Shining a Light on a Race War

Shining a Light on a Race War, updated 12/24/20, 3:34 PM


This insight works through multiple scenarios wherein white Americans pursue ethnic cleansing against non-whites.

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Shining a Light on a Race War
Screaming "Jews will not replace us" and "Blood and Soil!", they
demonstrated their passionate and well-documented desire for North
America to be exclusively ruled by the white race.
The violence culminated with a white supremacist driving into
a crowd to kill people he thought were advancing the interests
of blacks at the expense of whites, killing a woman in the
22 million white people are just fine with racist
killings and the belief that America is for whites
In the minds of the gathering white
army, we face retribution for being
"Uppity" and demanding equal rights
and economic prosperity.
There are about 234 million white
people in this country and 134
million non-whites.
The 22 million whites who approve of the KKK mostly believe that
North America was given by God to white European Christians.
Our bitter, violent divide between
white and non-white Americans has
gone on for centuries, and it's about
to explode.
Now, a significant sub-group of white Americans
are forming an army of their own to "Take back"
their land from the "Occupier." This army is not
quite real yet, but it's no mirage, either.
We are witnessing the formation and consolidation of militias
into what I call "The True American Army" or TTAA.
This is an emerging force that
could comprising tens of millions
of white people.
While it's important to acknowledge that not all white
people think this way, of course, most white people
have the luxury of sitting out the potential ethnic
cleansing of Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Jews and others
whom these people see as illegitimate residents of the
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