About James H Burns
Since 1977 Jim Burns has been working with students who have learning disabilities and behavioral problems. He has almost 40 years of experience working as an administrator, teacher, college instructor, and seminar leader. He is committed to helping administrators, parents, and teachers establish standards of excellence and help them build successful relationships with their staff, students, and children. He has written and designed The Bully Proof Classroom, a graduate course that is now offered at The College of New Jersey, and La Salle University in Pennsylvania in partnership with The Regional Training Center. This course has been endorsed by the NJEA. He has also written “Anti Bullying 101.” A book that provides teachers, administrators, support staff and parent’s 101 tips on how to achieve permanent help in dealing with unruly behavior and can be used as part of any anti-bullying program. In May of 2015 Jim was awarded the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters by Gratz College in recognition of his almost forty years of work in student behavior management and anti bullying. He is available for on sight in-services and keynotes.
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Independence and Interdependence
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Independent people know how to do things on their own, and interdependent people
know how to do things with the help of other people. Emotionally mature people know
how to do both. They can function on their own but still understand that other people
can be used as resources to help them solve some of life's problems.
Parents are always concerned about sending their children off to live on their own. They
start to worry around the time that their children get ready to go off to college. The
biggest reason for the concern is because, in the parent's' minds, they feel that they
didn't teach their children enough to survive independent of them. The parents may
have the desire to speak frequently on the phone with their children questioning them
about their activities, their grades, who they're hanging around with and even if they're
doing their school work.
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The Real 3R's: Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience
These are not your garden variety lesson plans. They were written to include one plan
for each of the 3R's with the inclusion of suggestions, links, and podcasts that the
reader can click on to listen to. If you purchase a hard copy of the book I have included
the link where applicable so it can be copied into your browser. I have gone very narrow
and very deep and tried to really hit a home run with the activities. I also included
character qualities associated with each one of the 3R's and in the area of resiliency
have included some activities and suggestions that are related to these qualities that
can be used in a classroom, or in a home. There is also a bonus course included at the
end of the book as well.
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