Parks Return To Competition COVID19 guidelines 08102020 - DRAFT

Parks Return To Competition COVID19 guidelines 08102020 - DRAFT, updated 8/11/20, 3:35 PM

About Hillsborough County Parks

The Parks & Recreation Department operates numerous parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, and recreation centers. The department also provides programs, events, and activities to Hillsborough County residents year-round.

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Parks and Recreation


In these unprecedented times, we recognize the importance of our role in establishing new operational procedures
for the opening of athletic fields for competition play that will benefit the health and wellbeing of all our users. Any
rental or Facility Use Agreement holder requesting use of Hillsborough County athletic fields will be required to follow
the below rules and recommendations in addition to current CDC guidelines.


 Limit use of shared equipment.
 Any shared equipment needs to be sanitized frequently between uses.
 Each team must have a CDC Approved hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol for coaches and participants.
 Monitor the players use of restroom to ensure social distancing
 Clean, sanitize, and disinfect common touch surfaces between sessions.
 Equipment, Shared Objects, Door Handles, Sink Handles, Drinking Fountains, Restrooms
 Ensure safe and correct application of disinfectants and keep products away from children.


 Specific entry/exit to facility and drop off/pickup plan needed.
 Dugouts can be used as entry/exit points to the field or for emergency situations only. No players are allowed in
the dugouts at this time.
 Must keep roster/attendance for each scheduled practice to assist with contact tracing, if necessary.
 All fields must be locked/secured after use.
 Restriction of some amenities (i.e. playgrounds) due to challenges of adhering to stated policies.


 League is responsible for monitoring competition play in accordance to these guidelines.
 Consequences for lack of compliance may include a suspension from play.


 Must submit a schedule of all games and practices.

It is suggested that all participants, parents, volunteer, and board members must sign a waiver prior to entering
the facility.
 Online registration and use of conference calls or other online platforms for any group or parent meetings are
 Program hours are from sunrise to 10:00 p.m.

Parks and Recreation


 Previously submitted (RTP) safety plan by the league shall to adhered to (adequate social distance provisions for
inclement weather i.e. lightning).
 When not playing, strict adherence to at least 6-foot social distancing is required.
 Team huddles must allow for safe distancing
 No player contact (handshakes, high-fives, celebrations)
 Those who feel ill must stay home.
 Those who may be symptomatic, must follow CDC protocols.

It is strongly recommended for temperature checks to be conducted at arrival.
 CDC suggests that participants wear masks when social distancing cannot be adhered to.
 Coaches, parents and umpires are strongly encouraged to wear a mask.

Individuals must bring their own drinks - use of water coolers/fountains are discouraged.
 Bleachers and picnic tables will not be available for use (No group gatherings).
 Concession stands are open for limited sales. Pre-packaged food and drinks only.
 No food preparation (grill or fry items, fountain drinks, etc.)
 Concession stand volunteers must wear masks, gloves and continuously sanitize sales area.
 Encourage call ahead/online ordering. If not, lines must adhere to 6-foot distancing
 Parents are encouraged to remain in vehicles.

If a parent chooses to watch, he/she must:
 Stay off the field/sideline
 Bring their own chair
 And are encouraged to wear a mask and 6-foot social distance outside all fence lines.
 Adhere to all affiliation guidelines for play- HCPRD guidelines will supersede affiliation guidelines where conflicts
among guidelines exist
 Preparing for When Someone Gets Sick
 No return to competition play for any that are sick until CDC‘s criteria to discontinue home isolation has
been met
 Clean and disinfect facility
 Notify health officials including the HCPRD Athletics office.

in accordance with Hillsborough County Parks and Recreation Department
I, __________________________ as _________________________ LEAGUE’S Representative, with authority to bind the
LEAGUE, do hereby certify compliance with the COVID-19 guidelines as set forth by Hillsborough County Parks and
Recreation Department. The roster and identification cards issued by the LEAGUE reflects compliance by the LEAGUE for
the mandatory COVID-19 Guidelines for all coaches/parents/guardians/volunteers and athletes. The roster and
identification cards will be updated annually or as needed prior to each league’s preseason/season and ensure the
COUNTY always has an updated roster. The LEAGUE takes responsibility for the Covid-19 Guidelines compliance and
understands the LEAGUE is solely responsible for implementing and enforcing all coaches/parents/guardians/volunteers
and athletes are following the guidelines.

Signature _________________________________________________ Date___________________________