ATOs stole the the Wolfpack mascot head

ATOs stole the the Wolfpack mascot head, updated 3/8/22, 7:11 PM

personATO Duke

About ATO Duke

Duke University, ATO Xi Chapter - Founded 1872

To bind men together in a brotherhood based upon eternal and immutable principles, with a bond as strong as right itself and as lasting as humanity ; to know no North, no South, no East, no West, but to know man as man, to teach that true men the world over should stand together. Otis Allan Glazebrook, 1880.

Alpha Tau Omega began as an idea in the mind of a young Civil War veteran who wanted peace and reconciliation. His name was Otis Allan Glazebrook. His people were defeated, many of their cities burned, much of their countryside ravaged. But Glazebrook, who had helped bury the dead of both sides, believed in a better future. He saw the bitterness and hatred that followed the silencing of the guns and knew that a true peace would come not from force of law, but rather from with the hearts of men who were willing to work to rekindle a spirit of brotherly love.

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Christy (Jeff Christopher): 1973 "Also Buck stole the the Wolfpack mascot head at a
State game…"
Monk (Ken Jackson): "You give Buck way too much credit. It was a team effort
including Ted Smider and me. We had a relay to get it out the door of Cameron then
hightailed it out of there. A cheerleader came chasing us and didn’t see the chain at
the end of the Card Gym parking lot and bit the dust. The day after the game Dean
Douthit called the ATOs and said if we turn over the Wolf Head there would be no
penalties. As proof here is a picture of the Wolf Head in my room"
Turk (Robert Jackson): "I carried it over the chain which the cheerleaders tripped over
in pursuit."