Cohen v. United States

Cohen v. United States, updated 5/22/18, 2:08 PM

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Michael Avenatti is an American attorney and entrepreneur. He routinely appears on broadcast and print media as a commentator on a range of legal issues and has represented parties in a number of lawsuits

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520 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1400

Newport Beach, CA 92660


May 22, 2018


The Honorable Kimba M. Wood
United States District Judge
Southern District of New York
500 Pearl Street
New York, NY 10007

Re: Cohen v. United States, 18 Mag 3161 (KMW)

Dear Judge Wood:

We write to bring an important matter to the Court’s attention. We have reason to
believe that plaintiff Michael Cohen, or members of his team, have begun to leak select audio
recordings to the media that were seized in the FBI raids. We further have reason to believe
that these recordings may relate to our client, Ms. Stephanie Clifford. We think that these
select leaks are meant to paint a false narrative relating to Mr. Cohen and his business
dealings at the same time he is not disclosing numerous other recordings of him speaking with
individuals such as Mr. Trump.

We respectfully request that the Court make inquiry of Mr. Cohen’s attorneys of these
leaks at Thursday’s hearing, including, among other things, whether Mr. Cohen’s team is the
source of the leaks, what was disclosed, and the reasons for the disclosures. Such leaks would
plainly call into question the seriousness of Mr. Cohen’s arguments opposing my pro hac vice
motion. They may also directly interfere with the privilege review being conducted by the
Special Master. Further, if the materials publicly disclosed relate to our client, the disclosures
would also have relevance to our motion to intervene.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


/s/ Michael J. Avenatti

Michael J. Avenatti

Avenatti & Associates, APC
Case 1:18-mj-03161-KMW Document 58 Filed 05/22/18 Page 1 of 1