Dotcomology - Stone Evans.pdf

Dotcomology - Stone Evans.pdf, updated 10/28/22, 11:30 PM


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Click Here To Discover 3 Easy Steps To Make Money Online!

INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 9
EMPTY YOUR CUP! ................................................................ 13
DON’T LISTEN TO THE “SO-CALLED” EXPERTS…............................... 14
THE INTERNET — YOUR BUSINESS TOOL...................................... 17
THE RIGHT PRODUCT SELLS ITSELF............................................ 18
THE ETERNAL, CHANGING BUSINESS PLAN ................................... 20
1. GETTING STARTED....................................................... 23
INTERACTIVE ............................................................................ 23
1.2 NAVIGATION................................................................. 26
1.3 DEFINING A USABLE SITE.................................................. 31
1.3.1 Good Content is Critical ......................................... 31
1.3.2 Ease of Access to Information................................. 32
1.3.3 Quick Access to Information ................................... 32
1.3.4 Cleanly Designed Pages ......................................... 33
1.3.5 Download Status .................................................. 33
1.3.6 Usability Problems ................................................ 34
1.5 GRAPHICS.................................................................... 37
1.6 WEB COPY ................................................................... 37
1.7 CHOOSING A DOMAIN NAME............................................... 41
1.7.1 Using Expired Domains to Skyrocket Your Traffic....... 44
1.8 THE HOST ................................................................... 45

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1.9 TESTING AND PERFORMANCE .............................................. 47
1.9.1 Monitoring and Tracking ........................................ 49
1.9.2 Tracking Your Sales............................................... 54
1.10 BUILDING CREDIBILITY AND MAINTAINING IT.......................... 55
2. INTERNET BUSINESS IDEAS ........................................ 58
2.1 LEVERAGE THE ADVANTAGES OF THE NET ................................ 58
2.4 IMPORTANCE OF BACK-END SELLING ..................................... 63
2.5 CROSS-SELLING ............................................................ 65
ENGINES ................................................................................ 67
3.1 HOW SEARCH ENGINES WORK ............................................ 69
3.2 TOP SEARCH ENGINES ..................................................... 72
3.3 SEARCH ENGINE PAGE-RANKING ALGORITHMS.......................... 76
ENGINES................................................................................. 82
3.5 WEB COPY FOR SEO ....................................................... 86
3.6 SUBMITTING TO SEARCH ENGINES........................................ 87
3.7.1 Submitting to Search Directories............................. 89
3.8 PAY-PER-CLICK — BUYING STATUS...................................... 89
3.8.1 Show Me the Money! ............................................. 91
3.8.2 Submitting to Pay-Per-Clicks .................................. 92
3.8.3 Google AdWords ................................................... 93
3.9 LINK POPULARITY AND LINK ANALYSIS ................................... 95
3.9.1 Reciprocal Links and Partner Sites ........................... 97
3.9.2 Picking Your Partner .............................................. 98

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3.9.3 Inward Link Analysis ........................................... 100
3.10 OPTIMIZING YOUR WEBSITE ........................................... 101
3.11 MONITORING YOUR PROGRESS ........................................ 103
3.12 THREE WORDS ABOUT SPAM .......................................... 105
4.1 BANNERS................................................................... 107
4.1.1 Banner Glossary ................................................. 108
4.1.2 Banner Economics............................................... 110
4.2 TEXT LINKS................................................................ 112
4.3 CLASSIFIED ADS .......................................................... 114
4.4 CULTIVATING NEW CUSTOMERS......................................... 115
4.5 CREATING EFFECTIVE ADS ............................................... 117
4.6 ADVANCED AD TRACKING................................................ 120
5.1 JOINING AN AFFILIATE PROGRAM ....................................... 127
5.2 LAUNCHING YOUR OWN AFFILIATE PROGRAM ......................... 130
5.3 COOKING OFF THE SPAM................................................. 132
5.5 EVALUATING YOUR WEBSITE’S PERFORMANCE ........................ 138
5.6 HOW TO ATTRACT AFFILIATES........................................... 140
5.6.1 Classifying Affiliates for Better Management ........... 141
5.6.2 A Few Avoidable Errors ........................................ 146
5.7 LINKSHARE – AFFILIATE NETWORK THAT WORKS..................... 149
CLICKBANK............................................................................ 150
MARKETING.......................................................................... 152
6.1 COLLECTING OPT-IN EMAIL ADDRESSES............................... 152

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6.2 DOUBLE OPT-IN........................................................... 154
6.4 RENTING OR BUYING LISTS.............................................. 158
6.5 CREATING UNBLOCKABLE DHTML POP-UPS .......................... 161
6.6 EMAIL MARKETING TACTICS ............................................. 164
6.6.1 Writing Headlines That Grab Your Customers and Sell
Your Goods!...................................................................... 165
6.6.2 Tips for Building Your Email Lists........................... 172
6.6.3 Email Content – Text vs. HTML ............................. 176
6.7 MANAGING EMAIL CAMPAIGNS........................................... 178
6.7.1 Personalization in Email Marketing......................... 178
6.7.2 Creative Segmentation ........................................ 181
6.7.3 How Often And When to Mail?............................... 182
6.7.4 Refrain from Spamming....................................... 185
6.8 ANALYSIS OF EMAIL CAMPAIGNS ........................................ 187
6.8.1 Tracking Performance - Measuring Useful Metrics .... 187
6.8.2 Enhancing Email Response ................................... 191
6.8.3 Should the message trick the reader or be honest?.. 194
6.9 AUTORESPONDERS ........................................................ 195
6.10 CALL TO ACTION — CLOSING THE DEAL.............................. 200
6.11 SAMPLE MARKETING EMAIL ............................................ 204
INFORM................................................................................ 208
7.2 CREATING AN EFFECTIVE NEWSLETTER ................................. 212
7.5 ADVERTISING IN NEWSLETTERS ......................................... 224

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7.7 BLOGS...................................................................... 227
7.8 PLANNING YOUR CONTENT............................................... 232
7.9 EZINE JOINT VENTURES .................................................. 233
7.10 MANAGING YOUR LIST.................................................. 234
8.1 CHOOSE YOUR PARTNERS................................................ 236
8.2 JOINT SUBSCRIPTIONS ................................................... 238
8.3 EXIT POP-UPS ............................................................. 239
8.4 PLUG YOUR PALS.......................................................... 239
8.5 STRENGTHENING YOUR JOINT VENTURES .............................. 240
8.6 TRACK YOUR JOINT VENTURES .......................................... 241
8.7 KEEPING YOUR CUSTOMERS ............................................. 242
9.1 FINDING A WRITER ....................................................... 246
9.2 WHAT CAN YOU WRITE ABOUT? ........................................ 248
9.2.1 Pleasure Books ................................................... 248
9.2.2 Inspirational Books ............................................. 248
9.2.3 Study Books....................................................... 248
9.2.4 How-To Books .................................................... 249
9.2.5 Choosing the Right Topic ..................................... 251
PROGRAMMING EXPERIENCE ............................................... 257
10.1 BUILDING AN OUTLINE ................................................. 258
10.1.1 Feature List ...................................................... 258
10.1.2 User Stories ..................................................... 259
10.1.3 Data Directory .................................................. 260
10.2 STUDY COMPETITION ................................................... 260
10.3 DETERMINE PRICING.................................................... 261

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10.4 CHOOSING A PROGRAMMER ............................................ 263
10.5 DEVELOPING FUNCTIONALITY .......................................... 266
10.6 CREATING A WORK AGREEMENT....................................... 267
10.7 PACKAGING YOUR PRODUCT ........................................... 269
10.8 CUSTOMER SERVICE AND SUPPORT ................................... 270
11. PRESS RELEASES ..................................................... 274
11.2 PRESS RELEASE DISTRIBUTION........................................ 280
12. VIRAL MARKETING .................................................. 284
12.1 VIRAL MARKETING THROUGH EBOOKS................................ 285
12.2 VIRAL MARKETING THROUGH EMAILS ................................. 292
12.3 VIRAL MARKETING WITH AFFILIATE PROGRAMS...................... 296
12.4 VIRAL MARKETING ON THE WEB....................................... 300
12.5 WORD-OF-MOUTH VIRAL MARKETING ................................ 302
12.6 MEASURING VIRAL EFFECT AND PERFORMANCE...................... 303
............................................................................................. 305
13.1 BALANCING YOUR BUSINESS AND FAMILY ............................ 307
13.2 KNOW HOW TO SAY “NO” ............................................. 307
13.4 LEARN HOW TO COMPROMISE ......................................... 308
PROFITS............................................................................... 312
SOME WARNINGS .............................................................. 314
A PERSONAL INVITATION FROM STONE EVANS ............................. 317

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Instead of only reading about making money online, why don’t
you actually start doing it right away? I’ve created a simple system
that you can use to get your own money making website set up within
the next 24 hours. It’s not just a website though… It’s actually a
complete turn-key home based business system that gives you
everything you need to start pulling in profits on the Internet.

Click here to learn more about it and sign up today!

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Hello, my name is Stone Evans. A few years ago, I was a
restaurant owner. Actually, you could say the restaurant owned me. I
worked long hours being what is popularly called the chief cook and
bottle washer — that just means I did everything from paying the bills
to washing the dishes. At the end of the day, I earned barely enough
money to get by and I never had the opportunity to take a vacation.
The fact is, my financial life was pretty difficult at that time.
However, I was optimistic and always searching for ways to achieve
true financial freedom. One day, I picked up a book called “Multiple
Streams of Income” by best selling author, Robert Allen… and I didn’t
put it down until I was finished reading it cover to cover.
That book changed my life.
It taught me, in very simple terms, that having money is a good
thing and that not having money is a bad thing. It illustrated the point
that it is essential to develop multiple streams of income. One job is
not enough, one investment is not enough, one business is not
enough. If you are only relying on one stream of income, you are
setting yourself up to be broke one day and the fact is that 85% of the

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world’s population grows old and dies financially broke. That’s because
most people do not have multiple streams of income.
Knowing that one stream of income is not enough, I got busy
finding ways to make more money through avenues other than my
“day job”. In the “Multiple Streams of Income” book, Robert Allen
discusses different “Money Mountains” including the “Real Estate
Money Mountain”, the “Investment Money Mountain” and the
“Marketing Money Mountain”. The one that appealed to me most was
marketing — specifically Internet marketing.
In the book, Robert went on to explain that ordinary people were
getting on the Internet and starting small businesses that made big
money from the comfort of their own homes using nothing more than
a personal computer and an Internet connection. I was intrigued by
this idea. Just the thought of being able to make a living using nothing
more than a laptop computer and the Internet sent chills down my
spine. I got started immediately.
After work and after my family went to sleep at night, I’d brew a
big pot of coffee and get online for a few hours (usually between
midnight and 3 AM) trying to learn how to make money online. I knew
other people were doing it. I just had to figure out how to do it myself.
I’ll be honest… It wasn’t easy.

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Everywhere I turned, somebody was promising to make me rich if
I joined their business opportunity or membership site or bought their
latest ebook. Before long, I had racked up thousands of dollars in
credit card debt and cluttered my computer with various ebooks,
membership site passwords, affiliate program welcome letters and
Internet marketing guru newsletters. My head was spinning with ideas
and information, but the only people making any money that I saw
were the people whose stuff I was buying — or so it seemed.
However, with time things began to make more sense. I started
making a little bit of money using some of the online marketing
strategies I was experimenting with and gradually that little bit of
money I was making grew into a full-time income.
My dream of making a living from home has come true.
The purpose of this book, “Dotcomology – The Science of Making
Money Online”, is to share the information that has helped me create a
successful online business so that other people who are hopeful of
making money online will have a fighting chance for success.
See, you have to be careful when you get online with hopes of
making money because there are literally thousands of scams and
scam artists waiting behind the veil with sophisticated and highly
tuned strategies for ripping you off. One of the reasons I give this

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huge 300+ page content-rich ebook away for free, is because I want
to help as many people as possible avoid the scams and learn the
truth about what it actually takes to make money online. With the
facts in hand, you can decide for yourself whether or not you’ve got
what it takes to succeed in the Internet marketing industry.
TIP: If you want to get started quickly, I can help you get your
first website set up within 24 hours, so that you can start applying
what you learn in this book to the real world. I believe that my service
is the fastest and easiest way to start making money on the Internet.
Click here to learn more about it.

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Empty your cup!
There’s an old Zen story that goes like this: A young man had
read all the books he could find about Zen. He heard about a great
Zen master and requested and appointment with him to ask for
teachings. When they were seated, the young man proceeded to tell
the master everything he had understood from his reading, saying that
Zen is about this and Zen is about that, on and on…
After some time, the master suggested that they have tea. He
performed the traditional tea ceremony while the student sat at
attention, bowing when served, saying nothing. The master began to
pour tea into the student’s cup. He poured until it was full, and kept
pouring. The tea ran over the edge of the cup and onto the table. The
master kept pouring as the tea ran off the table and onto the floor.
Finally, the student couldn’t contain himself any longer. He shouted,
“Stop! Stop pouring! The cup is full — no more will go in!”
The master stopped pouring and said, “Just like this cup, your
mind is full of your own opinions and preconceptions. How can you
learn anything unless you first empty your cup?”
And so it is with you now — if you’re going to benefit from this
book and all of the knowledge I reveal within the pages ahead, you
must first empty your mind so that you can actually learn something.

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Don’t listen to the “so-called” experts…
In this book, I’m not going to give you some airy-fairy theory
about what should work if everything clicks the way I think it should.
That’s the kind of rubbish you can read in any one of a thousand
marketing books sitting on the shelves of Barnes and Noble. The fact
is, most of those authors have never sold anything online except
copies of their book on Amazon.
Here’s my first piece of advice: don’t listen to advice from
someone who hasn’t been there and done it themselves!
This is absolutely crucial. If you look around the web or in your
local bookstore you’re going to find a ton of hype about how you can
become a millionaire with nothing more than a keyboard and a mouse.
There are people out there who will say you can get rich with no effort,
no work and no investment. There are even some who will try to sell
you pyramid schemes, get-rich-quick plans and every other kind of
scam you can imagine. And people actually buy them. At the first sign
of a chance to pick up fast cash, people whip out their wallets and give
away their life savings. You’re smarter than that, right?
But it’s not just the straightforward frauds you have to watch out
for. The Internet changes almost every day. Unless someone is
actually earning their living online day in and day out, by the time

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they’ve finished explaining how to make money on the Internet,
chances are, their advice is out of date.
Like I said, it wasn’t easy when I was first getting started. But like
any successful businessman, I ditched what didn’t work and did more
of what did. If I saw something that I thought would bring in extra
cash, I gave it a try.
The fact that it’s so easy to create an online business was what
really did it for me. If I wanted to take advantage of an opportunity, it
cost me next to nothing to try and I lost little if it failed.
It wasn’t long before I knew exactly how to find the right products
and bring them to the right customers.
That’s what I’m going to show you in this book. I’m not going to
give you any strange theories or fancy ideas. I’m just going to tell you
exactly what I did — and what I’m still doing! — so that you can do
the exact same thing yourself if you want to.
Of course, I can’t guarantee that you’ll have the exact same
results as me. Heck, I bet if I were starting from scratch today I’d
have different results too. I might even have better results. All I can
do is reveal the information and tools that work for me. Once you have
this, I’m confident that you can make this business work for you too.

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Do you have what it takes to be an e-entrepreneur?
Before you even turn on your computer, the first question you
have to ask yourself is whether you’re cut out for this kind of work.
The fact is, building a home-based business isn’t for everyone.
Some people like the commute. They really do enjoy having a boss
who tells them what to do, and they like the routine of working nine-
to-five for an ordinary salary that can barely pay the mortgage.
Personally, I think they’re nuts.
More reasonably, there are people who are concerned about the
risk of starting up their own business. They’re not sure it’s worth the
investment of time and money, and they’re scared of the responsibility
that comes with running their own company. They wonder if there is
another way to escape the rat race.
I’m sure there is. You could win the lottery or wait for your Aunt
Sue to keel over and leave you her condo. Or maybe you could sit
down with a pen and paper and draw the blueprint for The Next Big
Thing. Anything can happen…
For me, what happened was creating a successful, self-running
Internet marketing system. It didn’t happen without effort. It didn’t
happen without at least some initial investment of both time and

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money. Of course, it doesn’t happen now without me making sure that
the taxes are filed and the paperwork is done. But it happened. I’m my
own boss. I work from home according to my own schedule and I get
to pocket all the cash my business makes. If you’re prepared to give
an e-business the time, the work and the money it needs to get
started and get growing, it can happen for you too.
The Internet — Your Business Tool
In effect, my system for making money online is built on three
foundations: the Internet, marketing and the product.
In this book, we are going to look closely at each one of those. In
particular, we’ll spend a lot of time talking about marketing because
that is really how you make money online.
Let’s begin by taking a quick glance at why the Internet is the
greatest business opportunity since the railroad.
The Internet actually started in 1969 as the ARPANET, a Defense
Department system designed to let survivors share files after a nuclear
attack. From a handful of top secret computers, it’s grown to fill more
than 10 million hosts and millions of domain names.
And it’s still growing. According to a recent survey, the volume of
Internet traffic is expected to double annually over the next five years.

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Consumers are expected to account for 60 percent of all Internet
traffic over that period with the rest of the market made up of
business users.
What does that mean for you?
It means customers — millions of them.
No other business tool can put the products you sell to so many
people so easily. Nothing even comes close.
We’re talking about a potential market of hundreds of millions of
people around the world who can buy your products 24 hours a day,
365 days a year. If you opened a store in your city, how many people
would walk past your window each month? If you live in Manhattan,
maybe a few thousand. If you live in Los Olivos, California, maybe a
few hundred. On the Internet, there’s virtually no limit to the number
of people you can bring through your store front wherever you live.
That’s the power of the Internet. That’s why my online business is
bringing in thousands of dollars every day. I attract a lot of customers
for my service and I sell a lot of goods.
The Right Product Sells Itself
In fact, for some of my websites, my customers are my goods.
When you join an affiliate program, you buy traffic from other sites

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and pass them onto your partners for a profit. In this book you’ll learn
all about affiliate programs. I’ll show you how to build them, how to
select your partners and how to turn your traffic into cash.
But traffic is just one kind of product on the web. Information
products are some of the greatest money-makers currently churning
up dollars on the Net. And anyone can create an information product.
Imagine you know how to build a bookcase from scratch. That
already makes you a lot more knowledgeable than me. The only thing
I know about wood is that it looks great in my fireplace! Maybe one
person in a thousand will want to know how to build the kind of
bookcase you know how to build. If you’re not a well-known carpenter,
no publishing company is going to touch you. It’s just not worth the
effort. On the Internet, one person in a thousand gives you a potential
market of approximately 340,000 customers (and that number is
growing all the time). If you write a book and sell it online for just $10
per copy you could make as much as $3,400,000. All you have to do is
tell people what you know and tell them it’s out there. And that costs
next to nothing. Information sells like crazy online. In fact, I sell a $47
ebook all day long. The profits from that single ebook could provide a
comfortable living for me and my family all by itself. But who wants to
stop at one profit stream when you can create multiple streams of

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automated income on the Internet? Not me. Click here to discover
the system I use to earn multiple streams of income on the Internet.
The Eternal, Changing Business Plan
Of course, it’s communication that’s the key. The more people you
can bring to your websites the more money you’re going to make.
You can have the greatest products in the world sold on the most
beautifully designed website online, but if no-one knows where it is,
you’re just going to be wasting the twenty bucks or so that you’re
spending each month for your website hosting service.
There are a dozen different ways to bring people to your website.
This book will discuss the ones that are most effective. I’m sure there
are other ways too. I’m sure you’ll find people who will tell you that
this site is great or that method gave them results. Maybe they’re
right, and you’re welcome to try them. What I can tell you is that I’ve
tried a lot of different marketing techniques and this book will reveal
all the ones that work best for me and should work for you too.
That doesn’t necessarily mean that they will work for you. If
there’s one piece of advice regarding online marketing that you learn
from this book, it’s that marketing has to be flexible. Like I said, I tried
dozens of different methods. If I hadn’t kept a constant watch on how

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those methods were working, if I hadn’t dropped those that weren’t
worth the effort and repeated my success with those that brought in
cash, I’d still be making sandwiches and washing dishes for a living.
I’ll tell you about the methods that I found consistently effective.
If they don’t work for your product, give it a little time then switch the
methods around. Remember, flexibility is the key.
In the first chapter of this book, I’m going to explain exactly what
you have to do to build a website from selecting a host to creating the
design. Once you’ve got your site up, you have to bring traffic, and
that’s what we’ll discuss next. I’ll reveal the secrets of successful
search engine optimization, how to buy advertising that pays, and how
to make the most of the millions of affiliate programs that will pay real
dollars for your website visitors you’ve never met and never will.
I’ll also examine the various kinds of products you can create and
sell online, and finally, I’ll show you how to put everything together to
create a truly integrated business system that brings in real cash, hour
after hour, day after day!
Making a fortune online is easy if you know what you’re doing.
Read this book and apply the information within. I know it can work
for you because it works for me. Whether you choose to succeed or
not using the information revealed in this book, is entirely up to you.

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NOTE: If you like “short-cuts”, click here to learn about my
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start earning multiple streams of income within the next 24 hours.

A few recent comments about the Plug-In Profit Site:
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Click Here to Sign Up and Start Making Money Today!

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1. Getting Started
The first step towards creating an online
business is building a website. Now, that isn’t as
complicated as it sounds. When I built my first
website, I thought Java was a type of coffee and
HTML the name of a robot in Star Wars. That’s why I didn’t do it. I
paid someone else to do it for me. It cost me just a few hundred
bucks, but I earned it back soon enough. This chapter discusses how
to begin the process of creating your first website, and where you can
find someone to build your site if you don’t want to do it yourself.
1.1 Making Your Website Attractive, Interesting, Engaging
and Interactive
To succeed at your online business (whether you are selling your
own product/service or are selling for other merchants as an affiliate),
you need a website created just for that - a simple, focused site. Your
website should be easy to build, maintenance-free, low cost, credible,
and a powerful traffic-builder and customer-converter.
Having the right tool and the right product alone won’t ensure the
success of your website. There are many factors to be considered
while designing a site. Unfortunately, most of these are often ignored
by Internet business owners.

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; Build It for Speed - It's a fact of modern life - people are in
a hurry. This means that you have between 10 and 30
seconds to capture your potential customer's attention. To
minimize your load time, keep graphics small. Compress
them where possible. Use flashy technology (JavaScript,
Flash, Streaming Audio/Video, animation) sparingly and
only if it is important to your presentation.
; Target your Market - Know who your market is and make
certain that your site caters to their needs. It is critical that
your site reflect the values of your potential customers. Is
your market mostly business professionals? If so, the site
must be clean and professional. Is your product aimed
mostly a teenagers and young adults? Then your site could
be more informal and relaxed. The key here is to know your
market and build the site to their preferences.
; Focus the Site - Make certain your website is focused on a
primary goal: selling your product or service. A site offering
many unrelated products is not necessarily unfocused, but
this is often the case. If your business does offer many
products, dedicate a unique page for each instead of trying
to sell them all from one page.

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; Credibility Is Crucial - The most professionally designed
website won't sell if your customers don't believe in you. A
clear privacy statement is one way to build your credibility.
Provide a prominent link to your privacy statement from
every page on the site as well as from any location that you
are asking your visitors for personal information. Provide
legitimate contact information online.
; Navigation should be simple - Make site navigation easy and
intuitive. Simple and smooth navigation adds to the
convenience of the visitors. Add powerful search and catalog
features. Visitors usually don’t have the patience to navigate
through the whole website to find what they are looking for.
; Consistency is the key - Make sure the site is consistent in
look, feel and design. Nothing is more jarring and disturbing
to a customer than feeling as if they have just gone to
another site. Keep colors and themes constant throughout
your website.
; Make your website interactive and personalized – Add
feedback forms as well as email forms that allow your
prospective customers to ask you any questions they might
have pertaining to a product. Personalization of your

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website is another key element that can build your visitor’s
trust and increase your sales. Personalization technology
provides you the analytic tools to facilitate cross-selling and
up-selling when the customer is buying online. It would give
you an idea of what products to cross-sell and up-sell. For
example, when a person buys a CD player, a disc cleaner
can also be offered.
; Content is King - Good content sells a product. Ask yourself
the following questions. Does your copy convey the
message you wish to get across to your visitors? Is it
compelling? Does it lead your visitor through the sales
process? Have others review, critique and edit your copy to
insure it is delivering the intended message. Always double
check your spelling and grammar.
1.2 Navigation
The aim of a website's navigation is simply to allow users to get to
the content they require. For sites that have a large number of
sections and web pages (and information sites can be one of these)
the navigation plan has to be properly researched and designed. You
have to consider different types of visitors and simulate the most
common steps they would take to find what they want on your site,

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and the navigation plan has to optimize this movement. For example,
the steps required from searching a catalog of items, selecting from
the catalog, adding them to a shopping cart, proceeding to check out,
to entering the payment particulars is a specific sequence that should
be facilitated by the navigation system. If the sequence is haphazard,
it could lead to frustration or the user may miss an important step and
you would have an aborted sale.
To find their way about, users need to know two things:
- Where they are now
- How to go elsewhere
Navigation does not exist in isolation; good site organization is a
prerequisite for a coherent navigation system.
Objectives of a Navigation System
Navigation can be broken into two primary types: Location
Indicators and Navigation Controls.
Location Indicators
Location indicators let users know where they are in the site at
the moment. You need to keep in mind that users coming from outside

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your site can enter at any page, not necessarily on a main page. They
need to be able to orientate themselves quickly.
Equally, it is important that users navigating around your site
have a clear idea of where they are both in absolute terms and in
relation to other content.
Location information should appear on every page of the site, in
the same place and in the same style. Location indicators should tell
the user precisely where they are and this should be clear even to a
user who has entered the site at an internal page. The location
indicator should be identifiable for what it is and make sense in the
context of other navigation.
In simple sites a page banner - text or graphic - naming the page
will be sufficient. For this to work the page name should also appear in
the main navigation so that it is relevant within the overall structure of
the site.
Color can be used. For example a different color background,
contrast color or sidebar in each part of the site. To be really effective
the color change should be reflected in the navigation.
Using “breadcrumbs” on every page is a good idea. Breadcrumbs
show you a series of hierarchical links that you have used to go from

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page to page within a section. Using breadcrumbs is like leaving a trail
of the path you have followed. The breadcrumbs appear at the top of
the content section, just below the main navigation template. Each
element in the breadcrumb is a link to that section or subsection. This
helps in avoiding a series of back buttons allowing the user to directly
go back to the main section page or another sub section. More
importantly, it always shows the context of the page that is being
viewed and how it belongs to a section or sub-section.
Navigation Controls
Navigation controls are the main navigation links; they allow
users to move around the site. Whether they comprise images or text
they should be predictably located in the same place, and with the
same appearance, on each page.
These have several purposes
; To allow users to move about within the site
; To tell users what information is available at the link
; To work with location indicators to orientate users
A good navigation control:
; Is clear: it looks like navigation

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; Leads to obvious content - users have a good idea what
they will find if they click
; Is consistent with other navigation controls
; Is predictable in its style and location on the page
There is no mystery to usability. It simply involves creating a site,
which is accessible to the majority of people, is easy to use and get
around and delivers on its promises. You can have a site that meets
the most important standards of usability by planning it well and
always keeping the end user in mind. Remember that websites should
not be designed for their owners - they should be designed for their
Problems with usability could be said to stem from just two
sources: the site itself and the user. In fact, the site is always at fault
if a visitor (however experienced or inexperienced) has problems
navigating, getting information or understanding the site.
While websites have become far more complex, web users have
become less experienced because more and more new people go
online every day. It is a mistake to think that the majority of users will
be web or even computer savvy and will understand subtle clues about
content. Many won’t, so make your site as easy to use as possible.

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1.3 Defining a Usable Site
A usable site will:
; Help users achieve a goal, usually to find something, such
as information, or obtain something, such as a book.
; Make it easy for them to achieve that goal
; Make it possible to achieve the goal quickly
; Make achieving that goal a pleasant experience
A site will be generally usable if:
; The content is good and relevant
; The content is easy to find
; The content can be found quickly
; The page is pleasant to look at and cleanly designed
1.3.1 Good Content is Critical
A site with good content, regardless of its subject, is one that
provides products or information that is useful or beneficial to users. A
good usable site will make it clear what information or content is
available and at what price AND what is not available. A good usable
site should define clearly all subscription packages offered.

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1.3.2 Ease of Access to Information
Good navigation, precise
navigation, clear linked text and a well-organized structure all
contribute to making information easy to find for a wide range of
different users.
Bearing in mind that many users are inexperienced, it may be
necessary to include explanations of things you consider self-
explanatory. For example, an inexperienced user may need an
explanation of how to use a drop down menu. Remember, make it as
easy as possible for people to use your website.
1.3.3 Quick Access to Information
This is the aim of the majority of web users. It can be broken into
two important aspects:
Speed of Page Loading
This requires, in particular, attention to images to ensure they are
properly optimized and do not excessively delay load time. It may also
mean breaking up long articles and ensuring that important content is
at the top of the page where it will load first.

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Speed of Access to Content
This is where the 3-click rule comes in - no important content
should be more than 3 clicks from the home page. Some standards
even say that it should be no more than two clicks.
One helpful way to speed access to content is to consider each
type of user, select the content that they are most likely to be
interested in and create links from the home page to one piece of
content for each group. This will get them quickly to the appropriate
part of the site.
1.3.4 Cleanly Designed Pages
Cleanly designed pages are pleasant to look at and easy to read.
It is almost impossible to make a site with an image shown as a tiled
background usable - the whole thing is too distracting and confusing.
It takes no great design skills to create clean pages; it just requires
thought and adherence to the principle that when it comes to design,
less usually is more.
1.3.5 Download Status
Most paid membership websites are limited to online access and
information download rather than selling products. There should be
clear download instructions provided. Your website should also state

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the size of the file in kilobytes and the estimated time of download for
a user having a 56K modem, DSL, Cable and so on.
1.3.6 Usability Problems
While for large commercial sites investment in full-scale usability
studies may be essential, few small sites can afford such luxuries.
However, identifying problems with usability for your site need be
no more complicated than asking a few (honest) friends to act as
guinea pigs on your site and, if possible, watching them silently as
they do this. Watching users try to find information at your site can be
both instructive and quite surprising.
Remember that if at any stage you feel the urge to intervene and
explain, then you have identified a usability problem.
List of the Most Common Usability Problems
; The site does not state its purpose clearly
; Java applets, huge images, banner ads or flashy elements
slow down loading; 10 seconds is about as long as the
average user will wait for a page.

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; The site requires specific software to be used. Have you
ever actually changed browsers or downloaded a piece of
software just to see a site?
; Poor navigation, too little navigation, too much navigation
and, not uncommonly, no navigation at all
; Bad design leading to poor readability
; Discomfort due to ugly design or inconsistent design. Almost
always because a designer overestimated their skills.
; Irrelevance of content - for example the business site that
includes biographies and photos of each of the board
members. Happy egos on the board; bored website visitors!
; Complexity or excessive originality of design, which requires
users to learn how it works in order to use it.
; Inaccessibility because the site cannot be used by browsers
for people with disabilities.
1.4 Building Interactivity and Personalization
Make your website interactive. Add feedback forms as well as
email forms that allow your prospective customers to ask you any
questions they might have pertaining to a product. Personalization of

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your website is another key element that can build a visitor’s trust and
increase your sales. Personalization technology provides you the
analytic tools to facilitate cross-selling and up-selling when the
customer is buying online.
Personalization tries to restore to the online business the magic of
personalized attention which is one of the chief reasons why many
people still prefer in-store purchase. You can use personalization to
match your customer with the right products through either rules-
based or customer analytics-based processing. Thus as your software
stores customer information and preferences, it can help categorize
them into groups. At the same time, observations over time can
suggest products to cross-sell and up-sell. Thus when a person buys a
subscription to a fitness site, exercise equipment is also offered.
Amazon pioneered personalization on the net – when you a buy a
book, it shows you other books in the similar genre saying “people
who bought this book also bought these”, inducing you to buy more.
A consumer survey from the Personalization Consortium found
that 56 percent of respondents say they are more likely to purchase
from a site that allows personalization, and 63 percent are more likely
to register at a site that allows it.

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1.5 Graphics
Your site has to be aesthetically attractive with visually appealing
organization and enticing images. Fashions change fast on the
Internet, so when you come to choose a designer, make sure you take
a good look at their portfolio. You want the user to just glance at your
homepage and understand immediately who you are and what you can
do for them.
1.6 Web Copy
Your website content should convince visitors that your service is
either unique or superior to that of your competitors in terms of
quality, and is competitively priced. It should show your potential
clients that you can provide the solution they are seeking. Your
product or service will solve their problems, answer a dream, enrich
their lives, and/or improve their businesses. You are the dependable
expert that they want and need!
Your website copy plays a major role in establishing and growing
your customer base. Website copy creates the “voice” of a company,
just as the look and feel of a site put a “face” on the company and on
otherwise intangible products and services. On an ecommerce site, the
copy plays a key role in closing sales as well as in up-selling and cross-
selling products and services. Good website copy delights first-time

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visitors, encourages return visits and propels both customer
acquisition and retention.
People read a web page differently than they do a brochure or a
newspaper. They scan, scroll, click, hit the back button, and hit the
forward button. “Reading” is about moving around and being in
control. You have one chance to make a first impression – to quickly
convey the benefit of staying on your website. I can’t overstate the
importance of first impressions, which in web-time are measured in
milliseconds. The layout, functionality, message and overall look and
feel of your web page determine who stays – and who clicks away.
Your story should be clear and to the point. The goal of any web
page should be to get the visitor to DO something: to move on to the
next step in a purchase sequence or to click for more information
about a product or service. Without readable, compelling copy and
clearly organized hypertext links, visitors are much less likely to
complete a transaction – and return to your site again.
Writing for your web page should always start from your visitor’s
perspective. What is your website visitor looking for? Why is she here?
How can you make her visit as quick and efficient and positive as
possible? You should take the time to clarify the goal of each page
before starting to write. If the page is part of a transaction sequence,

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identify what may be hindering the buying process. Be sure
instructions are clear and easy to read.
If you are selling a service on your website, your Unique Selling
Proposition (USP)
is your service’s most powerful benefit, in
combination with a strong, unique feature of your business. It answers
that most difficult question:
Why should someone do business with you?
Tell your customers what service you are selling and explain what
your service provides. What is the key benefit(s) to your customers?
What pain does it cure, what solution does it provide? Compare your
service with that of your competitors and highlight what makes you
stand out from the competition? Keep working on this until you can
clearly separate yourself from the field. As stated earlier there must be
a convincing reason for doing business with you, instead of your
Summarize the above into one tight, powerful, motivating phrase
that will persuade your customer to do business with you and to trade
their money for the benefits delivered by your service.
As you start to work through the above four steps, you may find
this to be a lot harder than it looks. Don’t blow it off and give up! You

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must have a USP. If it was easy, everyone would have a great USP!
Come up with a tight, sharp USP that sells your service to your
Write tight, get right to the point, be keenly aware of the
audience for the page, and don’t use a three-syllable word when a one
or two-syllable word will do. Use call-to-action language and be
interesting. The page should be so clearly organized that, in seconds,
visitors can understand and get convinced to buy your product and be
able to anticipate where a hypertext link – or a “Continue” button –
will take them. Studies show that “ease of use” is the winning factor
on an ecommerce site.
If you’re going to promote your service and expand your customer
base using your website, potential clients have to be able to trust you.
Their confidence in you and your products has to be boosted.
Endorsements on your website from a valued friend or colleague, or a
referral from a strategic partner are the types of “leads” that boost
your credibility. You and your service must be perceived as being
trust-worthy before your visitor will be confident enough to contact
you or even buy your product.
Show prospects that you have their best interests at heart and
that you can adapt or customize your service to meet their individual

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needs. Foster an ongoing relationship that steadily increases their trust
levels and cements a view that you are an “authority” in your field.
Another important aspect of convincing prospective customers is
to keep abreast of recent developments in your field. Check on what
your competitors are writing about, and watch for new trends. This will
keep your website current, razor-sharp and unique. By keeping your
eyes open, you will be able to grab an angle or niche that hasn’t been
well covered yet by your competitors. Portray this angle or niche on
your website.
Finally, be wary of broadening the theme of your site too much.
Try not to dilute your product or service’s targeted niche simply to
expand your base of merchant partners. Remember; focus on your
selling your service. That’s where the “meat and potatoes” of your
business will come from.
1.7 Choosing a Domain Name
In the physical world, you can distinguish a business because of
its structure, window displays, or signs. You can tell that a bank is a
bank, or a clothing store is indeed a clothing store.
In the Internet, however, it is an entirely different story
altogether. Your domain name is the only clue to your online business.

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You do not have visual clues: no location, no look, and no store
design. Instead, users have to type in a word or a set of words to
reach your site. Your prospective visitor has no way of knowing what
your site is all about until she finds it and reads its contents. Who can
ever tell that sells books? Or that Excite is a search
Your domain name can spell your success on the Internet. A good
domain name is the best asset you can ever have. It can make your
business stand out in the crowd, or just float aimlessly in space.
The need to provide immediate clues to an online business led to
the prevalence of generic domain names. Generic names instantly
provide the user with an idea of what a business is all about, what to
expect and look for in a site. For instance, is a toy store.
The temptation of the generic name has been so powerful; that
some companies even paid ridiculously high prices to get the name
they want. The domains and were both bought
for $3 million each. was acquired for $1.75 million,
while sold for $1.1 million.
However, generic names do not necessarily create the “buzz” that
you’d like surrounding your website. Branding has always been about
proper names: McDonald's did not name their store Hamburger. Hertz

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is not called Car Rental. FedEx is not Mail Carrier. Kodak is not
Photographs. Google is not Search Engine. Microsoft is not Computer
For better branding results, your domain name should stand out
and be easy to remember. Consider the following tips when creating a
domain name:
; The domain name should be short
; The domain name should be simple
; It should be suggestive of your business category
; It should be unique
; It should be easy to interpret and pronounce
; It should be personalized
; It should not be difficult to spell
; It should not be difficult to remember
Domain names can be registered through many different
companies (known as "registrars") - a listing of these companies is
available at You can register for domain names from 1 to
10 years in advance and prices can vary anywhere from $8 to $30 per

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year for each registered domain. Most website hosting companies, as
explained later, will handle the registration process for you, but make
sure that you are properly listed as the owner of the domain when it is
registered. If you have registered a domain name for a specific period,
make sure you renew it in time. You’d be surprised at the number of
cases, where website owners have lost their domain name to a
competitor by not renewing it in time.
1.7.1 Using Expired Domains to Skyrocket Your Traffic
Domain names provide a great opportunity to make easy money.
I’m not talking about Internet real estate, where you buy up good
names and sell them on for a profit. If you didn’t get positioned in that
market early on, you can forget about it. The bottom’s fallen out of the
market and the best domains are long gone.
I’m talking about expiring domains.
Thousands of webmasters invest time, effort and money to
promote their site and build up traffic. Many of them then lose interest
and move on, leaving their site active. That means that although they
still own the domain, they’re not actively promoting it. But they don’t
need to. All the automatic marketing systems they’ve put in place are
still bringing in traffic. The site runs itself.

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Now, at some point the ownership of those domains is going to
expire. If you snap up those domains once they come back onto the
market, you’ve got a pre-built stream of customers. You can either
rebuild the site, or redirect the traffic to your domain.
It’s that easy. In fact, websites like
actually do all the legwork and let you reap all the rewards.
Do be careful when using other sites though. There are some
swindlers out there that will sell you subscriptions, provide you with
outdated lists, take your money and keep the good domains for
themselves. It happens, and there’s little point in taking a risk with
other companies when does such a great job.
1.8 The Host
Let’s start where the Internet starts: with a host. A host is a
server that provides a home for your website on the World Wide Web.
Just as your computer contains all your files, so a host contains all the
files needed to run your website. Why can’t you just keep all those
files on your own computer? Because that would mean visitors would
have to connect directly to your computer to see your website and
that’s not a good idea. It wouldn’t be secure and it would make your
machine run like a tired snail. With a host, you can simply upload
everything you need to the server and your users can then connect

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there to see your site. It lets the site run faster and allows it to have
all the security and extras it needs.
Selecting a host is the first important step towards building your
Internet business.
Hosting services and companies vary from totally free, shared
servers to large-scale dedicated machines. You’ll have to decide which
is right for you and your business.
Your choice of server will depend on how much money you have
available at the beginning and how much you plan to grow in the
future. In my opinion, for commercial sites, free hosting is a waste of
time. Your users are going to get blasted with annoying pop-ups every
time they surf to your page, it’s going to be impossible to get a decent
position in a search engine, and you don’t even get a real business
URL. No one’s going to remember your web address if they have to
type: However, it is possible to
choose a cheaper host at the beginning and move up as your business
begins to bring in money.
NOTE: One of the most important factors in choosing a website
host is the customer service you receive once you’ve signed up.
There are many technical issues that can come up once you have your
own website, and if you don’t have a truly dedicated hosting company

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to support you and help you resolve these issues when necessary, you
could, quite simply, lose your business. Trust me, I’ve seen many
thriving online businesses fall apart because they chose the wrong
hosting company. When hosting is cheap, there is a reason for it.
With website hosting, you get exactly what you pay for and you should
never compromise when it comes to who to host your website with.
Click here to learn about my service and the website hosting
company I highly recommend to everyone who does business online.
1.9 Testing and Performance
You have designed a very usable website, you have hosted it
using a very reliable web hosting company, and you have integrated a
safe and trusted payment processing system with your website.
However, all these can prove to be useless until you know your site is
actually working and accessible. If you want to create an accessible
website, you will need to test, test and test again.
A recent Forrester Research report reported that failure to ensure
website quality will cost the average small or mid-size company
thousands of dollars in wasted expenditures on website redesigns,
forfeited revenue, and lost customers. Testing a website is a long and
tedious task, but it's perhaps the most important task of all. There are

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numerous stages to testing, all of which are very important. Ranging
from browser testing to content testing, none should be excluded.
Visual Acceptance Testing
Visual Acceptance Testing is the first port-of-call for all
webmasters. This type of testing generally ensures that the site looks
as it is intended to. This includes checking the graphic integration, and
simply confirming that the site looks good. In this stage you should
assess every page carefully to ensure that each looks the same. The
site should be tested under different screen resolutions and color
Functionality Testing
Functionality testing is perhaps the most vital area of testing, and
one which should never be missed. Functionality testing involves an
assessment of every aspect of the site where scripting or code is
involved, from searching for dead links, to testing forms and scripts.
You should also test your payment processing system completely
and thoroughly. After all, you wouldn’t want a potential customer to
get stuck at the last stage and eventually leave the site just because
there is something wrong with payment processing.

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Content Proofing
This stage of testing removes any errors in your content, and
ensures that your site has a professional appearance. In this phase,
you should reread each page on your site, and check for spelling and
grammatical errors.
System and Browser Compatibility Testing
This test phase is completed in order to ensure that your website
renders correctly on a user's screen. To begin with, you should test
several pages from your site on different browsers such as Internet
Explorer 4, 5, 6, Netscape 4 and 6, and Opera. This can be extremely
important - if your site does not work properly with the Netscape
browser, Netscape users will end up annoyed, and they'll go
1.9.1 Monitoring and Tracking
Understanding what your visitors do on your site is crucial
information, not to mention interesting. If a large majority of your
visitors who proceed to purchase a product leave the site when they
get to a specific page in the order process, you need to know about it.
It could be that the page in question is confusing or hard to use. Fixing
it could increase your sales exponentially. In fact, it is not uncommon

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for small website changes in headlines and order processes to result in
a 200%-300% increase in sales. This is just an example; there are
many reasons why you want a detailed analysis of your site visitors.
Most website hosting services offer a stats package that you can
study. If you're not sure where this is, call up your hosting service and
ask them. Statistics are a vital part of tracking your marketing
progress. If you don't have access to website statistics get a package
that can help you in this area. Do not get a counter that just shows
how many visitors you've had. You'll be missing out on vital
information that can help strengthen weaknesses in your site.
A good website hosting service would offer traffic logs that
provide an invaluable insight into the traffic being referred to a web
site from various sources such as search engines, directories and other
Unfortunately, traffic tracking provided by web hosting services is
often in the form of raw traffic log files or other hard-to-comprehend,
cryptic formats. These log files are basically text files that describe
actions on the site. It is literally impossible to use the raw log files to
understand what your visitors are doing. If you do not have the
patience to go through these huge traffic logs, opting for a traffic-
logging package would be a good idea.

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Basically two options are available to you and these are: using a
log analysis package or subscribing to a remotely hosted traffic-
logging service. A remotely hosted traffic logging service may be easy
to use and is generally the cheaper option of the two. In fact, you can
get a powerful free tracking tool at: Other reliable
tracking programs include and
These services do not use your log files. Typically a small section
of code is placed on any page you want to track. When the page is
viewed, information is stored on the remote server and available in
real time to view in charts and tables form.
A good traffic logging service provides detailed statistics
pertaining to the following:
; How many people visit your site?
; Where are they from?
; How are visitors finding your site?
; What traffic is coming from search engines, links from other
sites, and other sources?
; What keyword search phrases are they using to find your

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; What pages are frequented the most - what information are
visitors most interested in?
; How do visitors navigate within your web site?
Knowing the answers to these and other fundamental questions is
essential for making informed decisions that maximize the return on
investment (ROI) of your website investment.
The most important aspect of tracking visitors to your website is
analyzing all the statistics you get from your tracking software. The
three main statistics that will show your overall progress are hits,
visitors and page views. Hits are tracked when any picture or page
loads from your server on to a visitor’s browser. Hits, however, can be
very misleading. It is quite an irrelevant statistic for your website.
The statistic that is probably the most important for a website is
Page Views/Visitors. This gives you a good indication of two things.
First, how many people are coming to your site, and secondly how
long are they staying on your site. If you have 250 visitors and 300
page views you can figure that most visitors view one page on your
site and then leave. Generally, if you're not getting 2 page views per
visitor then you should consider upgrading your site's content so your
visitors will stay around longer.

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If you see the number of visitors you have increasing as well as
the number of page views per visitor increasing then keep up the good
work! Always look for this stat as an overall barometer of how your
site design is going and if your marketing campaigns are taking hold.
Also, a good stat to look for is unique visitors. Once a person
visits your site they will not be added to the unique visitors category if
they visit again. This is a good way to track new visitors to your
Page views are a good indication of how "sticky" your website is.
A good statistic to keep is Page Views divided by the number of
Visitors you have. This statistic will give you a good idea if your
content is interesting and if your visitors are staying on your site for a
long time and surfing.
Some people are intimidated by web traffic statistics (mostly
because of the sheer volume of data available), but they shouldn't be.
While there are many highly specialized statistics that can be used for
more in-depth web traffic analysis, the above areas alone can provide
invaluable information on your visitors and your website performance.
Remember, this data is available for a reason. It's up to you to use it.

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1.9.2 Tracking Your Sales
Like any business, it is absolutely vital to track and maintain your
sales records. You should have a clear understanding of your income
and expenditures.
There are many ways to keep track of your sales. Using orthodox
methods such as keeping a paper journal is time consuming. Simple
spreadsheet programs as well as basic accounting software are
available at minimum or no cost. However, it is advisable to install
advanced accounting software such as QuickBooks, Quicken, or
Microsoft Money to keep track of your accounting.
Such advanced programs save you time by sorting your register
transactions by date, transaction amount, document number (e.g.
check number), order entered, or cleared status. The tracking feature
included in such software tracks, by user, changes made to each
transaction. Daily, weekly, monthly as well as yearly sales reports can
be generated with a few clicks. These reports help you analyze the
sales of each and every product. Logs and reports can be generated to
keep track of all your customers.
NOTE: Affiliate marketing solves many of the aforementioned
tracking problems for you automatically. When you become an affiliate
and resell other company’s products for a profit, the company you are

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affiliated with keeps track of your traffic and sales automatically and
presents all this information to you in easy to read charts and graphs.
Click here to learn about a turn-key affiliate marketing system that
you can use to earn multiple streams of income on the Internet.
1.10 Building Credibility and Maintaining it
Finally, make sure that you build trust and credibility for your
business. We discussed earlier the importance of credibility. Credibility
is a key ingredient for any successful business venture. Building and
enhancing the credibility of the products and services you offer is an
ongoing and full-time effort.
Why not make sure the website you use works as hard as you do
to establish credibility? Let's look at elements that can be built into a
well-designed website to enhance credibility in the eyes of your
potential customers.
Offer a Guarantee
Nothing beats a solid, believable guarantee for building credibility
online. It may be hard to believe, but buying via the Internet is still
unfamiliar and uncomfortable territory for many people. It is up to
you, the business owner, to put their minds at ease. One way to do
this would be to offer an unconditional, 100% money back guarantee.

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By assuming all of the risk, you will earn instant credibility points with
most potential customers.
Provide Contact Information
Even the best guarantee won't help establish credibility if the
potential customer cannot contact you. Post accurate contact
information on your website and make it easy to find. Provide as many
methods of contact as possible; do not simply post a link to an email
address. For maximum credibility, post the complete mailing address,
phone number (preferably a toll free number), and email addresses for
customers to use if they feel the need to contact you.
Provide a Brief Bio
Familiarity is one of the most effective tools for building credibility
on the Internet. How do you establish familiarity in a faceless,
impersonal medium like the Internet? Simple, tell people about
yourself. Post a page that provides a thumbnail sketch that describes
who you are. Be sure to include personal data as well as professional
credentials. Place your photo on the page so people can put a face
with your name. Creating familiarity will impart another level of
credibility for you and, by extension, for the product you represent.
In this chapter, we looked at how to build your website and
explained many of the elements your website must contain to be
effective. We discussed web hosting and domain names and even

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talked about how to use expiring domain names to get free traffic
flowing to your website. And we’re only getting started! In the next
chapter, we’re going to look more closely at some of the more popular
and successful Internet business ideas.
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I’ve created a simple, turn-key, 3-step system that you can use to
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2. Internet Business Ideas
2.1 Leverage the Advantages of the Net
The Internet is a vehicle that has been used to
enable higher levels of communication between
people, companies and countries throughout the world. It means your
online business does not just have to concentrate on local markets –
and almost no place is out of reach! If your business has a website,
this in itself means it is accessible by the global market, and it is vital
that your business take advantage of this.
Internet selling is on the rise. There are many research studies
and statistics that support this statement. A study conducted by the
Ipsos Reid market research firm in February 2003 concludes that in
the year 1999 only 28% of worldwide Internet users purchased a
product or service online, whereas this figure rose to 62% in the year
2002 and about 70% in the year 2005. And these numbers continue to
climb. Nielsen/NetRatings supports this finding with its own research.
The Internet is a huge marketplace that has attracted businesses
with its potential for big-time revenues. Dizzying success stories of
ventures started in a basement that grew to become stock market
darlings are constantly celebrated in the media. Small businesses

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came to the Internet, tentative at first, and then in droves - eager to
sell everything from fake jewelry to handcrafted tapestries.
You can sell just about anything from soup to nuts, as long as you
have a product that has a market.
2.2 What Businesses Are Succeeding on the Net?
After the settling down of the dot-com bubble, sanity checks have
brought realistic expectations to the fore. Initially, a backlash was
seen, forecasting the doom of the Internet. Finally, merits have made
the Internet gain its rightful place. In breakthroughs that show the
promise of ecommerce wasn't all smoke and mirrors, many dot-coms
including eBay Inc., Inc., Yahoo! Inc., Expedia Inc., Inc., E-Trade Group Inc., Google Inc. and others have
successfully re-defined the landscape of Wall Street.
There is a growing tendency amongst Internet users to pay for
valuable content along with quality products and services offered
online. Hundreds of paid content and product-oriented websites have
already proven this unmistakable trend. The discerning buyer values
her time and is willing to pay for access to quality information and the
convenience of purchasing products and services online.

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However, not all products can be sold on the Internet. Some
products may be better suited for online sales than others; others
simply will not work online. According to an Ernst and Young study,
the most popular online purchases are computer related products
(40%), books (20%), travel (16%), clothing (10%), recorded music
(6%), subscriptions (6%), gifts (5%) and investments (4%).
Businesses offering paid services have also prospered
enormously. The top three categories (Business Content/Investment,
Entertainment/Lifestyles and Personals/Dating) consistently account
for 62% of all paid content revenue. One statistic indicates that 85%
of all money spent by U.S. Consumers for online content goes to the
top 50 sites in most categories.
In terms of “stickiness” of different categories, Business sites -
especially finance and investment rank the highest. In other words,
users are more likely to spend more time surfing through a business
website compared to other categories as illustrated below.
Time per person
Business – Finance and Investment
General News
Source: Nielsen/NetRatings

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According to the above figures a person spends about 22 minutes
on a finance website on average.
Do statistics bore you? Click here to start using a proven
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2.3 Should you be selling a product or a service?
The Internet is primarily used to communicate, entertain, educate
and research. It is thus no wonder that nonperishable, information-
intensive products - including computers and software, books, travel,
consumer electronics, magazine subscriptions - are the most popular
online products at present. Content-rich sites, subscription-based sites
to advertiser-supported sites focusing on a wide range of topics, have
been sprouting up all over the Internet.
Services such as hotel reservation, air travel and investments
have successfully transitioned themselves to the Internet. Unique
services such as online driving schools have been prospering too. In
fact, many states in the US have already set up online payment sites
for Government services. Residents can now get online to pay most of
their bills and other expenses including parking tickets to local courts.

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However, all kinds of services cannot be run entirely on the
Internet. The Internet is less effective when face-to-face selling is
needed to close a deal. The Internet can give lots of preliminary
information that's useful in setting the scene for the closing. But the
actual closing takes place offline - i.e., not on the Internet.
Products can also be marketed and sold successfully on the
Internet. The kinds of products and services that sell best on the
Internet are those that take advantage of the convenience of the Net.
Remember that convenience is the primary reason consumers flock to
the Internet in the first place. People can shop at any hour of the day
at most sites. They can avoid crowded stores, irritating sales clerks,
and even avoid pickpockets.
Offbeat or unusual products and services often attract online
attention and sell strongly. You would generally not try to sell items
people can get at the corner store. Thus, few toothbrushes are sold on
the Net; the same thing with daily food and beverage purchases. But
special cheeses, rare cigars, Turkish plates, long-aged wines, even
diamonds, can and do sell well on the Internet.
Most products sold by catalog and mail order also sell well on the
Net. However, people tend to buy only those products that can be
shipped at a reasonable price. Higher shipping costs diminish the price

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competitiveness of online products and turns-off a lot of potential
buyers. In fact, high shipping costs is the primary factor that
discourages some people from buying online more than any other
given reason. An Ernst and Young report shows that 53 percent of
online shoppers are concerned with shipping costs that are too high,
compared to only 19 percent who are concerned with credit card
information being stolen.
As an online merchant, you have to work out the advantages as
well as disadvantages of selling either products or services online. If
you choose to sell a product or service online, you must evaluate your
offering to ensure that the total costs of the product or service
including shipping are not much higher than what is offered elsewhere.
2.4 Importance of Back-end Selling
Considerable effort is required to get customers for your products.
You might design stunning web pages, work hard for high search
engine rankings (or pay for them), submit classified ads, etc. but still
not manage to sell enough to make the kind of profits you desire. This
is where the concept of back-end sales is useful.
Most marketers are successful because they apply back-end
selling into their marketing efforts. Back-end selling is when you sell

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other products or services to your existing customers after they have
purchased an initial product.
It is always easier to sell products or services to your existing
customers because you have developed a relationship with them when
you sold your first product or service to them. You will find it less
expensive to sell to old customers as compared to selling to new
Your conversion ratio will be dramatically higher with existing
customers. In fact, to increase your online profits dramatically, you
should continually locate or create new back-end products and services
to recommend (sell) to your existing customers.
Many businesses sell their front-end products (initial products) at
almost zero profit in order to generate back-end profits. These
businesses do not care even if they lose money on the front-end
products or services; they want the back-end profits.
How do you make backend sales? There are several ways. When
you order a product from a mail-order company, they'll send you a
catalog along with your order, or put you on a mailing list and send
you new catalogs from time to time. They might also send you a sales
letter for another product. This may be related to the first product in
some way. Many companies implement such a strategy.

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To implement this technique online, you can put the sales pitch
for your backend item in the email to the customer that confirms their
order. If you have an online catalog, you could include a link to it, or
even include a coupon or special offer "for all valued customers".
For a faster response, you should put the backend offer on the
"Thank You" page that is generated by a credit-card sale. The
customer just bought something from you and has a credit card in his
or her hot little hand! Why not ask for another purchase while they are
in the mood to buy. In case you do not sell more than one product or
service, affiliate programs might come in handy.
Back-end selling can also be integrated with “Up-Selling” wherein
you introduce more expensive products or services to your existing
customers in similar ways as those mentioned above. This will almost
instantly raise your sales and profits.
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2.5 Cross-Selling
Another successful strategy similar to the ones discussed above is
cross-selling. One of the best examples of cross-selling via the web is

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on If you search for a book on the Amazon site, a
message will appear on the same page, saying “Customers who
bought this book also bought…” and will list half-dozen other books for
your consideration. This is an excellent way to cross-sell additional
services or content to your members.
You can also direct visitors to other parts of the site to consider
products and services that they hadn't previously considered.
Successful cross-selling is the result of recognizing a customer need
and meeting that need with a useful product or service. Customers
benefit from needs-based cross-selling efforts because they receive
the services they need and want.
Cross-selling can help your business realize its objectives:
providing useful services, retaining customers, attracting new
customers, and staying competitive with other websites.
In conclusion, you can offer a range of products and services on
the Internet. The key is proper research and a great marketing plan.
We’ll be talking about marketing strategies for your product or service
in the upcoming chapters. In fact, in the next chapter, we will discuss
one of the most important Internet marketing strategies – search
engine optimization.

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3. Secrets of Winning Traffic through Search Engines
It doesn’t matter how great your website is, if
no one sees it, you’re not going to make a penny.
You can spend days producing the perfect design,
weeks tweaking the copy, and months writing the
code and uploading the pages, but if no one
knows where you are, how are they going to know
they should buy from you?
When I first started selling online, the first major problem I ran
into was bringing customers to my door. I put banner ads on other
sites, organized reciprocal links and joined web rings. Those methods
all worked to some extent, but what really did it for me, what turned
my business from a small earner into a major money-grabber, was
figuring out how to use search engines.
Sure, I’d submitted my sites to the major search engines as soon
as I’d finished building them, but I didn’t really pay them much
attention. After all, I figured search engines are just for people who
are looking for information; they’re not really good for commercial
Boy, was I wrong!

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One day, I sat down and checked out which sites were popping up
first in the categories that suited my businesses. I found that all the
top-ranked sites were my biggest competitors. And when I say
biggest, I mean these guys were in a whole other league. They had
incomes that were ten or twenty times the size of mine. No wonder
they had top billing at Yahoo! and Google! And then it clicked. Search
engines don’t list sites by size, they list them by relevance. These sites
weren’t listed first because they were big; they were big because they
were listed first!
That was when I began to optimize my pages and think about
meta-tags and keywords. As my sites rose through the listings, my
traffic went through the roof. And not just any old traffic! The people
that came to my sites from search engines hadn’t just clicked on a
banner by accident or followed a link from curiosity, they’d actually
been looking for a site like mine. My sales ratio went up like a rocket.
I’d created my own big break.
In this chapter, we are going to discuss all proven strategies of
search engine optimization. We will discuss how to optimize your site,
submit your pages and pick up the targeted traffic you need to make
cash. This chapter is one of the most important chapters in the whole
book. It’s crucial that you read it carefully.

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Let’s start with search engines.
3.1 How Search Engines Work
Internet search engines are special sites on the Internet that are
designed to help people find information stored on other sites. There
are differences in the ways various search engines work, but they all
perform three basic tasks:
; They search the Internet -- or select pieces of the Internet -
- based on important words.
; They keep an index of the words they find, and where they
find them.
; They allow users to look for words or combinations of words
found in that index.
Early search engines held an index of a few hundred thousand
pages and documents, and received maybe one or two thousand
inquiries each day. Today, a top search engine will index hundreds of
millions of pages, and respond to tens of millions of queries per day.
Before a search engine can tell you where a file or document is, it
must be found. To find information on the hundreds of millions of web

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pages that exist, a search engine employs special software robots,
called spiders, to build lists of the words found on websites.
When a spider is building its lists, the process is called crawling.
In order to build and maintain a useful list of words, a search
engine's spiders have to look at a lot of pages. How does any spider
start its travels over the web? The usual starting points are lists of
heavily used servers and very popular pages. The spider will begin
with a popular site, indexing the words on its pages and following
every link found within the site. In this way, the spidering system
quickly begins to travel, spreading out across the most widely used
portions of the web.
Once the spiders have completed the task of finding information
on web pages, the search engine must store the information in a way
that makes it useful. There are two key components involved in
making the gathered data accessible to users:
; The information stored with the data
; The method by which the information is indexed

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In the simplest case, a search engine could just store the word
and the URL where it was found. In reality, this would make for an
engine of limited use, since there would be no way of telling whether
the word was used in an important or a trivial way on the page,
whether the word was used once or many times or whether the page
contained links to other pages containing the word. In other words,
there would be no way of building the ranking list that tries to present
the most useful pages at the top of the list of search results.
To make for more useful results, most search engines store more
than just the word and URL. An engine might store the number of
times that the word appears on a page. The engine might assign a
weight to each entry, with increasing values assigned to words as they
appear near the top of the document, in sub-headings, in links, in the
meta tags or in the title of the page. Each commercial search engine
has a different formula for assigning weight to the words in its index.
This is one of the reasons that a search for the same word on different
search engines will produce different lists, with the pages presented in
different orders.
An index has a single purpose: It allows information to be found
as quickly as possible. There are quite a few ways for an index to be
built, but one of the most effective ways is to build a hash table. In

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hashing, a formula is applied to attach a numerical value to each word.
The formula is designed to evenly distribute the entries across a
predetermined number of divisions. This numerical distribution is
different from the distribution of words across the alphabet, and that is
the key to a hash table's effectiveness.
The Search Engine Program
The search engine software or program is the final part. When a
person requests a search on a keyword or phrase, the search engine
software searches the index for relevant information. The software
then provides a report back to the searcher with the most relevant
web pages listed first.
3.2 Top Search Engines
I’ve studied how search engines work. An integral part of any
Internet marketing or search engine optimization campaign is to know
exactly which search engines to target. This section discusses some of
the top search engines today.
Google has increased in popularity tenfold the past several years.
They went from beta testing to becoming the Internet's largest index
of web pages in a very short time. Their spider, affectionately named

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"Googlebot", crawls the web and provides updates to Google's index
about once a month. began as an academic search engine. Google, by far,
has a very good algorithm of ranking pages returned from a result,
probably one of the main reasons it has become so popular over the
years. Google has several methods which determine page rank in
returned searches.
Yahoo! is one of the oldest web directories and portals on the
Internet today, and the site went live in August of 1994.
Yahoo! is also one of the largest traffic generators around, as far
as web directories and search engines go. Unfortunately, however, it is
also one of the most difficult to get listed in, unless of course you pay
to submit your site. Even if you pay it doesn't guarantee you will get
Either way, if you suggest a URL, it is "reviewed" by a Yahoo!
editor and, if approved, it will appear in the next index update.
Many who have access to web logs may have seen a spider
named “scooter” accessing their pages. Scooter used to be AltaVista's

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robot. However, since the Feb 2001 site update, a newer form of
Scooter is now crawling the web.
It will usually take several months for AltaVista to index your
entire site. Unlike Google, AltaVista will only crawl and index 1 link
deep, so it can take a long time to index your entire site, depending on
how large your site is.
Inktomi's popularity grew years ago as they powered the
secondary search database that had driven Yahoo. Their spiders are
named "Slurp", and different versions of Slurp crawls the web many
different times throughout the month, as Inktomi powers many sites’
search results. There isn't much more to Inktomi than that. Slurp puts
heavy weight on title and description tags, and will rarely deep-crawl a
site. Slurp usually only spiders pages that are submitted to its index.
Inktomi provides results to a number of sites. Some of these are
America Online, MSN, Hotbot, Looksmart, About, Goto, CNet,
Geocities, NBCi, ICQ and many more.
Lycos is one of the oldest search engines on the Internet today,
next to Altavista and Yahoo. Their spider, named "T-Rex", crawls the

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web and provides updates to the Lycos index from time to time. The
FAST crawler provides results for Lycos in addition to its own
The Lycos crawler does not weigh META tags too heavily. Instead,
it relies on its own ranking algorithm to rank pages returned in results.
The URL, META title, text headings, and word frequency are just a few
of the methods Lycos uses to rank pages. Lycos does support pages
with Frame content. However, any page that isn't at least 75 words in
content is not indexed.
Excite has been around the web for many years now. Much more
of a portal than just simply a search engine, Excite used to be a fairly
popular search engine, until companies such as Google started
dominating the search engine market. As of recently, Excite no longer
accepts submissions of URL's, and appears to no longer spider. To get
into the Excite search results, you need to be either listed with Yahoo!
or Inktomi.

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Getting listed with Looksmart could mean getting a good amount
of traffic to your site. Looksmart's results appear in many search
engines, including AltaVista, MSN, CNN, and many others.
Looksmart has two options to submit your site. If your site is
generally non-business related, you can submit your site to Zeal
(Looksmart's sister site), or if you are a business, you can pay a fee to
have your site listed. Either method will get you listed in Looksmart
and its partner sites if you are approved.
Once your site is submitted and approved, it will take up to about
7 days for your site to be listed on Looksmart and its partner sites.
3.3 Search Engine Page-Ranking Algorithms
A search engine's main job is to provide results which most satisfy
a user's query. If they present a result that the user visits and doesn't
agree that the document is about their query, there is a very good
chance that the user may not use that search engine again. Most
search engines pay no attention at all to the Meta description tags.
Meta description and keyword tags are hidden attributes that you can
add to the front of your document which are supposed to annotate and
describe the document. Since the users will never see this information,

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they will be disappointed if you stick in invalid keywords or fail to keep
the description in line with the document's contents which usually is
the case.
Most Search Engine page-ranking algorithms rank pages based on
the following aspects:
; Content of the website
; Representation of content, keywords, and links on websites
; Location and number of inward and outward links on
; Relevancy of search terms as compared to the websites
Given below is a brief description of the page-ranking algorithms
of some of the most popular search engines.
You can submit your website to Google at the following URL: Submitting your site will only make
Google aware that your page exists; it is quite possible that your
pages may get crawled even if you have not submitted. It is advisable
to submit the home page and some inside pages. Inside pages are
added to the submission, just in case the home page is found too slow

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to load or crawl. The pages that are submitted should link to the rest
of the pages. Google indexes the full text that is visible on any page
that it crawls. It generally does not index the metatags – keywords or
When Google lists your page in the search results, the description
that is displayed is the extract of text that is around the first line
where the search word appears on the page. It may thus be a good
idea to write a good description of the page and build it around the
most likely search term(s) and place that near the top of your page.
You should remember that one sure way of getting your site listed and
indexed is if there are several links that point to your site and such
links appear on web pages that in turn have several other links
pointing to them. The term “link popularity” is used for this. It
analyzes links of the pages that it has visited and this “link analysis”
helps to determine the ranking of the page.
Google uses a proprietary PageRank algorithm for determining
relevance and ranking of pages in the search results. Location and
frequency of the search term on your web page are no doubt factors in
ranking; however, off-the-page factors such as link analysis are more
important. Generally, Google provides search results based on
relevancy, meaning that it returns a list of pages ranked by the

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number of other web pages linking to each page, as well as other
mathematical algorithms
Yahoo! offers a human-powered directory and offers its results to
visitors. The directory is supplemented by a web page index created
by crawling. The directory is an important channel in the area of
search engine marketing. It is popular and is used extensively by
people to locate sources of information. Moreover, the directory is a
valuable boost to your site for crawling and ranking in other search
engines, as the directory provides a high-quality link to your website.
When a visitor is looking for information on relevant sites, she
could either browse through the hierarchy of directories and sub-
directories or search for an appropriate directory through a search
interface. As your site can be listed in just one category, generally, the
choice of category is an important step. Choose the top category that
your target visitor who is making a search may select out of the
different categories offered to him/her.
Select your target keywords and find out which categories relate
to those keywords. For submission of non-commercial sites, the
Yahoo! Express submission is recommended rather than the Standard
submission option.

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The results page in your chosen category will list your site in two
possible sections (for most categories). One section is called "Most
Popular Sites" and this is on top, while the second section contains the
remaining listings in Alphabetical order.
Yahoo! does not reveal how it includes certain sites in the “Most
Popular Sites” list. However, link analysis and click-throughs are likely
to be factors. You cannot pay to be included in this section. Certain
sites with sunglasses shown next to their name or an “@” symbol
shown at the end of the name reflect that Yahoo! considers those sites
to be excellent.
Inktomi (MSN Search, AOL Search, Hotbot)
Inktomi is a search engine that does not offer its search services
through its own site, but through Partner sites – prominent ones being
MSN Search, AOL Search, HotBot and others.
Inktomi, through its crawler, creates three different indexes. “Best
of the Web” index has around 110 million pages that it indexes on the
web and considers high in link analysis. The next set of around 390
million pages is indexed as “Rest of the Web”, considered as lower in
link analysis. The third index is of paid inclusion. It also offers
specialized regional indexes as well as targeted news, multimedia and
directory indexes. It avoids duplication of the same page in more than

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one index. Link crawling and paid inclusion are the two most effective
ways to get covered by crawling. For bulk submissions to its paid
program, it offers IndexConnect (for 1000 or more pages). Again,
there is a cost-per-click basis with a monthly minimum.
Ranking at Inktomi is determined by a combination of factors
including HTML links, keywords and description tags near the top of
the page or in the title tag. If the search string matches with what is
found at these places on the page, the ranking is higher. Link analysis
and analysis of clickthroughs are other important criteria that it
AltaVista will accept free listings through its “addurl” link, but it
also has paid inclusion features. Generally, their crawler may visit
every four weeks. Paid inclusion may be desirable if you have a new
website or web pages or if you alter your web pages frequently, and
you do not wish to wait until the next cycle of crawling. There is an
“Express Paid” inclusion service of self-service type for up to 500
pages at a time. This service will enable weekly crawling. Their bulk
program called “Trusted Feed” will enable the pages to be directly
linked to their index. Pricing for “Trusted Feed” is on a cost-per-click
model with a monthly minimum. In this program you can submit the

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