California-based online company Serenity Potions has launched a line of flavored CBD edible gummies targeted to relieve anxiety and stress for whole-body wellness.
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California Flavored
CBD Gummies for
Anxiety and Stress
Relief Launched
Serenity Potions, a California-based online retailer of cannabidiol-
CBD-products, has launched a line of flavored gummies designed to
relieve anxiety and stress and increase overall wellness.
Serenity Potions also sells
CBD-infused teas, coffees,
and topical creams and balms.
All products come with a lab certificate of analysis verifying the
purity of the product and the amount of CBD per milligram serving.
Anxiety is a mental health disorder
that affects a person's everyday life,
from relationships to work or school
to self-confidence.
CBD helps ease anxiety symptoms by interacting with the CB1
and CB2 receptors of the body's endocannabinoid system and
altering serotonin signals.
Physiological symptoms of
anxiety, such as increased
heart rate, ebb after the
consumption of CBD.
In a 2020 study performed in New Zealand, 70% of the
participants reported being satisfied with the CBD treatment.
After 3 weeks of treatment,
individuals with anxiety reported
improvements in their ability to
perform daily tasks and reduced
anxiety symptoms.
For users new to CBD products, Serenity Potions may be
contacted any day of the week to answer questions about
dosing, potencies, and products.
Their edible products provide
long-lasting relief and a whole-
body effect with the benefit of
precise dosing.
A spokesperson for Serenity Potions said, "Serenity Potions offer
products from trusted manufacturers at the forefront of research and
Each product is tested for potency and lab results for
each product are made available to you on our website
so you can be sure you are purchasing the highest
quality product available." Interested parties may visit
the above-mentioned website or call 407-8338
Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm PST..
Contact Us At:
CBD Gummies for
Anxiety and Stress
Relief Launched
Serenity Potions, a California-based online retailer of cannabidiol-
CBD-products, has launched a line of flavored gummies designed to
relieve anxiety and stress and increase overall wellness.
Serenity Potions also sells
CBD-infused teas, coffees,
and topical creams and balms.
All products come with a lab certificate of analysis verifying the
purity of the product and the amount of CBD per milligram serving.
Anxiety is a mental health disorder
that affects a person's everyday life,
from relationships to work or school
to self-confidence.
CBD helps ease anxiety symptoms by interacting with the CB1
and CB2 receptors of the body's endocannabinoid system and
altering serotonin signals.
Physiological symptoms of
anxiety, such as increased
heart rate, ebb after the
consumption of CBD.
In a 2020 study performed in New Zealand, 70% of the
participants reported being satisfied with the CBD treatment.
After 3 weeks of treatment,
individuals with anxiety reported
improvements in their ability to
perform daily tasks and reduced
anxiety symptoms.
For users new to CBD products, Serenity Potions may be
contacted any day of the week to answer questions about
dosing, potencies, and products.
Their edible products provide
long-lasting relief and a whole-
body effect with the benefit of
precise dosing.
A spokesperson for Serenity Potions said, "Serenity Potions offer
products from trusted manufacturers at the forefront of research and
Each product is tested for potency and lab results for
each product are made available to you on our website
so you can be sure you are purchasing the highest
quality product available." Interested parties may visit
the above-mentioned website or call 407-8338
Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm PST..
Contact Us At: