Learn Digital Marketing Basics & Start Your Own Home Business With Training For Expats

Learn Digital Marketing Basics & Start Your Own Home Business With Training For Expats, updated 3/4/22, 5:19 PM

Have you recently moved to a new country and are struggling to find work? Learn to make money from the comfort of your own home with this online marketing course by Jill Melissa Du Plessis and Samantha Ayris. Go to https://www.jillmduplessis.com for more information.

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Learn Digital Marketing & Start Your Home
Business With Training For Expats
Finding a job in a foreign
country can be difficult -
especially if you don't speak
the language. 
Sure, the younger generation
would probably do fine with
English, but a 90-year-old
grandma? Not so much. So why
not start your own business from
the comfort of your home? 
This webinar teaches you the
principles of digital marketing,
including social media and
content creation. It starts with the
basics, so no worries if you don't
have any experience.
If you're an expat and you can't
find a local job or don’t speak
the local language, this program
can give you the means to build
a stable monthly income.
Presented by Jill's coach and
mentor Samantha Ayris, the
course teaches you about content
planning, branding, social media
advertising, and online visibility
You will also learn how to
develop a mindset for
success and use internet
tracking data in an ethical
Samantha Ayris is a
successful entrepreneur who
built her own marketing
business from scratch at the
age of 40. 
Did she have any
experience? Absolutely not!
But by adopting a learn-as-
you-go approach she was
able to scale her business.
She founded The Freedom
Project to pass on her
knowledge and experience
to fellow expats.
It was Nelson Mandela who
said, "It always seems
impossible until it's done."
So get it done!
Go to
is.com to sign up today!