Alcohol Addiction: Withdrawal Timeline, Symptoms, Risks, and Treatment 

Alcohol Addiction: Withdrawal Timeline, Symptoms, Risks, and Treatment , updated 6/15/21, 9:43 PM


Alcohol addiction treatment can be dangerous, and symptoms of withdrawal can be dangerous if not handled with the supervision of a medical professional.

Read on to learn more about the process, its expected duration, and the symptoms or risks involved.

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Alcohol Addiction:
Withdrawal Timeline,
Symptoms, Risks, and
B L O G | H A V E N H O U S E R E C O V E R Y C E N T E R
Part of alcohol addiction treatment is
detox, which is a process of removing
traces of a toxic substance in the body.
Every time one drinks alcohol, it goes
directly to the liver.
Unfortunately, for patients who drink
more often, the liver never truly clears
the body of alcohol because there’s
always more coming.
Detox happens over time, and as the
levels of alcohol become progressively
lower, alcohol withdrawal symptoms
may start to appear.
The detox and withdrawal process
can be dangerous to a person’s health
if not done correctly, hence why this
requires the help of a medical
It’s important, though, to remember
that the patient must not stop
drinking abruptly, especially if they
are a heavy drinker.
Once the liver metabolizes ethanol
and finishes distributing it
throughout the body, alcohol
withdrawal symptoms will start to
How Long Does Alcohol
Withdrawal Last?
Though this may vary from one
patient to another, most will follow
this timeline:
6-8 hours
Alcohol withdrawal starts 6-8 hours
after the patient takes his or her last
There will be minor physical alcohol
withdrawal symptoms, such mood
changes. Other common symptoms
include headaches, nausea, vomiting,
loss of appetite, depression, and
12-48 hours
Moderate symptoms start to appear
1-2 days after the last drink. These are
more dangerous and may affect vital
Common symptoms during this
alcohol withdrawal time frame
include high blood pressure, fever,
difficulty breathing, tachycardia,
sweating, irritability, and confusion.
48-72 hours
Severe symptoms appear within the
first 3 days of detoxification. Seizures
and delirium tremens (D.T.s) are quite
common. Both can show up without a
warning and are fatal.
In fact, approximately 3-5% of
patients in alcohol withdrawal
experience D.T.s, and this is
considered to be the most severe
manifestation of alcohol withdrawal.
This alone proves the need for close
monitoring by a professional.
Delirium Tremens
"The shakes"
How Long Does Alcohol
Withdrawal Last and What Factors
are Involved?
How long alcohol withdrawal lasts
can be affected by several factors. The
main goal of detox is to guarantee a
comfortable and safe start to an
alcohol addiction treatment program.
Alcohol withdrawal protocols may
differ from one patient to another,
and there are certain factors that can
affect the severity and duration of the
The first and most important factor is
how long the patient used alcohol and
the amount they were using before
they decided to discontinue.
Patients who consume large amounts
of alcohol, over regular intervals and
for a longer period of time, are
expected to experience more severe
and lengthy withdrawal symptoms.
Another important factor is the
manner of cessation. Abruptly
stopping alcohol use may cause
longer and more severe alcohol
withdrawal symptoms. Those who
stop drinking gradually are less likely
to experience severe side effects.
Differences in age, genetics, and
mental status will also play a role in
determining the intensity and length
of the process.
Detox drinks and healthy diets can be
helpful. Patients must take routine
rest periods and avoid extreme
physical activities.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Alcohol and drugs can interact and
affect how the body absorbs,
distributes, metabolizes, and excretes
them. Patients must not take drugs
without a doctor’s prescription.
The following drugs were outlined in
a study proving that they can affect
how long alcohol withdrawal lasts.
These drugs can cause a delay in
alcohol metabolism:
1. Pyrazoles
2. Isobutyramide
3. Methanol and ethylene glycol
4. Disulfiram
Recovery Programs
A managed detox from alcohol is the
first stage in recovery from
alcoholism. It’s important to know
and understand the factors that
influenced you to become a drinker.
While cleansing is the first step to
getting a patient’s normal life back,
one must be ready to enter an alcohol
abuse recovery center for continuous
recovery and learn the many sober
living skills to help this lifelong
Haven House is helping men recover
from alcohol and drug addiction. We
are a Christ-based recovery center
that helps change people’s lives by
guiding them to grow spiritually
through healing.
If you are looking for a drug rehab in
Murfreesboro, you may also check
our center in Hartsville, TN.
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