Make Money In Real Estate With House Hacking Opportunities In 2020

Make Money In Real Estate With House Hacking Opportunities In 2020, updated 7/1/20, 2:51 PM

FI By REI offers everybody the opportunity to exchange an unsatisfactory job for one that offers financial and intellectual freedom - house hacking. For more information visit

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Make Money In Real Estate With House
Hacking Opportunities In 2020
Their website has a large
number of podcasts and
case studies that spell out
their methodology clearly.
All the information provided by
FI By REI is backed up and
illustrated by a large number of
case studies provided on the
The case study states that
Sevilla Granger is
employed as an NGO
project manager.
Sevilla, a self-proclaimed real
estate addict, has used
house hacking to
substantially grow her wealth
as a single woman.
She either outright buys the
property or rents it and then
rents it out again at a higher
She has different
properties spread across
the world.
According to the case study,
her first property in
Switzerland is managed by
a local management
The property in Paris is
rented out through
She makes sure to buy
properties that do not
require extensive
renovation or repair.
Her goals with these
properties are not so much
immediate profit as a long
term living strategy.
For more information