” is a must-read. The book, a sequel to the author’s “Our World In Transition: Messages From Jesus” shares a message of hope and encouragement. Visit https://divinelovesanctuary.com now.

Divine Love Sanctuary Foundation 488 Central Avenue, Gibsons, BC VON1V1, Canada Website https://divinelovesanctuary.com Email nutrimak@comcast.net

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A Christian Faith Book Filled with
Jesus' Messages of Divine
No one said the Christian walk will be
Thankfully, Jesus, our
Savior, continues to speak
to us today through diverse
means, including Albert J
Fike’s “Finding Our Way
Coming at a time of economic &
political upheavals, the book
offers a message of hope &
encouragement to anyone in
search of timeless Biblical
principles for navigating the
You will find reassuring
biblical teachings about
Jesus’s vision of a
harmonious world to come
and practical spiritual
lifestyle changes for your
daily living.
In particular, Fike writes about
how Christians, especially if you
have faltered in your faith, can
reestablish strong morals & find
meaning and fulfillment in your
Christian walk.
The book is intended to
awaken the mind and soul,
drawing on teachings from
the Bible. Fike explains that
each chapter is based on
celestial messages from
Currently, "Finding Our Way Home" is available
as a paperback & Kindle ebook on Amazon.
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