Duke University ATO Fraternity - Xi Chapter
Alumni Newsletters
About ATO Duke
Duke University, ATO Xi Chapter - Founded 1872
To bind men together in a brotherhood based upon eternal and immutable principles, with a bond as strong as right itself and as lasting as humanity ; to know no North, no South, no East, no West, but to know man as man, to teach that true men the world over should stand together. Otis Allan Glazebrook, 1880.
Alpha Tau Omega began as an idea in the mind of a young Civil War veteran who wanted peace and reconciliation. His name was Otis Allan Glazebrook. His people were defeated, many of their cities burned, much of their countryside ravaged. But Glazebrook, who had helped bury the dead of both sides, believed in a better future. He saw the bitterness and hatred that followed the silencing of the guns and knew that a true peace would come not from force of law, but rather from with the hearts of men who were willing to work to rekindle a spirit of brotherly love.
Alumni of our beloved Xi Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega, my name
is Jake Young, and I am honored to be our chapter’s Alumni
Chair. My goal is to better connect our great current members
with the brothers that came before us. We have a lot to share
about the state of our brotherhood, and a lot to be proud of.
Starting off, I take great pride in reporting that the Xi Chapter of
Alpha Tau Omega continues to have high academic achievement.
We hold the highest GPA out of any national chapter with a
cumulative average 3.41. We are even more proud of our impact on
philanthropy this year. Members of our chapter helped solidify
Duke Dance Marathon as a staple on Duke’s campus, raising over
$100,000 for Duke Children’s Hospital over the course of the
year. We also have done great work in the Durham community
with our volunteering endeavors at Trosa. This year we have had
several opportunities to meet and host our alumni and look
forward to having that privilege again in the future. We enjoy the
tradition and foundation that our alumni have built and remain
ever striving to improve our brotherhood. We continue to recruit
scholars, athletes, philanthropists and great citizens of the Duke
and Durham communities. We thank all of you for your support of
the Xi Chapter, and I look forward to seeing you at future alumni
events. Best wishes for the New Year, and Happy Holidays!
Semester in Review
Fall, 2016 | ATO Xi
In This Issue
1. Philanthropy
2. Brothers
3. Social Events
4. Upcoming
Philanthropy Endeavors
One thing we as a chapter prioritize is giving
back to the community around us and leaving a
lasting impact at Duke and around Durham.
This semester, we have continued to be a
strong supporter of Blue Devils vs. Cancer, and
raised awareness and donations through selling
ATO designed T-shirts before home football
games. We further partnered with the Kappa
Alpha Theta Sorority and Devilthon to put on
a wonderful Duke Dance Marathon event,
which consisted of reserving Wilson Gym for
24 hours straight of dancing. We had hundreds
of local community members and students join
us all for the benefit of Duke Children’s
Hospital, and we got to meet some inspiring
kids and donate over $10,000!
For our last philanthropy event of the semester, a
group of brothers headed to TROSA, a thrift store
run by a local home for recovering addicts, where
we spent the day organizing inventory, assisting
with distribution, and getting to speak with the
men and women who are recovering from life-
altering addiction. Our Philanthropy Chair,
Andrew Jackson, has done a wonderful job this
semester organizing us to go out and do good!
Brothers Abroad
We have missed over half of our junior
brothers, as they have been expanding their
horizons studing abroad. Above, brothers
Matthew Kirshner, Barak Biblin, Phil
Coons, Ryan Louie, and Ben Mapes enjoy
their evening in Florence, Italy. We trust
are brothers had wonderful experiences
around the world. We are excited to have
these following guys back next semester:
Phil Coons
Matthew Kirshner
Ian Kirshner
Grant Goettel
Connor Traugot
Ryan Louie
Alex Barbet
Ben Mapes
Barak Biblin
Jerry Li
Michael Savitt
Ian D’Silva
Steve Constantin
Fred Lang
As you may know,
our recruitment
process will be
officially underway
the first week in
January as we return
for the second
semester. Rush
Chairs Roey Vardi,
Rohit Das, and
George Dailey have
worked diligently to
plan what we expect
to be a very
successful few weeks
of rush. In the first
semester, we had a
great amount of
interest from young
men in the freshman
class and we continue
to add the best and
brightest men to our
brotherhood. You can
expect an update in
the next few months
on how the process
Social Events
We had a great time this semester with weekly sorority mixers, two big parties
(Back to the Eighties and PillowFest), and of course being big supporters of the
football and basketball teams. The above and below pictures are of brothers
enjoying our semiformal Christmas Cocktails event. Our social chairs John
Clarke and Matthew Levenson have done a great job putting together a
semester full of fun!
We hope to see all of you for Alumni Weekend, April 7-9, 2017! Please stop by Craven U&T on West Campus, and keep an eye out for
an update on the schedule for that weekend in the coming months. Please also feel free to contact me with any questions at
jgy5@duke.edu We appreciate any and all donations! If 2016 has been good to you and you would like to support our chapter, please
write checks to the ATO Xi Foundation and mail them to:
Jake Young
440 Chapel Drive, Box 99894
Durham, NC 27708