Law Firm Case Study Increase ROI By 1424%

Law Firm Case Study Increase ROI By 1424%, updated 12/9/20, 5:47 PM


This law firm in this case study were barely breaking even with just an ROI of 141%. Within 10 months of starting our PITargeter Matrix program, we were able to increase ROI to 1424%.

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Law Firm Case Study Increase ROI
By 1424%
Market For Law revealed a new case study today where their client
went from ROI from 141% to 1424% using their PITargeter Matrix
The case study also shows that the average
cases per month increased from 19 to 68 per
Market For Law says there are many law firms
looking for insights and answers about increasing
overall ROI.
This case study reveals that it's very
possible to build a "Coin-operated
case opportunity machine" using the
PITargeter Matrix.
The case study is available at About
Market For Law Market For Law is the combination of
three highly respected digital marketing and consulting
firms who joined forces to build a nationwide "Coin-
operated case opportunity machine" for Personal Injury At
Generating a lot of wackadoodle leads that didn't turn into
Getting pre-qualified leads that
turn into profit generating cases is
another issue.
As a result, Market For Law has been
able to generate cases for as little as
$900 for our clients.
This system weeds out the wackadoodles so that law firms only
speak with pre-qualified people who turn into a real case.
We call this personal injury case
generation system the PITargeter
The basic premise of the algorithm looks like this:
Artificial Intelligence(AI) Machine Learning(ML)
Human Intelligence(HI) = KICK BUTT MARKETING
ROI!! Learn how this was put into action with their
latest case study here:
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