Tips From Birmingham, AL Pediatric Dentist: How To Prevent Cavities In Baby Teeth

Tips From Birmingham, AL Pediatric Dentist: How To Prevent Cavities In Baby Teeth, updated 11/2/23, 4:20 AM

Kids get cavities—it's a fact of life! The question is what to do about them: filling or extraction? Hurst Pediatric Dentistry (205-969-7454) in Birmingham, AL has the answers! Go to to find out more.

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Tips From Birmingham Pediatric Dentist:
How To Prevent Cavities In Baby Teeth
Hurst Pediatric Dentistry's new guide outlines the pros and
cons of filling a decaying baby tooth versus pulling it out.
In the guide, Hurst
Pediatric Dentistry argues
that in most cases, filling a
decaying baby tooth is
preferred over pulling it
This is because most children
don’t lose their baby molars until
they’re 10 or 12 years old, and
until then they need to have teeth
in their mouth in order to develop
By removing baby teeth,
Hurst Pediatric Dentistry
believes that parents are
putting their children’s
abilities to perform essential
tasks such as chewing and
speaking at risk.
Removing teeth at such a
young age can also affect a
child’s jaw formation and
facial appearance, which in
turn, can lead to more costly
orthodontic issues in the
Hurst Pediatric Dentistry is quick to note, however, that in
some cases, pulling decaying baby teeth is acceptable.
For example, if the adult or permanent tooth is already erupting
beneath the baby tooth then it is usually fine to remove it.